Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Does Pilates Help With Belly Fat

Cost of living in London. Average cost for a young professional

Londra non è una città a buon mercato e quando si decide di migrare verso il Regno Unito, la più grande spesa sarà senza ombra di dubbio la sistemazione.

Molti si trasferiscono per una paga migliore, altri per uno stile di vita più desiderabile, pochi per entrambi i motivi. Alla fine della giornata, dobbiamo essere molto chiari sul perché ci muoviamo in primo luogo. Ancora più importante, diversi luoghi, potranno soddisfare le nostre esigenze in ogni fase della nostra vita. Vediamo allora quanto costa vivere a Londra.

Alloggio: a partire da £300 al mese.

Ho letto da qualche parte che è comune pagare fino ad un terzo del proprio stipendio sul proprio alloggio. In realtà dipende soprattutto dall'individuo. I fattori di solito includono size (usually in terms of number of bedrooms), the proximity to the City and the basic amenities and the area (some are more exclusive than others). For a one bedroom apartment in the area, you must be willing to pay the rent of only £ 1200, and excluding electricity and other services. Conversely, if you divide a room and decide to live a little 'outside the village, perhaps already' from zone 2, the price could fluctuate around £ 400 including all utilities (electricity, council tax, internet, and so on. ..). If you decide to take an apartment, the rent could only come and cost at least £ 500, clearly distancing of many from the central area.

Fees: from £ 250.

After the rent, Council Tax and probably 'the biggest expense. In case you decide to share a room or an apartment with other people, you'll always find accommodation that combines all kinds of bills with the rent of the room. If not for their own apartment

  • Council tax: £ 130;
  • Electricity ': £ 50;
  • Water: £ 35;
  • TV license: £ 11;
  • Telephone & Internet: £ 30.
Transport: about £ 100 per month.

With the recent increase in subway and bus fares, is definitely not the best time to purchase a Travelcard, especially for those who are doing regular commuting. Depending on the type of trip, you can 'spend approximately £ 4 per day if you travel only in zone 1. However for clarity I reproduce below some prices:
  • single bus journey: £ 1 (with an Oyster) or 2 pounds
  • day Zone 1-2 Travelcard: £ 5.40
  • Area 1-2 weekly travelcard: £ 25.80
  • Area 1-2 monthly travelcard: £ 99.10
* (These prices are from the late 2010's, there may be an increase of 10% on current prices. Council then refer to Transport for London for more information.)

expenditure of food items: about 150 pounds

If you can make a good household, is not that expensive to feed themselves in London. Surely you will spend at least £ 5 per day. However, if the kitchen is not exactly the favorite place at home, here's an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat are the prices for eating out :
  • A meal from the supermarket: £ 2 - £ 3;
  • any fast-food: £ 4 - £ 7;
  • A pub lunch: £ 8-15;
  • restaurant meals: more 'than £ 15.
As for alcoholic beverages:
  • wine at the supermarket: £ 5;
  • A six-pack of beer: £ 5-6;
  • A pint at the pub: £ 3.50;
Entertainment: about 60 pounds per month

As for entertainment, museums and art galleries have free admission except for the performance of transactions or events that occur within them for a short period.

  • Museums and Art Galleries: Free;
  • Concerts: £ 15-30;
  • cinema tickets: £ 5 - £ 15.
Conclusion: 700 pounds may be enough?

I can assure you with certainty that a boy may 'well be able to live in London with just £ 700 per month. From personal experience, I can tell you that we have managed to survive me and my mate with only £ 1150 per month at first. Surely

and 'hard to get used to making sacrifices, I for one have had way to experience it, fully upsetting my lifestyle.
But once you get a better job, which will allow you 'earn more', you will feel the difference with a pleasant surprise.


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