A well-organized a trip
The idea was to leave for three days and go down south to the state Amazonia ... Anthony had suggested we get to Puerto Ayacucho, sleep there and Sunday morning looking for some activities on the shore of the High Orinoco.
Puerto Ayacucho is a pretty little town recently. It rises on the right bank of the Orinoco in so far as the river forms the boundary between Venezuela and Colombia. The fact is that only in the last fifty years have built the road coming from the north to the deep south. Even today, the road ends there, and there are only trees and forests. The guide says that even large tracts of the mountain range to the south of Venezuela have never been visited in the world ... I did not think there are still unexplored areas ...
We were quite excited ... only can go rafting on the river in the engine, in Puerto Ayacucho there la possibilitá di mangiare carne di tapiro e di altri animali inusuali. Il problema é che come tutti i fin de semana largo, i ponti, i venezuelani escono dalle loro case e si riversano nelle poche pensioni disponibili in questi luoghi, turistici, ma neanche tanto. Andiamo a cercare tra le conoscenze di Antonio e su internet se c’é qualcuno che ci puó ospitare…ma niente.
Secondo problema, per arrivare a puerto Ayacucho servono 10 ore almeno, di macchina… niente male. E partire a mezzogiorno con la prospettiva di dover attraversare l’Orinoco su una chiatta di notte non è il massimo… Piano piano il progetto amazonia sfumava senza riserve…
Allora ci buttiamo sull’occidente, Nabil ... and I go to see the Choir, colonial town, a former second capital of Venezuela Caracas, Sunday and let's see a desert area with a lot of high sand dunes (from Google Earth really looks pristine desert) and then we throw ourselves on the Peninsula, I do not remember the name, where there are expanses of cactus, surfing beaches and a lighthouse with a left to reach off-road track ...
If you add that to the handful Francisco with his girlfriend ... he was a choir and says, "a nice town, an hour and a half and go home ..." and then "the desert? Okay you've seen in Europe to force the desert ... " and I "... ...", And he said "ah, in Europe there are deserts?" And I again: ".... .... "
program changed again, hopefully for the last time as they are 8 pm the previous day ... So is decided. We go to the National Park Mochima. Eastern Venezuela, the national park islands "pristine" along the road to Cumana.
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