job as a programmer
Forse per caso a Bruxelles e’ il nome del suo blog. Lui si chiama Antonio alias Andima, e questa la sua storia.
Chi e' Andima?
28enne italiano, nato in Germania ma cresciuto in Campania, ora vive in Belgio ma viene in verità da Dublino insieme alla sua dolce metà di Madrid. Insomma nato già italiano all'estero, poi è tornato ad esserlo con il tempo per ristabilire o soltanto identificare gli equilibri necessari, un po' come il "Creato io creo, è l'unico equilibrio, è l'unica giustizia" di Paul Eluard. Beh, le cose son sempre un po' complicate, si sa, l'importante è provarci e sorridere... insieme.
(Ecco, se volevate una descrizione veloce, potete anche fermarvi qui).
Insomma, chi sei?
Sono un ragazzo del sud Italia nato in Germania da genitori italiani all'epoca emigrated for different reasons. I could not get next to nothing about German culture, because after three years the family decided to return to Italy, in a village on the Cilento coast, where they are then grown.
In life I did a little 'all over to pay for the first installment of the motor and then the college expenses: the clerk in a grocery store to the transporter of dairy products, by the click (photographer / animator) to the cashier to the mask (dress Mickey, from Tweety, to take photos with children), and cultivate my passion for writing and drawing. Convinced that all that art would have given me a brilliant career, unemployment, decided to devote myself to one of my other passions, computers.
Anni dopo ho conseguito prima la Laurea triennale e poi la specialistica in Informatica all'Università di Salerno.
Motivo per cui hai lasciato l'Italia?
Dopo 10 mesi di contratto presso il laboratorio universitario dove avevo lavorato ai miei progetti di tesi, decisi che era tempo di cambiare. L'idea di provarci a Roma o Milano, come la maggior parte dei miei amici laureati, non mi allettava, cosi' ho iniziato a studiare (di nuovo) durante gli ultimi mesi di contratto che avevo presso l'Università, ottenendo due certificazioni Java Sun (Sun Java Programmer e Sun Business Component Developer), perché avevo già in mente di andare all'estero e temevo che da neolaureato il mio cv would not be too convincing. I decided to go to Dublin where I had been for two weeks during a course in English, because I liked the city (a capital city not too big, English-speaking, friendly people) and especially because at that time the major computer companies had the its European headquarters in Ireland (Google, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Dell, etc..) and I had a better chance of challenging work experience.
Reason why you left Dublin?
After a year and a half in Ireland began a major crisis to hit multiple areas and was working at the company began having financial problems. At the same time My girlfriend (aka Dublin) was about to leave Ireland with Paris in mind. While the layoffs began in the company and several Irish manager (my former colleagues) tried to get me in other companies in which they had in turn been made recently, she was able to divert to another European capital, which is closer to Dublin as size and equally challenging: Brussels. I wanted to stay more years in Ireland and job opportunities were not lacking despite the crisis, but a series of coincidences and the desire to discover new vistas have the upper hand to take me to Belgium. So I did not leave Dublin to Brussels the second best in the grounds of the former city are similar to some characteristics, diversissime per altre, non esiste un peggio o un meglio universale ma soltanto un equilibrio che soddisfi i propri compromessi personali, per questo si può stare bene a Roma, a Londra come a Stoccolma. E non escludo di tornare a Dublino in futuro.
Conoscevi gia' il francese?
No, non lo conoscevo. Inviavo cv e lettera di presentazione in inglese. Questo ovviamente preclude molte porte, la maggioranza delle offerte spesso cita esplicitamente la conoscenza di almeno una delle due lingue (se non entrambe), ma spesso applicavo ugualmente perché non avevo nulla da perdere, sapevo che l'inglese lo avrebbero capito e magari di fronte ad un profilo adeguato per una posizione aperta avrebbero comunque provato to call me. Try not harmful, in fact.
All calls are conducted in English and if anyone had asked me if I had wanted to learn French, the answer was always the same: of course, as soon as I had moved to Belgium I would have enrolled in an evening course in French language. For
talks idem. All in English and I continued to work at least the first year in English without any problems, then slowly I started parlicchiare a little French and now I work using both languages.
Do you feel you have chosen the right path now living in Brussels?
Brussels is not 'a capital of fashion, as might be London, Barcelona or Amsterdam, but it contains a myriad of little surprises that make the stay in Belgium is certainly interesting. Learning a new language, French is certainly an exciting challenge, although there are many foreigners who continue to live in the Belgian capital by using only the English, often not perfectly. After the Irish experience then, I learned a lot about how to act in the face of different cultures and habits, and understand that there are things strange or wrong, they're just different approaches to the same problem or methodologies emerged from different cultural and historical contexts. And this helps. Brussels is definitely an international city, hosting the headquarters of the European Commission, NATO and many national and regional authorities foreign countries: the mix is \u200b\u200bat home and the diversity that results is certainly an asset to the city and for those who live there. I'm glad to have arrived in Brussels and I will stay there much longer.
Tornesti ever in Italy?
For the moment no, not by the government, of some habits or who knows what other complaints, but simply because they live elsewhere, having found a good balance because of my work and personal satisfaction. Probably will never go back to Italy because my girlfriend is a foreigner, because after having lived 24 years is right to spend more time elsewhere and to discover new worlds, because basically we are less and less foreign especially in Europe, where globalization and European laws make it more welcoming each country in terms of products available, ease of communication costs for slaughter and flight connections. However this question will always remain a question mark ghost, there in some time in the future waiting to be answered.
and you think 'can be found working in IT abroad from Italy?
I found a job in Brussels from Dublin, loading and applying the CV (in English, although maybe the deals were in French or Dutch) for the different deals every night (every damn night for a month) was looking for, if I was looking directly concerned sul sito web dell'azienda (e non tramite monster) per le posizioni aperte o per i contatti ed inviavo il cv sempre con una lettera di presentazione spesso modificata in base all'azienda/posizione in questione.
Ho ricevuto una decina di chiamate in un mese, qualcuna quasi una chiacchierata altre quasi un colloquio telefonico (sempre rigorosamente in inglese, se chiedevano del francese dicevo che lo avrei imparato una volta in Belgio), tre delle quali hanno deciso di andare avanti (altre mentirono, non facendosi più sentire, scoraggia un po' ma capita). Alla fine due aziende pagarono volo Dublino-Bruxelles, feci un colloquio nelle loro rispettive sedi e scelsi una delle due.
Arrivai a Bruxelles con già un lavoro, grande comodità, sure. In short, persistence, smarts and a little 'luck, I think this is the formula to be applied.
I believe that the same experience could be repeated with changing Dublin Italy.
Andima Thanks. Follow his fantastic blog here:
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