training to complete, finally
comes the surprise-Asti
NEWS. Recent workouts have melted doubts on recovery of Sanna and Ferreira.
Both have disposed of the ailments, even if they are not the top match in tomorrow's (Saturday, 16 hours, referees Lemon, Yakut and La Cerra, free admission) against the Asti.
in fair condition and well Forghieri Ze Renato, so the coach will decide Lamers only in accordance with its needs and who can not deploy those tactics.
Asti, training newly promoted Serie A revelation, has in its ranks former Bessa.
Finally, a happy news on the fringes of sport: the pivot and the Angolan Rafael Sanna his beautiful Marcela are just tie the wedding at the town of Città Sant'Angelo.
What to say, congratulations!
the protagonist. They waited for a long time, but eventually the transfer from Brazil - where he played until the month of December in the league of Parana - has arrived!
And finally the mysterious object-Davi has been seen at work and was immediately transformed into the prince. Oh yes, because Zemuner Davì Trindade, 26 years from Londrina, played two games with the shirt Acqua & Sapone and helped give the team a new identity Lamers.
Esordio nientemeno che contro la Marca, una gara eccezionale persa solo per mera casualità, e una prestazione-super di Davì.
Sabato scorso trasferta da brividi a Roma contro la Lazio, incontro dal pronostico chiuso… e invece ecco materializzarsi il successo dell’Acqua & Sapone, che così ha fatto perdere anche l’imbattibilità interna alla formazione vice-capolista.
Il tutto, con una doppiettà di Davì.
Ma chi è Zemuner Trindade Davì? Il tecnico dell’Acqua & Sapone non lo ha preso a caso, anzi, attraverso alcuni suoi giocatori è andato praticamente a colpo sicuro. Uomini come Marcelo Vendrame e Wagner Leite had got to know the Davì in Terni, where the boy had recently tried, but then, due to problems of membership, had decided to return to Brazil. So
Vendrame Leite's and spoke of an element that can play as a defender from the side of a player from the elongated body and large capacity of the cursor.
Davì you find it all over the field, and this also confuses the enemy tactics.
Marcos Mathias Lamers: "Davì is a type of token key, because it is humble and at the same time technical, it is also very versatile and has an enviable athletic freshness. I'm not surprised, I knew that thanks to him we could achieve improvements, but not loaded with too many responsibilities. Davì alone can not be decisive, the whole team that is finding a good position to form after a Christmas season full of problems. Among which we put too many accidents, that a team like ours weigh like rocks. "
Zemuner Davì Trindade, for its part, does not have much confidence in the Italian, but he lets slip a few statements: "A Città Sant'Angelo I'm settled in well, because I already knew some team-mate. I went immediately into the game mechanics of the mystery, Lamers is a coach that I admire very much. My two goals for Lazio? I'm not surprised, because in my career a few goals, especially from long range, I have always done. "
Paul Sinibaldi - Press Acqua & Sapone
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