Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Parts Of The Body Do You Get Hiv Rash


A bit of news from here (different font ...)

Colombia and Its Neighbours

bazookas and bases

Aug 6th 2009

Venezuela's media crackdown

Switched off

Aug 6th 2009 of an audience, Chiara came as all the turmoil and hurricanes bring new interests, or she has always forbidden to express myself freely on the internet, or I wrote every day until now, only that the government has censored me ... Maybe all this put together, the important thing is that I am here again. With, as always, billions of things to tell and not a shred of hope in being able to tell all ...

The period is rather passed gnawing. A week before the arrival of Clare I took the initiative and have involved the other 3 sfamigliati Italian workers to go all overboard. The company has succeeded in half ... in the sense that we were able to go to sea, but 2 out of 4 (The Venezuelan make a bad effect, and the distance from home amplifies it). Consider that to go to sea I woke up at 4 in the morning at 5.45 I took Nabil (last troops arrived in the Italian, born in Casablanca with his wife and daughter waiting for him at Cesena) to Charallave and we headed Choroni. At 9 am we were on the beach. And in the 3 hour drive the show. Pretty much the way up to Maracay autopista is a quiet hour in which you can eat in a 120 km Oretta. Then start climbing the mountain that separates from the coast Maracay. And here comes the good, because you find yourself on a road that passes through dense vegetation, bamboo canes that make the road a cathedral, ferns that if they take advantage moisture to grow everywhere, a green color too intense ... More than once, with Nabil we observed that even if we had not reached the sea, the road itself was worth the trip up there ... The funniest part was the drive along the road, despite both traveled by bus each day from dozens of holidaymakers for a day, at different points in satin satin makes you walk to the rock to avoid a close look at the streams that flow down to valley. The first time did not seem much danger (this weekend we go back and tell you ...) ... yes you have to play the horn before turning on winding, sometimes you're stuck bus by making ploy to make the curves too tight per loro... ma non mi sembrava più pericolosa delle strade normali che abbiamo sulle Alpi...

Lungo la strada si attraversano due fiumiciattoli che la strada ha aggredito nel letto, e dove c'è acqua ci sono i bambini che giocano in mutande schizzandosi mentre i genitori riposano in macchina qualche metro più in là...

Alla fine si arriva in un pueblo che nulla ha da invidiare alle ricostruzioni hollywoodiane dei paesini messicani tutti colorati... e inizia la bolgia...

I pescatori che ti avvicinano offrendoti dei passaggi in lancia fino alle spiaggette inaccessibili in macchina... e in quattro e quattro otto, ci siamo fatti `pescare da un omuncolo che ci offriva un passaggio per Chuao... una spiaggia a 15 minuti di barca da Puerto Colombia (The pueblo before) full of camping tent, small shacks all organized to offer a modest price, comida ... Pescetto on a plate with vegetables and salad for 40 Bol ... good enough and, more importantly, we are still alive ...
But our salvation was the cool box, essential tool to survive the heat spiaggesca ... as can be done without a bulky heavy boxes full of ice and (in our case and succhetti Zup, but in most cases) of Whiskey and Vodka to transport you to kill your heels all the time because it slams on the legs?

Seriously ... it's very comfortable, but the end is just one of many things that are copied here by the Americans, se ne diventa dipendenti e, infine, fanatici... Come le banche con 7 bancomat per il prelievo, come i poliziotti in bicicletta, i fuoristrada enormi con i vetri oscurati e il cambio automatico, le bevande extrazuccherate da bere rigorosamente con il ghiaccio...

Ci hanno detto diverse volte che il modo per far finire una festa che si protrae a lungo nella notte senza fa arrabbiare le persone che vi partecipano è dire semplicemente che "il ghiaccio è finito"... nessuno qui berrebbe mai una birra o un trajo senza ghiaccio...
Per ora vi lascio, mi vado a fare una CocaCola on the rocks...

Ciao belli!!!

My Toshiba Notebooks Mouse Wont Move How Do I Fix


devo ringraziare l'olio della frizione della macchina che, finendo chissà dove attraverso quale buco, ha bloccato la frizione lasciandomi per strada abbastanza vicino all'officina da essere lesto ricuperato dal buon Antonio... ho perso la lezione di spagnolo ma sono stato riaccompagnato a casa alle 7.20 precise precise... e lì mi si aperto un mondo... posso fare un sacco di cose stasera!!!! Ho cominciato chiamando casa prima delle solite 3 del mattino (così oggi festeggia anche mamma andando a dormire prima...) poi conto un po' quanti soldi mi rimangono, cerco di caricare un po' di foto sul web, e cerco quanto ci costerà (se mi lasciano un sabato libero) arrivare un fine settimana alle Los Roques... Intanto ho scoperto che nel mese di agosto dovrò sostituire non solo il palnt manager siòre essiòri, bensì anche il resp production (of course only talking about signatures and approvals in the second case ... but there was no talk of increasing ... damn!)
Then I'm missing 16 pages of "The fate of the hunter" by Wilbur Smith. .. I drank 500 pages in a week ... To tell the truth I never bet on a bolivar Wil, but since it was lent a book to read the story I felt bad on the back cover and pretend to have read it ... m obviously will not, in the literature involved ... but I must say that Wil is great because it builds Paraculo lòibro as if it were a movie, fast in the narrative, a bit 'obvious, very exciting and above all lacks the characterizations of the characters and situations ... a bit 'flat ... did not last long, I was amused ... okay ...
Now I leave I'm going to collect photos ... Tomorrow we go on site and I'll have to do other work ... I do not know if I told you ... but one of the main activities of this first period was to create a photographic record of all equipment Trevi present here in Venezuela ... a thousand pieces all over ... scattered around the shipyards of course ... and tomorrow I have to Guareña / Guatire ...
Hello everyone! and good awakening