Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Songs To Play B Ball To

Da San Paolo a Londra. Storia di un informatico italo-brasiliano.

Here is the story of Andre, a Brazilian boy, going to Rome, and 'came to live here in London.

tell your story of IT migration?

I arrived in Rome in 2006. Before that I lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I studied computer science at the University for four years' Mackenzie.
At first I was a good job and my economic situation was fairly good. But at some point I was tired of seeing all the corruption, poverty 'and crime that arose, so I decided to emigrate. Accustomed to Brazil, Italy seem to me 'immediately paradise. Living for so 'many years that reality' I thought now was the normality ', I could not imagine a life without all those problems. I had always dreamed of going to live in Italy, my dream had finally crowned.

Why Italy?

In Brazil, as throughout the world, Italy and 'seen as a beautiful country where you live and eat well. Italian food is' very famous in Brazil, you can find restaurants and shops that sell typical Italian products. Pasta and pizza sono tra i piatti piu' famosi in Brasile. Dopo New York, San Paolo e' la citta' che consuma piu' pizza al mondo. Inoltre l'Italia e' stata la mia prima scelta perche' i miei antenati erano italiani. Mi sono sempre sentivo un po' italiano, anche se sono nato in Brasile e a casa nessuno lo parlava (tranne qualche parolaccia). Prima di andare in Italia facevo un’ora di lezioni private a settimana. Sentivo la radio e leggevo i giornali italiani tutti i giorni. Sarebbe potuto bastare per una persona qualunque che voleva andare in Italia a cercare un lavoro, ma non per me. Io volevo parlare come gli italiani. In Italia ho continuato a fare lezione privata e penso finalmente di aver raggiunto un livello abbastanza buono. Anche adesso che sono 2 anni che vivo a Londra, cerco di mantenere i rapporti con gli amici e i parenti italiani mi aiutano a non dimenticare questo lingua.

Una volta in Italia?

Arrivato a Roma, ho trovato subito lavoro senza troppe difficolta'. In una settimana ho fatto cinque colloqui e ho ricevuto piu' di una offerta. Allora non capivo bene com'era la vita da precario, quindi per me e' stata una bella cosa firmare il mio primo contratto a progetto. L'inizio pero’ e’ stato duro, avevo problemi di communicazione visto che lavoravo soltanto con italiani. Comunque mi hanno accettato molto bene e dopo 2 mesi mi sentivo gia' a casa. A Roma ho lavorato per 2 anni all'INPS, Telecom and the Italian Post. Telecom had the project contract with a small company. Between me and Telecom were 3 companies in between. I took almost 2 000 a month, but worked from 10 to 20. During those two years I began to understand that the situation in Italy was not so 'Good. Developers Italians are very good. There are many Italian experts at Microsoft, many others who write books in English. Unfortunately, however, 'not all are recognized in Italy and many have to accept bad working conditions. I have seen the boom and a precarious economic and political crisis without precedent. I realized that there was not much hope for me and so 'I made the decision to emigrate again.

And here we are in London, why this city '?

beginning I did it for money. I had a friend here that took the better salary. Unfortunately, however
'start in this city' has been much more 'hard in Rome. The language and 'was the obstacle most' difficult to overcome. For three months I studied English at a language school (not expensive, but 'a very low level) and in parallel I had private lessons to prepare for an interview. I worked in a pub as a "glass collector, which is the only job I could do without speaking English well. After 3 months I started to feel more 'sure of myself and began to send my resume. They called me 5 or 6 times a day. The first two days I did not understand and ask for more 'times to repeat. Then I realized that the questions were always the same and began to better prepare for talks on the phone and answer any questions of the agencies. In 10 days more sustained 'at the end of seven interviews and received a good job.

How 'was the impact in the world of work in the IT industry in London?

Despite arriving in London at the beginning of the economic crisis, I found a very good working situation. Better wages, contracts of indefinite duration. Impossible dream for me in Italy. I felt I had found the best job I ever had. Both in Brazil and in Italy. There was no comparison. Today, after two years, I have found the right path.

What advice to those wishing to emigrate abroad like you?

As always suggest, the most 'important at the beginning and' investing in an English course (although I prefer the private lessons). For example, I continued to study for another 12 months even if you have found work.
As for the house, since I had friends in London, the beginning and 'was quiet. Once settled and inderterminato time work, and 'more' easy to find the right house for you.

return to Brazil?

Never say never, but 'right now I have no desire to return and I'd like to live in Europe for a long planted today. In Brazil, the only thing I would consider and 'having that experience abroad would be possible to return with a very good salary, although I assume that in the long run I new to do with the same problems that drove me already' once to change the country.

return to Italy instead?

I'd like to return to Italy, but at the moment not even think about it.
Italy and 'the country more' beautiful in the world and where the food is better ... (if you grab the gradient). In my opinion it would take a revolution! I am sure that all Italians (and others) back in Italy as soon as possible.

We can only hope ...

Andre Thanks for your testimony.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

26 John Allmand Boats

Vuoi andare a vivere all’estero? I 10 NON motivi per cui sarebbe meglio non emigrare.

many stereotypes are created in the minds of those who dream to live abroad. They can be dangerous if one wished to Imbach enterprise. It 'best to clarify.

1) Outside life is easier.

2) I believe that my life would be better abroad.

If you think it means that you are not mature enough to make sacrifices. Emigrate means to get involved. So if you decide to go, prepare yourself for tough times because they do not miss them.

3) found a job.

4) I think my work is better abroad.

Every year London hosts 1 million people. Means that every year people all over the world comes and goes to London. So prepare to compete, perhaps people more capable than you, who speak the language better, having a degree and who have more experience than you. So do not start at a disadvantage, trying to see in advance what are your options once there. For example in London that would have the possibility of finding a job in IT? Start looking on the internet, maybe you have a look at where to look for work in London .

5) Take a better salary if I worked abroad.

And if you do not find work at all? Living in Italy gives you an advantage among immigrants, you'd think that once abroad the same advantage? Get ready to go down instead of level, to take a salary worse compared to the current one. Only he who knows the difference for his talents may one day aspire to a better salary. You are the best of Chinese and Indians who live here in London, speak English, sono laureati e sono disposti a fare ogni genere di sacrificio pur di ottenere uno stipendio migliore nel settore IT?

6) Una volta arrivato mi imparo la lingua dopo un mese.

7) La lingua non è un problema, una volta lì la si impara.

Falso! Quanti stranieri conoscete che vivono in Italia da anni, e ancora non si sono imparati a parlare l’italiano? Io stesso, nonostante lavoro con inglesi da ormai 6 mesi, faccio enormi difficoltà a capire e a farmi capire. Mentre lavorate, cercate anche di andare a scuola, leggere giornali inglesi, guardare la TV con i sottotitoli in inglese. Nel mio caso, ho lo svantaggio di vivere con la mia compagna italiana e con altri ragazzi Italian. Try instead to isolate yourself from this environment.

8) Why I went on vacation and I fell in love with the place.

How many times in Italy than in the north down to south during the summer? How many people, including Europeans and Americans come to see our country to spend their vacation? And how many of them eventually decide to stay or relocate? A bill to make a pleasure trip and spend a period of time without any stress, hotels, restaurants and walking, another is having to survive.

9) I'm so dissatisfied with my life which I now give up everything and go away.

Wherever you decide to go, unless you have a life of ease and comfortable, life will never cease to give moments of grief, anger or disappointment. If you decide to flee, and not to emigrate to mention the days of your return home. Do not, stay home and be content with what you have.

But if you decide you want to leave, make sure you have serious reasons, once you find the job of your life (assuming that it is so simple), what are the reasons that makes you stay there? Also try to plan every detail of your departure months in advance. Plan your trip, give yourself goals and try to use the time you have to find some useful contacts for any eventuality. Mamma e papà ora non potranno più aiutarti una volta fuori.

10) Voglio fuggire dall’Italia e dai suoi Italiani.

L’Italia si sa è oramai è in mano a politici, baronetti, e delinquenti.

Ma l’Italia, la mia Italia, è del popolo e per il popolo. Accettate di essere un popolo che vuol essere considerato dall’Italia e poi dal resto del mondo. Perché una volta fuori, porterete avanti con dignità ed orgoglio le vostro origini.

Saranno gli stereotipi nei confronto dell’Italia e degli italiani in genere il vero nemico di chi vi guarda con occhi stranieri, saranno le battute, a volte offensive, di chi crede che siamo il paese the Mafia, pizza, the gesture with his hand, verses, ditties of the mandolin, of Berlusconi.

will be all this and more, that will remind you that Italy is not all there, it's something that now escapes you, but once with the muzzle off, you would like to remind all costs.

All the anger that you will have to process, because the Italians we can criticize our nation, but just between us, because once out, there will be people who will test everything you've hated and loved to a moment before, forcing us to defend it, as you can.

So plan to criticize, I have also since Italy, and Italy is the home that I hope to find soon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can A Felon Own A Compound Bow

Italiano senza passaporto? In UK potrebbe essere un problema.

Today an Italian citizen can 'wake up one morning and decide on a European destination to live for as long as he has in mind.

Simply obtain one of the following documents:
  • Document of Identity '(ID card);
  • EU passport.
If it is not just a holiday of pleasure, but rather 'we wanted to follow in the footsteps of your computer migratory, both documents would ensure their stay in the host country. But the only ID card may not provide those additional services such as request NIN, have a contract of employment, enroll in a college, open a bank account, etc. ...

Sometimes you may encounter with people who can refuse your ID card, opting instead for a passport. The reasons are sometimes out of ignorance or (someone in the UK still think it is not in Europe), or simply because Italy still insists in using the ID card by applying strong restrictions on issuance of passport. In UK he performed a driver's license as identification document 'valid, and the passport as a document di espatrio.

Ma allora cosa posso fare se sono senza passaporto e non mi accettano la mia ID card?

Per prima cosa non perdiamo la calma, e cerchiamo invece di lavorarci con un po’ di diplomazia e astuzia. Se l’argomento cittadino europeo non ha dato i giusti frutti, vi consiglio di mostrare la vostra patente (tesserino magnetico) per comprovare la vostra identita’. Essa infatti rispecchia fortemente le caratteristiche di un documento, anche se e’ un documento di riconoscimento valido SOLO in Italia, mentre la sua validita’ e’ soggetta alle leggi dello stato ospitante. Quindi non provate a partire senza la vera ID card.

But I do not have the new license, and even that old, what can I do?

If the makeup of the license had the chance, maybe you require an alternative which can provide other types of document. And this surprises you do not make faces because they could take everything to facilitate the service. An example: here asking for credit card.

Have you had similar experiences? Leave your story here.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kate`s Playground Wiki

Dove cercare lavoro a Londra.

useful info on what sites to look for work in London .

As I said, I I found work easily through gumtree.com . But there are several sites, especially in the IT industry, which may be useful.

Just sign up, provide an address on your CV and a local phone number, and good luck!

Here's the list:

know another way, let me know?