Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pokemon Silver Pikachu Locations

The Armed Forces Day

Settimanella picevole not too ... nothing special ... the excitement is over? (I do not think ...) I'll be a bit 'tired? (May be ...) nobody's perfect and it is to struggle with inconsistencies




(I've been good ... with a rare poem listing initial rhyme YYYY)
begin to have much trouble waking up in the morning ... Today, the two clocks have failed in their duty ... at 5:55 I opened my eyes and I catafottuto in the car to get to work with "only" 7 minutes late ... in the end I can not complain ...

Last Saturday dinner in a loooong Carnaiola ... very cool, a huge space full, and again, full of bottles of wine ... a large square bar counter where people would enter a forty dominates the entrance ... forty people and the surround ... Still beyond me how they do it to be among the first consumers of spirits in the world (do not know the official statistics ...). Basically if you walk into a bar you can not compratre a glass of whiskey or vodka, but the whole bottle you will be put aside with your name on your return and reopen the premises. For purists of whiskey are the assassins here ... also take bottles of 20/30 years and then drink the watered-down whiskey (strange word ... I had never written before ... watered down (and this is the second)). In short order the meat in a restaurant, a fillet of beef, they take a piece of which you can take a dozen or so slices do you see first and then start to cook it on a plate with the coals below. And the best part is bringing a slice at a time so you always have the warm flesh ... seems silly ... but how many times you take a barbecue and arrivals last piece that has become a sole shoes? I'm starting to become too demanding ... eh eh eh

Poi per chi vuole qui sotto c'è un articolo piuttosto interessantedal Corriere o la Repubblica del 16 giugno... fatemi sapere che ne pensate...

Buon fine settimana a tutti!

La «cattiva madre» che divide l'America

Ayelet Waldman, autrice del bestseller «Bad Mother»:«I figli lasciati ai margini sono più felici e indipendenti»Dal Our correspondent Alessandra Farkas

Ayelet Waldman and Michael ChabonNEW YORK - "If the mother is the one who loves their children more than anything else in the world, then I'm not a good mother. I love my husband more than my children, accessories for me. " It took this phrase, written in 2005 in an editorial in The New York Times, Ayelet Waldman to transform the most hated mom in America. But instead of being intimidated by the insults of TV reporters and Web threats, the 44 year old author, lawyer and wife of the famous - and beautiful - novelist Michael Chabon is back at work to further his argument, heretical in America post-feminist. The result is 'Bad Mother' The bestseller that has split the country into two. While the Huffington Post calls it "a must for every mother on the planet," Elle is for "literary terrorism." CHILDREN MORE HAPPY - "I think that mothers should tell the truth, especially when it hurts - in the author tells Corriere . com -. The world is constantly trying to make us feel bad mothers. They failed: most of us live with this hidden sense of guilt and inadequacy and everlasting. " Peggy Orenstein novelist Meg Wolitzer, and have praised the chapter in which Waldman says that children are raised knowing that marginal "more happy, independent, healthy and longevity of the mama's boy, over-protected and spoiled." "My four children do not have it with me for what I say - he says - because they are incredibly safe. The parents of their friends are all going through a divorce while they know that Mom and Dad will stay together forever and that makes them calm and happy. " In the field of sex education, his strategy is simple: "I put a cosmetic bag filled with multicolored prophylactic in their bathroom, to get used to the idea, when it's time." FEMINISM - The part of the book that has outraged more readers of the site is stating "I could survive the loss of a child, but to my husband." Yet critics of the New York Times Susan Dominus has moved to the chapter where Waldman recalls the day of Yom Kippur, when the entire front of the synagogue, he read a letter of Atonement dedicated to his son, had an abortion after discovering he was a carrier of genetic defects. "The begged forgiveness - he says - to be a mother so poor that they can not accept an imperfect child." Thousands of women and feminists who have had a similar experience the compassion they have written to thank her. "But many feminists accuse me of having used the word child instead of fetus," she points out. And feminism, according to the author, has made the job infinitely more difficult as a mother. "Our multi-tasking has reached frantic levels. We have to be perfect in everything, while model to be defined, fathers present at the game or just the birthday of his son. " Betrayed the promises of a more fair-minded women would generate a smoldering resentment. With disastrous consequences also on the sex life of coppia.SESSO and cups - "The man uses sex to relax after a day of stress and hard work. For us women the opposite is true. If after 8 hours in the office then we must also take over the housework, is the end of eros. " Conclusion: "The sex life of a woman is related to the aid of her husband at home. There is nothing more sexy for a wife with children of a man who passes the vacuum cleaner. " Even if the library "Bad Mother" is selling like hotcakes, the Waldman is one of the few writers to have been abused women during the popular show The View and booed the Oprah Winfrey Show. As will be implemented his theories in old Europe? "The English and the French applaud unreservedly blowing smoke rings into the air, shaking their Gallic shoulders and wondering why we Americans torture us so needlessly. In Italy I can not imagine a mother that you love someone, including God, the more the child. " After spending the last two summers in Tuscany, Italy, the author describes as "a country now without children, that is crazy when we see one." "Walking in a Italian way with a baby in her arms is like carrying a huge wedding cake. Everyone wants to taste it. " June 16, 2009


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