Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fotos Natruist Familia

Il diario dell'informatico migratore riprendera' nel 2011 perche':
  1. Ho appena traslocato.
  2. Non ho internet home.
  3. to work with are more and more 'engaged.
  4. I will not have 'a weekend free.
  5. My best friend moved to me until January.
  6. not have time to respond to any email that you sent me (I hope I will be able to answer just the same ').
  7. Someone suggested me to do things without stress (London ?!?).
  8. And then in a little 'come the holidays ...
Thanks everyone, and soon .

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can I Pack Big Bottles Of Shampoo In Checked Bags

between transparency and corruption, Italy is the place 67mo

A recent survey conducted by Transparency International, a global organization in the fight against corruption, Italy is a close 67mo place out of 178 countries with a score of 3.9, score ranging from 0 to 10.

In this page you will find a map that shows the world situation in terms of corruption. Not to justify the situation in our country, but it would appear that corruption is a problem globally. Here are the top 20 countries with more 'high level of transparency.





New Zealand

































Hong Kong





















United Kingdom


you planning to emigrate? Why 'do not take into account one of these countries.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good Empowering Songs

Hello grandfather.

humble, gentle

I love you Grandpa Franco.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Side Effect Of Gatsby Hair Wax

To love, a computer migratory. Media

Xavier and 'a computer scientist who decided to emigrate for the sake of Gent.

And 'Saturday, my girlfriend and' to college to study English. Top of the morning as usual in doing the housework. Pass the vacuum cleaner in the room, I take the clothes hanging in the balcony (thank God they have found a home in London with a large balcony so that they can draw), preparing for the washing machine to wash clothes, heating the shower early in the opening 'hot water and meanwhile back in front of my laptop to read mail, and here I open one of my friend Xavier.

I still remember the first time we met, both still in junior developer that big companies chiamata CPI Progetti. Gli avevo mandato la solita mail di domande giorni a dietro, chiedendo di rispondermi appena avesse avuto il tempo. A pensarci bene lui e’ stato il primo programmatore che io abbia mai conosciuto, a partire per l’estero. Ma all’epoca le sue motivazioni non le avevo condivise totalmente e la sua vicenda, giungendomi sempre per vie traverse, non mi avevano mai indotto alla curiosità, almeno fino a quando non ho aperto questo blog.

E invece eccola lì la sua storia, ermetica come solo lui sa essere, ma unica nel suo genere. Rileggo quelle brevi righe cercando di capire che diavolo di articolo potrei mai tirar fuori con così poco. Altre persone tendono ad essere larghe nei particolari, happy to have their say, to make known their achievements. Xavier not. He merely says that it is not 'satisfied and, if he could, to come back in Italy.

For those who emigrate, the mood must be constantly kept high, the life and 'hard in any way you want to tell, and sometimes we lie to ourselves first, aware of our hypocrisy. But Xavier knows this already, does not hide it even puts a strain on my perspective. And here I do not know what to do, I do not know whether to call it, being afraid of being hurt by me too much realism, or try to address it without being pretentious.

are the 13, and Saverio 'connected with Skype, so a launch "We" to chat, as I hope I did not respond. They spend a few seconds, here is his answer. I have to call it, I have no excuses now. We spend the first few minutes of pleasantries. But we move on to Xavier, and that 'her story.

Xavier and 'born in Bagno a Ripoli near Florence, still inscribed in the degree course in Computer Science, decided in 2007 to live in Rome by his cousin. He began working with the usual contract for the project at my own company. Meanwhile, his cousin, and his project manager, placed it in-house thus developing their skills in technologies such as Plone / Python.

E ' the summer of 2008 and its companion has to go to Gent, offer something in Italy that do not '. Xavier does not think too much, the desire to travel and 'great, and so it begins to send email to all companies. Learn now that Belgium and 'linguistically divided in two. The south, where French is spoken, and the north, where he will live and where they speak Flemish, but there as a second language 'English, a language that Xavier knows quite well.

His figure does not seem to be much in demand in Belgium, but nevertheless willing to let him interview someone finds it. It 's a company that is located in Antwerp, but they are 80 km from Gent. Decides to schedule an interview a week after. The occasion is 'greedy, and there's still' the train that took him home in an hour.

finally leaving the house and 'small but the welcome and' the best. The people are hospitable, the climate that reigns in Gent, and 'that of a quiet town and a little' alone. During the weekend, the city tends to empty as populated mostly by students, while on Monday once again fills. Gent and 'clean and tidy and not at all dear, you go around by bike for anything, the rents of the houses are not so high, the beer and 'good as their traditional products. You do not eat badly, do not eat Italian and this 'course, but you can find a little of everything'.

The interview does not go. Xavier begins again to send mail, but Belgium does not seem to find programmers with his qualifications. But he is not to be won, and his research ranges across the border. And it 'right next to Amsterdam to find someone interested in him. This time the interview is successful, the pay and 'good but now the problem is' the distance, almost 300 km. She and Xavier have to share. He will return just for the weekend. The company allows him to work from Monday through Thursday, allowing the weekend long. So he began to commute.

After two months and here is the turning point. A small company is looking for a programmer Django python / plone. He first knows that not many to compete for that spot. So it just depends on him. With that job closer to her she could finally no longer be forced to travel for hours. But Xavier and 'a boy in the leg, and that place gets you with ease.

Now would be nice to say that this is' the end of history. Xavier and his girlfriend together again, both working close to home.

Months passed. Xavier does not take a lot of salary, but at least he has a contract indefinitely, leave, sickness, 13th, 14th, pension and mutual. Xavier if riding a bicycle, he received a refund for those miles along. But time and 'always a bad thing. The city cold almost all year round. The locals are hospitable if you are a foreigner, but the hospitality 'is up to the threshold of their homes. A little 'less if you give the impression of living there. English is spoken all, it 's true, but to socialize and' Flemish required.

Two years have passed, and now Xavier begins to have doubts. The days begin to be always the same. The holidays are few, and those few that have are spent per tornare in Italia. Gli amici pochi e quasi tutti Italiani, per lo più persone conosciuti in qualche corso di lingua organizzato dalle università locali. Inoltre la società non sembra passare un buon momento, i progetti sono pochi e vengono svolti con poco entusiasmo. I pagamenti arrivano a volte con una settimana o due di ritardo senza preavviso.

Confessa che Gent non e’ il posto migliore per cercare lavoro nel Settore IT, magari dentro di se c’e’ anche un timido desiderio di emigrare nuovamente. Se ora gli si chiede di tornare in Italia, lui convinto ti risponde di sì. Adora la sua terra, guidare la sua moto tra le montagne o andare a fare un po’ di snowboard sugli Appennini. Attività in Belgium can no longer play. Meanwhile, look for work again, what he dislikes most, the bored, the Gent now living as the most boring cities, and in fact 'that he first knows that it has grown fat and lazy.

But research and 'hard, maybe something will come out one day, you just have to see how they go in the future.

Save Good luck, I wish you a world of good, for you have migrated to the computer love.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Watch Prosti Online Aubry

wage del settore IT nel Regno Unito.

Going to Site: you you a rough idea of \u200b\u200bwhat are the average annual salaries in the IT field of your expertise. You can also browse a bit 'what the figures are more' demands, or those that have the most salary 'high. An example? Look at what takes a person with knowledge BancTec.

Shoes For Brown Cocktail

Programmatori all'estero. Conviene?

Interview with Alex, an Italian programmer who has tried to make a career as a programmer abroad. The original interview can be found by clicking here .

Age and how long you're out of the UK?

Almost 35, and now is more than a year since I left

Where were you and how you developed the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing away?

to study and work, I shot several international IT environments, including the Silicon Valley. Obviously it is not the first time that I moved abroad for work and now I am in Dublin.
are about twelve years working in the IT industry, certainly in my experience, my knowledge of good and my previous experience abroad, have helped me not just in the transfer, even if the right word would be "migration" . My decision like that of many has grown, ahimè, sopratutto a causa della crisi del settore IT, per come è gestito, soprattutto dal punto di vista della fornitura di consulenza specialistica. Aziende che fanno solo da intermediari, senza nessuna professionalità. Basta vedere gli annunci su Moster, ad esempio, di esperti di "conoscenza di prodotti di network" Inter Process Comunication di Unix, per rendersi conto che non sanno di cosa parlano.

In Italia se hai più di 35 anni sei un vecchio e se sei senza una laurea ti è difficile inserirti in contesti competitivi: è lo stesso anche fuori?

Il discorso è un po' più complesso. È ovvio che in Italia, come ovunque, un titolo di laurea è importante, ma è ovviamente anche importantissima la capacità e l'esperienza.
Ti faccio un esempio. Un mio collega trasferitosi qualche mese fa è un perito informatico con un'esperienza di parecchi anni. Arrivato qua non ha trovato nessun problema a trovare lavoro. Il problema è che in Italia, se noti, in tutte le inserzioni vi è scritto che è "preferibile la laurea in ingegneria" anche se il lavoro richiesto è quello di fare data entry o scansionare documenti. Bisognerebbe guardare assai in Italia, a quale figura si cerca, e scegliere quale tra i vari candidati "fitta" (scusa l'inglesismo) di più. Ma il problema è che tante, troppe volte, le inserzioni che vedi around the portals of the work is mostly done by 5 or 6 employees of companies that sell to other consultants and that often they do not even know what the customer wants, and so, even for scanning documents, looking for an engineer. Regarding age, 35 years I have not had any problems entering also important in international contexts. The main difference I found was that here you are looking for the qualifications required, and the experience gained, and the concept of body-rental robin here is completely absent. The recruiter is just recruiter. Lives on in research support staff and has certainly not (as always happens in Italy) the order of third parties.

The salary you perceive from the average of the work is and what can you do?

general salary than other workers in Ireland is higher than 10k - € 20k per year, with taxes and much lower than the Italian ones you live very well. You never would see a computer not to € 24k gross annual, in fact I was pleased to note that the concept of selling out to the bottom there. Valid if it is right that you pay for what you're worth. should be explained in Italy.

How important are the people where you work?

Several are important and fundamental to their role in the corporate structure and co-operate so close to each other. Here it is impossible to see a Sales that says something to the customer before the unit has been confirmed by engineers or developers. is impossible to see a project manager who is unable to do his work (as occasionally see in Italy) because there is someone who put it there. So people are important, and they take very seriously their role.

How innovation is perceived?

How did fundamental and economically important. The more a technology is new and is valid e più all'estero si prende in considerazione velocemente. All'estero, ad esempio, ho visto aziende nascere dopo pochi mesi che era uscito un rfc su un nuovo tipo di protocollo. Una cosa simile in Italia sarebbe da fantascienza.

Pensi che vi sia un IT capace e competitivo in Italia?

Sì esiste, ma è soffocato. Diciamolo una volta per tutte: di tecnici in Italia, ci sono, e sono molto bravi, ma sono in mano ad un mercato italiano fatto di body-rental, di consulenze a mezzo servizio, e di contratti a progetto rinnovabili.
Mi è capitato più di una volta di cercare di spiegare all'azienda che mi vendeva al cliente cosa facessi. Molte volte mi guardavano sgranando eyes and answered: "I have not got an academic" Pull the conclusions yourself.

When you say you are Italian and try to tell how to work in Italy what do you think your colleagues?

If I think about it still makes me laugh. Many times foreign companies look incredulous and ask you your CV (and not only to me, is a common question to all IT professionals transferred Italian): "Why have you changed so many companies in a short time? We feel good because Companies do not have to work so it could remain where he was? " Vaglielo to explain that many jobs in Italy are a project on a quarterly or semi-annual consultant for a company where you are the consultant's consultant, and closed when the clerk greet you and put you at the door, not caring if you're Dennis Ritchie or the newest.

In Italy there is the exodus of skills, what would induce you to return?

If I saw an IT market as it is in England or Ireland in the States, perhaps to return, but in a country economically and sometimes mentally plastered like ours, I see it as a beautiful dream and a future reality.

anything negative but we will also abroad. What's it like least?

Oh well this is a good question. I think not language, is something that bothers. Speaking a different language is not always easy. Many times it is difficult to express complex concepts, or follow a conversation when two people whose mother tongue they talk very fast, difficult to follow them, and it bothers to ask each time to repeat slowly. must be said that an Englishman who spoke Italian and had to follow a conversation we would find the same problems. still talking a language that is not yours, is never easy, as you know it well. For the rest, there are communication problems and misunderstandings a little 'anywhere, regardless if you are in Italy, in the States or Australia. The difference between the world of work and our foreign markets is that the problems resulting from different points of view are handled much better. short fatigue, but negative views just do not see them, even wanting to look for them as it happens on boot.

How you can make a career abroad? Let me explain. In Italy after a while 'or become a technical manager or his career is blocked. Here's how it works?

No, here is the coach's career technician. Before you
technical, then you become a team leader and technical manager of multiple groups and then gradually via sempre più in alto e qualcuno può diventare anche CTO. Insomma il concetto di carriera bloccata non esiste, perché come ti dicevo prima, qui vali in base a ciò che sei, non a chi conosci. Certo ovviamente come in tutte le aziende, dipende da quali sbocchi ci sono e da quali sono le possibilità, cambia da azienda a azienda. Ma certo che qui su una cosa sono chiarissimi: ti dicono subito dove e quanto puoi salire. Più seri di cosi.

È vero che il lavoro è spesso gestito autonomamente? Il mito che si lavora per obiettivi ed il tempo lo gestisci tu è vero?

Si, tantissime volte ma è anche vero però che esistono delle milestones (le milestones, for companies, regardless of size and their prosperity are key), so in that case you are working towards the common goal, and always depends on context, and from the area in which they operate.
however, confirm that if there are no milestones or goals, I manage independently.

The best recognition for your work, what was?

for the first time I heard some phrases like:
"Bravo, you did a good job," "How did your partner had not thought about this solution?" "Do not worry, it is my responsibility la faccenda". Parole che in Italia non ho mai sentito. In Italia se il lavoro che fai è fatto bene, è una cosa normale, se è fatto male la colpa è la tua; se hai pensato ad una soluzione innovativa, ci aveva pensato qualcun'altro (che non è mai vero, ma cosi minimizzano il tuo lavoro e poi non la applicano) e soprattutto la colpa è sempre la tua. Qualsiasi cosa accada alla fine ti arriva in Carbon Copy una mail che dice che la colpa di tutto è del consulente. Nel "Bel Paese" i meriti agli altri e le rogne a te.

Consiglieresti ad altri di seguire la tua stessa strada?

Sì assolutamente, se si è sicuri di sé e si hanno le capacità and appropriate experience.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Foley Cath Without A Prescription

Sognando l'Australia con Italiansinfuga

strongly encourage all the blogs that I have literally changed my life:

ALDO Mencaraglia.

If like me you dream of emigrating to Australia, this site and 'what' that's right for you.

Friday, October 8, 2010

New Jersey Wayne Road Test

Venire a Londra e non sapere l'Inglese.

History of an Italian whatsoever.

Very often, people hope to leave the country without any real justification. London, as well as offering serious advantages in the workplace, where 'present fairly major issues, if you decide to leave the fray. At the end of this story, can you answer these questions:

  1. This story raises fears of whoever decides to come and live in London?
  2. And what's' the basic problem that tends to highlight?
  3. What has this in common with other stories of Italians abroad?
  4. This story extremes in the negative experience of living abroad?
  5. And the main character tends to blame most 'himself or others?
  6. As our hero, you could use your time better? How?

Here you will find the original story. I have just limited to copy and paste its contents.

"... I started to consider moving to London to live and work in October 2006 (NB: before the crisis). From that moment I began to gather as much information as possible on the Internet. On work ' lodging, forums, tips, etc. ... I
decided to drop everything and try to start again in London in the new year, right after the holidays. Maybe it was the period mentioned, but I waited until I expired employment contract that I did not like to hope to find something somewhere else after years of total dissatisfaction in Italy. I started with no pretense. I wanted to do any work that was dishwasher or garbage. The idea to leave and start all over again in another country with another language and another culture scares, but is stronger than the desire and curiosity as taking precedence over rationality. Some friends in Italy had decided to leave at the same time for a holiday in London and help me with the opportunity to know some Italian who already knew them in London. This gave me more motivation. arrived in London on the first day I stayed at the hotel as the Italian friends through all of their knowledge could not find anything. Since then I have always been arranged, I found myself alone accommodation in hostels and even a few days at the home of a lady who had used some sort of garage to bedroom to the bathroom but it was necessary to go outside, that is just go outside and at that time the night came quietly to a degree it also snowed a few days later. But the bathroom was still a kind of separate structure without heating. Then for a week in a hostel in Bayswater unlivable paid in advance where the spring mattress was putting discoveries anywhere in the back. The window was broken out the cold of the night and at that time the wind was pulling so hard that the whole structure shook and I could hardly sleep that week. After I complained to the lady who ran the place, I got the window repaired with scotch tape, but since the night was strictly off the heating during the day and there was only a slightly warm heat, I managed to give myself a ' old electric stove that kept close to the bed alleviated the cold. There was no shower but only the bathroom where every turn so you could see strange insects like ticks. Because you could not sleep in that bed I had considered to sleep on the floor, but the room was like a narrow tunnel and there was no room and then I did not know what could be on that floor to carpet. So I tried to fix the clothes and what I had on the springs. All at 210 pounds per week in this kind of room! Then I finally found a place "livable" and cheap (175 pounds per week always double occupancy). Living luck because the mattress was comfortable and there was warming. But the conditions of the structure and cleaning do not count them because I was more than okay, I asked the detergent and a sponge and I cleaned up a bit 'to the best room. He had a bath and shower in the same environment but discharges communicating well, if the neighbor was having a shower and felt dirty water came out from the drain. But that was fine. So much for housing. For work I decided that my job was to get up in the morning and start walking until the evening to find work and accommodation. to be quiet, I had the oyster card with a weekly ticket in zone 1 and 2 of the underground and all the buses in about 24 pounds. To sum up the costs to those who wanted to start this adventure 175 and 24 housing the underground. For food, the Mc-Donald, Burghy etc. are 4.90 pound menu. But you must have a stomach in good condition to hold that pace and it was not my case. But most of the time you eat what you find at the various supermarkets Tesco and Sainsbury's. My English is not the best but I understand and I do understand. Unfortunately I did not have a decent resume written in English and I could not find anyone to help me make one. Then I thought to be a waiter and dishwasher, as I have no experience, I do not think the curriculum might serve. So, while I wandered the city was entering the premises, usually restaurants and Italian, with my usual: "I'm looking for a job." When they saw me enter smiled at me thinking I was a customer, but then it was disheartening to see their expression change apostrophe as I had the plague. From all the Italians I met, and to whom I asked about, I always had to suffer their stories to what they have been good to start from nothing and then they sistemanti. Allow them to speak a little 'and when I asked for details, at the end there was always some relative or friend who had found work in Italy. If we ask you to help me, too, gave me some brief advice come se tutto fosse facile e come se fossi io l’imbecille che non riesce a trovare nulla. Sembra che a Londra non conoscano i job center. A tutti quelli ai quali l’ho chiesto erano al corrente dell’esistenza ma non sapevano dov’erano, comprese le poste che mi hanno indicato un centro dove facevano corsi di inglese. Alla fine mi sono arrangiato con internet. Ma nei job center entri, hai tutti i computer e le riviste con gli annunci ma poi ovviamente li devi chiamare tu. Loro ti danno a disposizione anche il telefono. Ma nessuno mi aveva detto che prima devi fare l’intervista telefonica con un operatore. Quindi se non sai bene l’inglese…. They ask you if you have the NIN (their number), where you stay, age, nationality, etc. ... then they ask you saw that ad, the ad number, etc. ... then they call you and you spend the communication. I wish to warn those who do not know English well that's one thing to be able to see the sites in English, is one thing to communicate with a person where you can also use gestures, but I found an inexplicable difficulty in the telephone conversation. However, the work could not be found. all'adecco I turn, but I just try to say that specialists with fluent English. All jobs in the job-center specify "good Inglese." I've heard of an Italian church in London and I try to go there. It was evening (about 1 and was closed. But on the one hand there were a handful of people. They spoke Italian. I asked about and one told me you can ask him, is the pastor. Kindly ask him if I could take a appointment, but he told me to come and wait hurry up with someone and I would speak. I look a little more than a half hour and I received it. I explain I'm looking for work and accommodation and advice. It 'was very nice, but was disappointed tell me that is not working and that when they call from Italy, advised not to venture because it's not like once you find work easily and labor was scarce. chatting and reflecting, in effect, exports to Eastern Europe many people also graduates who are able to learn very good English at home and go to London prepared to do anything. And if you plan to go to London to learn English, in London there are very few. All spoke English but a few. But I think it's OK to start. Italian meeting and try to start conversation, but I'll be unlucky, or is that Italians are like that, but just meeting people who can tell how well they have been good, to color their story as if they were the only ones in the world to be successful and just as they are usciti da situazioni impossibile che avevano toccato il fondo, sono stati disperati, stavano per dormire in strada, ma ecco che uno spiraglio di luce…. Beh, su internet, nei job center, nelle agenzie interinali e porta a porta niente lavoro. Non mi restava che rivolgermi ad un’agenzia a pagamento dove un italiano narrava che loro ti trovano lavoro e alloggio ma ci mettono un po’. Lo stesso italiano che ho conosciuto la sera al quale ho lasciato il mio numero di cellulare chiedendogli se cortesemente mi poteva mandare un sms con l’indirizzo di questa agenzia, visto che lui era lì da 2 mesi senza aver trovato nulla ma un suo amico l’aveva trovato con l’agenzia. L’sms non è mai come, but I do not think he cared for so much since I told them to him that the money will still get their parents. If I was paying an agency had to stay at least another month waiting for me to find something. This the modest sum of 175 pounds per room, 24 for accommodation and about 5 or 10 for the food that was now the only thing that could save. But nearly three weeks had passed and at that pace would not be able to continue for another month. not know, maybe it tells who we can and all the others remain in the shadows and walk away with their tails between their legs. And I am one of those. After a month I have no right economically. After spending several days in the rain and wind, I also sick with a night of high fever. I stopped believing and I started to aversion to London. I began to see the serious faces, the people walking without turning around, no one smiles at you, the wind is unbearable, the rain ... I saw all around really sad. I started thinking that if I could find an accommodation, I would become so too. The price to pay for experience and to learn English seemed too high and disproportionate. But then I also felt trapped. No work in London and no work in Italy. But I still preferred to return to Italy. The money was running out. Maybe I miscalculated, I may have stopped believing, perhaps I was unlucky, maybe they've come to the wrong time, maybe ... maybe ... maybe. One thing comforts me slightly: read the forums that there are many people who can not find work despite the commitment and dedication. But I am not even advise someone on an adventure, drop everything that we can do it. I am convinced that the success stories are many, otherwise there would be many people in London. But for a trivial percentage calculation, I believe there are also many people who had to fall back in retreat. Ah, I forgot, among the many experiences have happened without my knowledge londistan in the area of \u200b\u200bMuslims to see a property that I had read in the ads. There are indeed all Muslims all around and a few women with burkas and men with beards and those with their clothes all the same thing that white head. I was the only "different". The agency guy, young, friendly and positivissimo. So much to tell me that in London you must of course be positive, otherwise it will not close anything. "You have to be positive in the mind". The apartment I have not got it asked a minimum of 6 months, but was not bad, furnished room with kitchen and spacious bathroom all at 150 pounds a week bill (Expenditure) and furnishings included. But the most important thing is that it is still offered to help me find work, he pointed to two agencies and I said well how to reach them. He told me that there was the best part, better communities and work is easier than in the center. I would have thought that it was for renting the apartment, but I had already said I could not vouch for six months and knew that it was not for me, but has offered to help me anyway. As soon as we said goodbye I walked to the agencies that I had indicated. But the way I began to imagine myself in the midst of those people are totally different from me, a culture to which I have never been identified and that no sono mai riuscito ad accettare. Ho preso il primo bus e sono tornato a cercare in altre zone. Forse saranno coincidenze, ma questo ragazzo mi ha confermato che le altre “razze” su aiutano tra di loro. La conferma mi era arrivata dell’italiano che avevo conosciuto appena arrivato a Londra, quasi una premonizione sulle cattive esperienze con gli italiani che ho incontrato durante la permanenza a Londra. Questo, probabilmente sfruttava il fatto che ero appena arrivato e non ero esperto, cercava in tutti i modi di fregarmi rifilandomi squallide camere condivise a 180 pound al mese. Nel tragitto per andare a visitare queste camere, anziché darmi qualche buon consiglio o aiutarmi a trovare un lavoro col which I could pay him the apartment, was all the two hours to tell me how good he was, how much money he had made, to what his agency was serious, as he paid his house, a word to his wife and daughter born just as if to confirm its success but also because of her intelligence helped him to survive during the first stay in London that he had no money to pay the hostel and was forced to use illegal methods. After I was also told that they had recently withdrawn its license because he was drunk, my confidence in it was practically nothing. The climax reached him with the phrase I will never forget: Italy is an insult to his intelligence. To me, this was too much, but I did not know what I was waiting for the next few days. If you really are so smart, how come in Italy was unable to conclude anything, but in London? If you are really good, valid and intelligent, there is no obstacle, not even Italy. ... Excuse the outburst, rather than a story. The intent is to try to be helpful to someone. The Italians I met not helped me, so I do not want to do the same thing. This is the only help I can give: think before you leave. not only be enchanted by the stories with happy endings ... The desire to leave and work abroad has remained. I do not know if I ever will, but if I depart, I want to be sure that you already have a job. Ah, now I'm still unemployed but here I can still get by with some work in black ... retirement Goodbye ... "

Waiting your comments.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Best Way To Take Colyte For Colonoscopy

Lavorare a Google. Un sogno che può trasformarsi in realtà.

story of a boy of Catania , who now lives in London and works for Google.

My name is Claudio Cherubino, I'm 29 and I was born and lived in Catania before moving to London six months ago. I studied Computer Science at the University of my city and I graduated with honors in the summer of 2004.

Tell us your experience in IT?

I started working while still in college and since then I've never been with folded hands. The great thing about our industry and 'the barriers to entry are very low and everyone can get busy without requiring large upfront investments. It 's also true that this makes us unable to compete on price with people but in the end and intelligent customer' can choose not only according to that. And if he does not understand the difference between un lavoro fatto bene ed uno economico allora forse non e' il cliente giusto per noi.

Gli ultimi due anni in Italia ho lavorato per un'azienda chiamata IFM Infomaster, dove mi occupavo di sviluppo di software su piattaforma .NET. Una buona azienda senza dubbio, soprattutto per le persone in gamba che vi lavorano, ma nella mia testa da qualche anno albergava l'idea di tentare il colpaccio presso una delle più grandi realtà a livello mondiale.

Come fare ad iniziare a lavorare anche senza avere esperienza?

Il mio consiglio e' quello di sfruttare le peculiarità del nostro settore e soprattutto le enormi possibilità offerte da Internet. Collaborare con un progetto open - source è un ottimo modo per fare esperienza e arricchire il proprio curriculum, ma anche scrivere un blog (magari in inglese) può fare la differenza fra due candidati per un unico posto di lavoro.

Dagli inizi ad adesso ho lavorato come consulente informatico, developer, technology evangelist, community manager e persino traduttore di libri tecnici, molto spesso facendo due cose alla volta, tanto quando è la passione a guidarti e' tutto più facile, no?

Come mai Google?

In realtà ero convinto che, dato il mio background, se fossi riuscito nell'impresa sarebbe stato con Microsoft, ma alla fine e' andata anche meglio del previsto and I'm working for Google!

The hard part is' the talks were over, but once I got the offer I did not think much before agreeing to resign and to change their lives. So one fine day in April I left Italy at the time of the first California and then in London, is not often an opportunity like this!

How did you approach your decision to live abroad?

It 's not at all easy to convince to leave their country and move elsewhere, especially for us Italians. All American boys, for example, leave home when they go to university and then transfer them to not be a problem, while we are already thinking of studying in another city and 'not just a trauma.

For me it was easy thanks to my wife who supported me from the outset and who has accepted the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting a new life in London, but do not say to your loved ones' never a walk. In reality, everyone understood that this was an opportunity missed and eventually were able to place the future in my natural desire to be close.

Why London?

The choice of London 'was easy, it was there that Google offered me a job! Now that I live a few months I can say that there are only two things I can not stand: the climate is not 'sure what to Sicily and then the British insist on driving on the wrong side of the road:)

For the rest it is a city that offers so much, and where everything works. People are 'much more cordial than the stereotype of English medium and also make us think the food is not so bad.

never returned to Italy?

Maybe sound strange but I do not miss Italy.

Sure, 'always a pleasure to return home, but only for friends and relatives, not for what our country offers, especially lately. I do not exclude the possibility to return to Italy one day, but I wonder what Google could persuade me to leave and think again clash with the Italian business world.

Pros and cons with the Italian IT environment?

Excuse the frankness, but I do not think that there are pro in the IT Italian.

For most cases there is no pro Italian working for the environment in general and where things work is almost always exceptions. I worked for public and private companies but what is bad and 'always one thing, the mentality. In our country the average employee does everything to steal the salary to the owner and it only thinks about how to avoid di essere fregato.

Dove mi trovo adesso il dipendente e' una risorsa per l'azienda e tutti collaborano per raggiungere un buon risultato insieme, chi non lavora viene mandato via senza problemi e chi produce viene premiato. Inutile sottolineare quanto questo sia stimolante per il dipendente e quanto produttivo per l'azienda...

Quanto secondo te ha influito la tua laurea nell'essere assunto a Google?

Potrei sbagliarmi, ma credo che la laurea sia indispensabile per essere assunti da Google. Considera che Google riceve milioni di curriculum ogni anno e quindi si può permettere di effettuare un primo filtro basandosi esclusivamente sul titolo di studio e avere ugualmente un elevatissimo numero di candidati.

Avere la laurea comunque non basta per entrare ma e' necessario avere qualcosa in più degli altri. Aver conseguito il titolo in breve tempo e con un buon voto e' un ottimo inizio ma e' sicuramente meglio essere in grado di dimostrare di saper applicare ciò che si e' studiato per anni e di avere passione. Sembra incredibile ma esiste gente laureata in Informatica che non e' in grado di programmare in nessun linguaggio o che non sa nemmeno descrivere un algoritmo banale.

Fortunatamente il corso di laurea in Informatica che ho seguito presso l'Università di Catania era tenuto da professori giovani e competenti, oltre che aggiornati sulle nuove tecnologie. Ciò allowed me to have a solid theoretical foundations that are definitely useful in my new role, as in Google optimization and the use of efficient algorithms and 'at the bottom of each product.

What message would you give to your Catania?

There is a message I want to give not only to Catania, but to all the Italian guys maybe insecure: you're not with our hands.

The work does not fall from the sky and if you need to give you a goal to do to achieve it. Try to do something you love and you will be easier to make sacrifices, do not despair if you find only precarious positions and do not consider yourself when you finally arrive you will have a place in time indeterminato, soprattutto se non vi piace. Non si può lavorare solo per avere uno stipendio, se ci pensate bene, qualunque sia la posizione, passerete più tempo a lavoro che con gli amici, la fidanzata o la moglie ed e' terribile accettare di tollerare le famose 8 ore ogni giorno solo perché senza alternative.

Lavorare per google deve essere qualcosa di eccezionale, cosa possiamo fare?

Sembra un altro mondo, vero? Se volete verificare con i vostri occhi questo e' uno dei momenti più propizi, Google sta assumendo in tutte le sedi, compreso quella di Londra dove io lavoro. Se vi interessa, contattatemi all'indirizzo claudiocherubino(at), sarò lieto di chiarire you if you have doubts.

Last tip: change the city / country / continent is not 'so bad, especially if the opportunity and' greedy, but remember that without knowing English well the range of options is restricted almost entirely, so if your knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200band 'poor do not waste time and started to study English seriously, one day you will thank me!

And what are you waiting for? For more info, write to: claudiocherubino (at) also we mark / ccherubino , or the site .

Thanks Claudio.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How Much Does Jon Cryer Get Per Episode?

Sette passi per emigrare a Londra.

Ecco come emigrare a Londra passo dopo passo.

Prenotate il volo aereo.

Portatevi solo lo stretto indispensabile. Se però non potete rinunciare al vostro cuscino in semi di lino, e quindi intendete portarvi molta roba, sconsiglio vivamente i voli low cost. Qualora non poteste farne a meno, tanto varrebbe prenotare un secondo biglietto per un vostro amico per portarvi il resto o farvi spedire il tutto via posta.

Prenotate un ostello od un albergo.

Gli alberghi a Londra non sono ne economici, ne tantomeno confortevoli. Andateci solo per brevi periodi. Io suggerisco: , ma ne esistono anche altri, basta solo cercare.

Gli ostelli possono essere una valida alternativa qualora non si volesse subito cercare casa. Ne esistono moltissimi. Anche in questo caso potreste cercare in .

Comperare una Oyster Card.

I mezzi pubblici sono molto costosi a Londra, una volta arrivati conviene acquistare la Oyster Card. L'Oyster Card è una tessera plastificata ricaricabile che permette l'accesso ai mezzi pubblici e calcola al momento la tariffa più conveniente. Inoltre con la stessa carta è possibile attivare servizi subscription which Travelcard. For more information visit:

Finding home.

once set foot in London, the search can be done via the internet, and remember:
  • = Pound Sterling,
  • pw = pound per week;
  • pm = pounds per month.
On , you can search through private, so even without a regular contract, and to share with other people or not.

On , you will find several listings of estate agents. In this case, you could find homes already furnished.

If you want to live in a particular area of \u200b\u200bLondon, you may also choose to go there and look for real estate agencies there. In addition, if you want to share house with other people, some agencies may help you in your search. In any case, prepare your wallet, because you could rent spending at least 2 weeks deposit plus one month's rent, if you're lucky.

find a school of English.

During the period of job search, you might enjoy for a few weeks of full time language course. It is also a useful way to begin to socialize. If you do not know where to look you might see here: , where you'll find a list of schools accredited by the British Council.

Find a job.

See also: work in London. Once found, you will see that everything will be easier.

Open a bank account.

There are many banks in London that allow you to open your account with ease once got the job. If you choose to open an account with basic services (Debit card + account on line) non dovrete pagare alcun tipo di commissione e tempo una settimana avrete già la vostra Debit Card (Carta di credito e Bancomat).

Diffidate dalle banche che vi chiedono di pagare qualcosa in più. Io consiglierei la Barclays, per mia diretta esperienza.

Ottenete il NIN (National Insurance Number) .

Una volta che percepirete il vostro primo stipendio, non sorprendetevi se vi avranno detratto una parte, (circa il 15%). Basterà semplicemente andare a richiedere il NIN. Come? È molto semplice.

Prima di tutto bisogna sapere che il National Insurance Number è praticamente come il nostro codice fiscale ed è indispensabile per registrare tutti i contributi pagati sia a livello pensionistico che assicurativo e per poter chiedere i social benefits di cui eventualmente si ha diritto in mancanza di un lavoro. Il NIN si richiede chiamando il numero di telefono 0845 600 0643 con orario di ufficio dalle 8.00 alle 18.00, dal lunedì al venerdì.

Dopo la telefonata ci si recherà successivamente all’appuntamento per sostenere un colloquio muniti di un documento d’identità valido, della documentazione che certifica che si sta lavorando (va bene un contratto di impiego o una lettera del vostro datore di lavoro) e che si risiedia nel paese (vi basta il contratto di affitto o la documentation to open an English bank account).

If you do not speak English, get more help from some Italian patient and willing to reside there for a long time or get an interpreter at public offices. Here is a link where you can get the information to get the National Insurance Number or NIN:

Once obtained, your salary will again be expected to last, and also, if you decide to return to Italy after working for only 12 months in London, you can ask for the refund of fees paid by you. In that case, you can not return until after one year.

Good luck.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Songs To Play B Ball To

Da San Paolo a Londra. Storia di un informatico italo-brasiliano.

Here is the story of Andre, a Brazilian boy, going to Rome, and 'came to live here in London.

tell your story of IT migration?

I arrived in Rome in 2006. Before that I lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I studied computer science at the University for four years' Mackenzie.
At first I was a good job and my economic situation was fairly good. But at some point I was tired of seeing all the corruption, poverty 'and crime that arose, so I decided to emigrate. Accustomed to Brazil, Italy seem to me 'immediately paradise. Living for so 'many years that reality' I thought now was the normality ', I could not imagine a life without all those problems. I had always dreamed of going to live in Italy, my dream had finally crowned.

Why Italy?

In Brazil, as throughout the world, Italy and 'seen as a beautiful country where you live and eat well. Italian food is' very famous in Brazil, you can find restaurants and shops that sell typical Italian products. Pasta and pizza sono tra i piatti piu' famosi in Brasile. Dopo New York, San Paolo e' la citta' che consuma piu' pizza al mondo. Inoltre l'Italia e' stata la mia prima scelta perche' i miei antenati erano italiani. Mi sono sempre sentivo un po' italiano, anche se sono nato in Brasile e a casa nessuno lo parlava (tranne qualche parolaccia). Prima di andare in Italia facevo un’ora di lezioni private a settimana. Sentivo la radio e leggevo i giornali italiani tutti i giorni. Sarebbe potuto bastare per una persona qualunque che voleva andare in Italia a cercare un lavoro, ma non per me. Io volevo parlare come gli italiani. In Italia ho continuato a fare lezione privata e penso finalmente di aver raggiunto un livello abbastanza buono. Anche adesso che sono 2 anni che vivo a Londra, cerco di mantenere i rapporti con gli amici e i parenti italiani mi aiutano a non dimenticare questo lingua.

Una volta in Italia?

Arrivato a Roma, ho trovato subito lavoro senza troppe difficolta'. In una settimana ho fatto cinque colloqui e ho ricevuto piu' di una offerta. Allora non capivo bene com'era la vita da precario, quindi per me e' stata una bella cosa firmare il mio primo contratto a progetto. L'inizio pero’ e’ stato duro, avevo problemi di communicazione visto che lavoravo soltanto con italiani. Comunque mi hanno accettato molto bene e dopo 2 mesi mi sentivo gia' a casa. A Roma ho lavorato per 2 anni all'INPS, Telecom and the Italian Post. Telecom had the project contract with a small company. Between me and Telecom were 3 companies in between. I took almost 2 000 a month, but worked from 10 to 20. During those two years I began to understand that the situation in Italy was not so 'Good. Developers Italians are very good. There are many Italian experts at Microsoft, many others who write books in English. Unfortunately, however, 'not all are recognized in Italy and many have to accept bad working conditions. I have seen the boom and a precarious economic and political crisis without precedent. I realized that there was not much hope for me and so 'I made the decision to emigrate again.

And here we are in London, why this city '?

beginning I did it for money. I had a friend here that took the better salary. Unfortunately, however
'start in this city' has been much more 'hard in Rome. The language and 'was the obstacle most' difficult to overcome. For three months I studied English at a language school (not expensive, but 'a very low level) and in parallel I had private lessons to prepare for an interview. I worked in a pub as a "glass collector, which is the only job I could do without speaking English well. After 3 months I started to feel more 'sure of myself and began to send my resume. They called me 5 or 6 times a day. The first two days I did not understand and ask for more 'times to repeat. Then I realized that the questions were always the same and began to better prepare for talks on the phone and answer any questions of the agencies. In 10 days more sustained 'at the end of seven interviews and received a good job.

How 'was the impact in the world of work in the IT industry in London?

Despite arriving in London at the beginning of the economic crisis, I found a very good working situation. Better wages, contracts of indefinite duration. Impossible dream for me in Italy. I felt I had found the best job I ever had. Both in Brazil and in Italy. There was no comparison. Today, after two years, I have found the right path.

What advice to those wishing to emigrate abroad like you?

As always suggest, the most 'important at the beginning and' investing in an English course (although I prefer the private lessons). For example, I continued to study for another 12 months even if you have found work.
As for the house, since I had friends in London, the beginning and 'was quiet. Once settled and inderterminato time work, and 'more' easy to find the right house for you.

return to Brazil?

Never say never, but 'right now I have no desire to return and I'd like to live in Europe for a long planted today. In Brazil, the only thing I would consider and 'having that experience abroad would be possible to return with a very good salary, although I assume that in the long run I new to do with the same problems that drove me already' once to change the country.

return to Italy instead?

I'd like to return to Italy, but at the moment not even think about it.
Italy and 'the country more' beautiful in the world and where the food is better ... (if you grab the gradient). In my opinion it would take a revolution! I am sure that all Italians (and others) back in Italy as soon as possible.

We can only hope ...

Andre Thanks for your testimony.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

26 John Allmand Boats

Vuoi andare a vivere all’estero? I 10 NON motivi per cui sarebbe meglio non emigrare.

many stereotypes are created in the minds of those who dream to live abroad. They can be dangerous if one wished to Imbach enterprise. It 'best to clarify.

1) Outside life is easier.

2) I believe that my life would be better abroad.

If you think it means that you are not mature enough to make sacrifices. Emigrate means to get involved. So if you decide to go, prepare yourself for tough times because they do not miss them.

3) found a job.

4) I think my work is better abroad.

Every year London hosts 1 million people. Means that every year people all over the world comes and goes to London. So prepare to compete, perhaps people more capable than you, who speak the language better, having a degree and who have more experience than you. So do not start at a disadvantage, trying to see in advance what are your options once there. For example in London that would have the possibility of finding a job in IT? Start looking on the internet, maybe you have a look at where to look for work in London .

5) Take a better salary if I worked abroad.

And if you do not find work at all? Living in Italy gives you an advantage among immigrants, you'd think that once abroad the same advantage? Get ready to go down instead of level, to take a salary worse compared to the current one. Only he who knows the difference for his talents may one day aspire to a better salary. You are the best of Chinese and Indians who live here in London, speak English, sono laureati e sono disposti a fare ogni genere di sacrificio pur di ottenere uno stipendio migliore nel settore IT?

6) Una volta arrivato mi imparo la lingua dopo un mese.

7) La lingua non è un problema, una volta lì la si impara.

Falso! Quanti stranieri conoscete che vivono in Italia da anni, e ancora non si sono imparati a parlare l’italiano? Io stesso, nonostante lavoro con inglesi da ormai 6 mesi, faccio enormi difficoltà a capire e a farmi capire. Mentre lavorate, cercate anche di andare a scuola, leggere giornali inglesi, guardare la TV con i sottotitoli in inglese. Nel mio caso, ho lo svantaggio di vivere con la mia compagna italiana e con altri ragazzi Italian. Try instead to isolate yourself from this environment.

8) Why I went on vacation and I fell in love with the place.

How many times in Italy than in the north down to south during the summer? How many people, including Europeans and Americans come to see our country to spend their vacation? And how many of them eventually decide to stay or relocate? A bill to make a pleasure trip and spend a period of time without any stress, hotels, restaurants and walking, another is having to survive.

9) I'm so dissatisfied with my life which I now give up everything and go away.

Wherever you decide to go, unless you have a life of ease and comfortable, life will never cease to give moments of grief, anger or disappointment. If you decide to flee, and not to emigrate to mention the days of your return home. Do not, stay home and be content with what you have.

But if you decide you want to leave, make sure you have serious reasons, once you find the job of your life (assuming that it is so simple), what are the reasons that makes you stay there? Also try to plan every detail of your departure months in advance. Plan your trip, give yourself goals and try to use the time you have to find some useful contacts for any eventuality. Mamma e papà ora non potranno più aiutarti una volta fuori.

10) Voglio fuggire dall’Italia e dai suoi Italiani.

L’Italia si sa è oramai è in mano a politici, baronetti, e delinquenti.

Ma l’Italia, la mia Italia, è del popolo e per il popolo. Accettate di essere un popolo che vuol essere considerato dall’Italia e poi dal resto del mondo. Perché una volta fuori, porterete avanti con dignità ed orgoglio le vostro origini.

Saranno gli stereotipi nei confronto dell’Italia e degli italiani in genere il vero nemico di chi vi guarda con occhi stranieri, saranno le battute, a volte offensive, di chi crede che siamo il paese the Mafia, pizza, the gesture with his hand, verses, ditties of the mandolin, of Berlusconi.

will be all this and more, that will remind you that Italy is not all there, it's something that now escapes you, but once with the muzzle off, you would like to remind all costs.

All the anger that you will have to process, because the Italians we can criticize our nation, but just between us, because once out, there will be people who will test everything you've hated and loved to a moment before, forcing us to defend it, as you can.

So plan to criticize, I have also since Italy, and Italy is the home that I hope to find soon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can A Felon Own A Compound Bow

Italiano senza passaporto? In UK potrebbe essere un problema.

Today an Italian citizen can 'wake up one morning and decide on a European destination to live for as long as he has in mind.

Simply obtain one of the following documents:
  • Document of Identity '(ID card);
  • EU passport.
If it is not just a holiday of pleasure, but rather 'we wanted to follow in the footsteps of your computer migratory, both documents would ensure their stay in the host country. But the only ID card may not provide those additional services such as request NIN, have a contract of employment, enroll in a college, open a bank account, etc. ...

Sometimes you may encounter with people who can refuse your ID card, opting instead for a passport. The reasons are sometimes out of ignorance or (someone in the UK still think it is not in Europe), or simply because Italy still insists in using the ID card by applying strong restrictions on issuance of passport. In UK he performed a driver's license as identification document 'valid, and the passport as a document di espatrio.

Ma allora cosa posso fare se sono senza passaporto e non mi accettano la mia ID card?

Per prima cosa non perdiamo la calma, e cerchiamo invece di lavorarci con un po’ di diplomazia e astuzia. Se l’argomento cittadino europeo non ha dato i giusti frutti, vi consiglio di mostrare la vostra patente (tesserino magnetico) per comprovare la vostra identita’. Essa infatti rispecchia fortemente le caratteristiche di un documento, anche se e’ un documento di riconoscimento valido SOLO in Italia, mentre la sua validita’ e’ soggetta alle leggi dello stato ospitante. Quindi non provate a partire senza la vera ID card.

But I do not have the new license, and even that old, what can I do?

If the makeup of the license had the chance, maybe you require an alternative which can provide other types of document. And this surprises you do not make faces because they could take everything to facilitate the service. An example: here asking for credit card.

Have you had similar experiences? Leave your story here.