Saturday, July 24, 2010

Off Road Go-kart Blue Prints

* * * * * * Our honeymoon * * * * * *

Travel Married to
PG and Clare in New Zealand and Fiji Islands
from October 25 to November 19

Day 1 / 2 - Journey - Roma-Dubai; Dubai-Bangkok; Bangkok-Melbourne; Melbourne-Christchurch

....mmmmm...e già, è proprio un viaggio della speranza!!!!

e non è ancora nulla a confronto con ciò che ci aspetta...

Giorno 3 – Christchurch - Orari B&B

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1)

Forse ci troviamo di fronte allo scenario della creazione...

E fu sera e fu mattina: primo giorno (Gn 1, 5)...

It is also our first Jonah to travel to New Zealand, although difficult to distinguish the time upside down in the evening by the morning!

Day 4 - Kaikoura - Bendamere House

God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together in one place and the dry land appear. " And so it happened. God called the dry land Earth, and sea water.

And the evening and the morning. (Gn 1: 9-10, 13)

Perhaps the man has no items available for this scenario desrivere of nature!

(maybe it's just a montage, we will tell you to return ...)

Day 5 / 6 - Kaiteriteri - Kimi Now - Hike in Abel Tasman National Park

Chiara: "I think this will take the sun to turn red as the sand! "

PG:" 'More by which we are waiting to start our walk that takes about 5 hours!

'More ... 'More ... Oh my God !!!!" fainted

Day 7 - Punakaiki - The Rocks

Nature undisturbed ... Before ...

esplosiva poi!!!

Day 8 - Fox Glacier - Misty Peaks - glacier walks

Pg: "'More hours .. .. King ... We are ... ... and i?

Chiara: "Yes, yes love I'm coming!"

... but who am I doing this? I'm about to stay here and play cards with the penguins ... ihihih! ...

Day 9 - Queenstown - Central Ridge Boutique Hotel

Day 10 - Milford Sound - Cruise on the Milford Mariner

Chiara: "Ahhh ... Finally a bit of relaxation!"

Pg: "'More what if after we explore the top, you see that there, there instill the highest?"

"Or we can go canoeing parteciapre the night tonight!"

Day 11 - Queenstown - Central Ridge Boutique Hotel

Day 12/13 - Rotorua - Robertson House - traditional Maori dinner and visit to Waitomo Caves

Oggi ci aspetta una bella sauna! ...'More niente shopping!

Chiara: "My love of nature but check out the show ... looks like a starry sky! Watch almost touch the" stars "! How nice! Ma. But what is it? What a strange consistency that have these little things bright? More but what are they? "

Pg:" More I am a worm!

'More ... 'More .... Here, I fainted again! "

Day 14 - Auckland - Sunderland House

Giorno 15 – Dargaville - Waipoua Lodge

Giorno 16/17 – Paihia - Crisdon Castle – Crociera Cape Brett Hole in the Rock

Giorno 18 – Waitakere - Equinox Lodge

The footprints of PG, which turns away dejected after yet another fake fainting Clare at the thought of a walk on the beach ... how many will be ... 3 or 4 kilometers!

Day 19 - Nadi (Fiji's Islands) - Tanoa International Hotel

Day 20/21/22/23 - Malolo Island - Resort Likuliku


Day 24 - Nadi (Fiji's Islands) - Tanoa International Hotel

Day 25/26 - Return to Italy - Auckland-Sydney, Sydney-Bangkok-Bangkok Dubai, Dubai-Rome ... but only for a night

Day 27 - Return to Venezuela with an escort of antidepressants ...

Se volete accompagnarci nel nostro viaggio potete effettuare un bonifico sul conto intestato a:

Pierluigi Colavini

Codice IBAN: IT 35Y 03296 01601 000066 271491

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Sperando di vedervi tutti il 24 ottobre!

Chiara e PG