Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bloating Liver Failure

There are three seconds of the trip that takes me every morning in the office alone are worth a breath of pure oxygen, a sigh, and when they are just lucky, a moment of quiet amazement.
To get to the office before I get out of Caracas, then I touches a large stretch of the highway curves is favoring the hillside of the mountains, still deep green, surrounding Caracas, and finally the descent into the valley of Tuy, where there Charallave.
In the central section is a curve, one from which you can see one after another, all the mountains that frame a long narrow valley that extends for miles. And these mountains lead the eye to the horizon, when the clouds permit, far away and with incredible nuances. Sometimes the clouds are hiding the tops of mountains, sometimes forming a white bed in the valley and then you see only these geometric forms suspended in midair, sometimes still in the clouds cover part Only the top down into the bottom of the valley, and then you create some amazing pictures.
Sometimes you do not see anything ... with rain or mist the valley disappears ...
Perhaps most valuable to make this view is the fact that the beaks always have to stay focused on driving, then the tens of highway curves are all darn the same, and I can not stop anywhere along the way to make a photos or enjoy the view for a few minutes.
Whenever a surprise turn around and have this flash of the valley that runs away ... I did not look, do not try, but she appears ... About

appearances ... Today while I ate I got a craving and irrational gravidanziale fried pumpkin flower. I imagined the Alicetta with mozzarella cheese melted around, the scent of pumpkin and crispy batter and lasts around ... I was almost hallucinating ... I'm just fruit ...

Good night!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can You Use A Headset With Dj Hero

three seconds ... it's raining. ..

almost ends the second week of return quiggiù ... and I'm almost taking up the habit in these places and these faces. The homemade holiday has been a mixed blessing ... indeed, sooner rather delight and then cross. The Second Coming is different, I already know what to expect ... there is no longer the surprise with which cushions all the problems of the day. Then he pulls a heavy air in the workshop ... maybe it is the lack of the surprise, oppure è proprio che l'aria è pesante, c'è qualcosa sotto... e io lo scoprirò! Tie'

Siamo in piena stagione delle piogge. Ogni giorno, nonostante durante la giornata splenda un sole che ti brucia la pelata, verso le 6 (ora fatidica del previsto ritorno a casa) si copre tutto e si scatena l'inferno. Nel tratto di autostrada che faccio per tornare a casa l'acqua ha un'altezza fissa di 10 cm... e corre e scorre tra le macchine senza paura. Ora, finche andavo in giro con il carroarmato di Antonio (un Ford SportTrack 4.7 litri 4x4 benzina, una manna per il benzinaio) tutto a posto... ma ora che mi ritrovo con la cugina sconcia del vecchio Piddu della famiglia Cosatti (una splendida Uno 1.3 litri, una mannaia per il benzinaio (There I have to explain, with Ford at the gas station we passed once every two days and it takes 70 liters of gasoline, now with the one I pass out every two days, the tank carries 25 liters, more or less, but the attendant just break the balls, that what we do not pay even half buy coffee)) ... I said, the One is tuttaun'altra history. When I drive I hear the water splashing under their feet, pushing through the windscreen and the radio plays the song of the nudge (you remember them? "Glu glu glu glu glu glu ...")
not mean to be vulgar, I am in Chicago every night and shoulders remain in position Hunchback of Notre Dame for the voltage (in addition to drive hugging the steering wheel, hoping to see the road) ...
For all forutna not happen every day ... at times the problem of seeing the road is not the place, all was still for tea ', waiting for firefighters to remove fallen trees along the road ... with a machete ... one, not two ... A

A team of firefighters ... A machete

took me 2 hours to get home ...

cmq little reflection on the news that I started to "groom" (but not too much ...) dating back to September 8. On the one hand there is a certain Barak in front of a large audience of a college in Washington comes up with a rather stodgy speech: "To succeed you need to study." On the other hand there's the echoes of applause Red Carpet (red even more for the presence of the ties of the director and the subject) of Venice has reserved guest / subject / icon of the documentary by Oliver Stone ... Our President Chavez. What in the two-week European trip he visited Belarus and Iran and Russia and Spain and Italy precisely. In order, to Ahmadinejad in Iran promises promises 20,000 barrels of oil per day in exchange for 800 million dollars per year and some "gem" on uranium enrichment in Russia Putin discussed with his friend (who has many friends Putin) against the nickname "axis of evil" anti-iperialista (we speak of American Empire), 4.4 billion dollars to buy weapons (anti-aircraft missiles, rifles, etc.) and 92 (Ninety-two) tanks for the expenditure of $ 2.2 billion (the latter provided by Russian banks) in exchange for the exclusive use of some of the possible oil deposits in the Orinoco River (now politically recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent republics ), arrives in Italy, where local sources speak of a Venezuelan phone call an hour don the Prime Minister has not been confirmed in Italy, he participated in the Venice festival as the guest of Oliver Stone (the documentary is presented featuring the Venezuelan revolution chairman) receives applause from the audience (some newspapers have noted that the public was cheering the same a few days after the documentary would have applauded riguardanti gli scontri seguiti alle elezioni in Iran), ricorda l'amicizia con i presidenti Napolitano e Berlusconi e entusiasma i presenti con un "porto l'Italia nel cuore". Infine conclude il viaggio in Spagna, anche qui accolto come un buon ospite da Zapatero e come un nuovo amico, dopo aver messo da parte i vecchi rancori, da re Juan Carlos. In questa occasione il presidente C. tira fuori uno scoop, al largo dlle coste nord-occidentali del paese un consorzio Eni-Repsol (50-50) ha scoperto uno dei più grandi giacimenti di gas al mondo. Grandi applausi. La PDVSA, compagnia petrolifera statale entrerà automaticamente nel consorzio con una quota del 35%. A Repsol ed Eni toccherà il 32.5% cadauna. Applausi (?!?).
Il viaggio di Chavez ends here. We hope that the kids have absorbed something from the speech Barack ...

now all below deck ... you go to bed! Goodnight

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hindware Sanitary Fittings

el temblor

nearly stayed in Italy ...

arrive at baggage check-in counter and tipino looks at me and he says, "How many bags?", And I, "two!", And he, "oh well, it begins to give me my passport and then we'll see, you're in stand by "... and then I think, "sorry but if you see me for a little light red on the face?" but instead I ask only explanation ... Answer: "The flight is full, waiting lists and then close look" (she seemed to stand out of a nightclub, which depending on the entry list or not ...)

after a deep breath and began to look around me to explain my situation, trying to make logical sense what is not ... sell more tickets for seats on the plane actually present only on the basis of statistical considerations ... alright ... almost always ... here .. we were just out that "almost"

cmq in the end the place is and tipino adds, "ok parts, but you know there is a possibility that your bags arrive tomorrow, sometimes people do not take the baggage of overbooking , then I say, "in the charming town of Caracas, you know how many chances I have to see me get the luggage on the day after my arrival ?"... and then he comes out with the usual phrase soft / sad / pathetic / annoying ... "eh lo so, ma io non c'entro niente, sai, io gli sparerei a quelli che causano queste situazioni, che poi ci vado io di mezzo"

e va bene... allora stai meglio tu!

cmq partiamo, io e i miei bagagli, arrivati in orario e tutti interi (tutti e tre noi) dopo aver dormito troppo, anche succosamente sull'aereo, tra un film e uno snack. (parentesi filmica, sono riuscito a vedere "Ricatto d'amore" con Sandra Bullock e "Generazione mille euro" di un certo Venier, davvero davvero carini tutti e due, il primo più del secondo, classica commediola italiana, cmq piacevole)
Arrivo a Caracas e chi incontro? per la seconda volta (delle due) un terremoto accompagna la mia venuta. Questa volta un 7mo grado but rather violent murderess (only 14 wounded). Meanwhile smi 9 floors are done on foot with a suitcase and found the coat and a bedside lamp in the room unsteadily picture ... Fortunately, for now nothing

Today I went back to work after a Sunday spent in the name of full immersion in the fifth series of Lost ... I have seen 9 episodes ... Come back from work today I met the rain ... but not normal rain ... the PPIIOOGGGGIIAA .... honestly I never, absolutely never seen in my life so much water falling from the sky ... we were all lined up to 30km per hour, close neighbors to see the lights of the car in front to get a guide (I never wanted to be the first in line this time) and no one exceeded, never happened before ...
very cool to see that the highway for about twenty miles, without interruption, machinery walked in about ten feet of water ... cmq come home I unlined barattoletto Parmesan and pesto ... four home-made and now I'm ready for a nap ... more than ready ... have a dream ...

good waking up to you across the globe