Sunday, October 24, 2010

Side Effect Of Gatsby Hair Wax

To love, a computer migratory. Media

Xavier and 'a computer scientist who decided to emigrate for the sake of Gent.

And 'Saturday, my girlfriend and' to college to study English. Top of the morning as usual in doing the housework. Pass the vacuum cleaner in the room, I take the clothes hanging in the balcony (thank God they have found a home in London with a large balcony so that they can draw), preparing for the washing machine to wash clothes, heating the shower early in the opening 'hot water and meanwhile back in front of my laptop to read mail, and here I open one of my friend Xavier.

I still remember the first time we met, both still in junior developer that big companies chiamata CPI Progetti. Gli avevo mandato la solita mail di domande giorni a dietro, chiedendo di rispondermi appena avesse avuto il tempo. A pensarci bene lui e’ stato il primo programmatore che io abbia mai conosciuto, a partire per l’estero. Ma all’epoca le sue motivazioni non le avevo condivise totalmente e la sua vicenda, giungendomi sempre per vie traverse, non mi avevano mai indotto alla curiosità, almeno fino a quando non ho aperto questo blog.

E invece eccola lì la sua storia, ermetica come solo lui sa essere, ma unica nel suo genere. Rileggo quelle brevi righe cercando di capire che diavolo di articolo potrei mai tirar fuori con così poco. Altre persone tendono ad essere larghe nei particolari, happy to have their say, to make known their achievements. Xavier not. He merely says that it is not 'satisfied and, if he could, to come back in Italy.

For those who emigrate, the mood must be constantly kept high, the life and 'hard in any way you want to tell, and sometimes we lie to ourselves first, aware of our hypocrisy. But Xavier knows this already, does not hide it even puts a strain on my perspective. And here I do not know what to do, I do not know whether to call it, being afraid of being hurt by me too much realism, or try to address it without being pretentious.

are the 13, and Saverio 'connected with Skype, so a launch "We" to chat, as I hope I did not respond. They spend a few seconds, here is his answer. I have to call it, I have no excuses now. We spend the first few minutes of pleasantries. But we move on to Xavier, and that 'her story.

Xavier and 'born in Bagno a Ripoli near Florence, still inscribed in the degree course in Computer Science, decided in 2007 to live in Rome by his cousin. He began working with the usual contract for the project at my own company. Meanwhile, his cousin, and his project manager, placed it in-house thus developing their skills in technologies such as Plone / Python.

E ' the summer of 2008 and its companion has to go to Gent, offer something in Italy that do not '. Xavier does not think too much, the desire to travel and 'great, and so it begins to send email to all companies. Learn now that Belgium and 'linguistically divided in two. The south, where French is spoken, and the north, where he will live and where they speak Flemish, but there as a second language 'English, a language that Xavier knows quite well.

His figure does not seem to be much in demand in Belgium, but nevertheless willing to let him interview someone finds it. It 's a company that is located in Antwerp, but they are 80 km from Gent. Decides to schedule an interview a week after. The occasion is 'greedy, and there's still' the train that took him home in an hour.

finally leaving the house and 'small but the welcome and' the best. The people are hospitable, the climate that reigns in Gent, and 'that of a quiet town and a little' alone. During the weekend, the city tends to empty as populated mostly by students, while on Monday once again fills. Gent and 'clean and tidy and not at all dear, you go around by bike for anything, the rents of the houses are not so high, the beer and 'good as their traditional products. You do not eat badly, do not eat Italian and this 'course, but you can find a little of everything'.

The interview does not go. Xavier begins again to send mail, but Belgium does not seem to find programmers with his qualifications. But he is not to be won, and his research ranges across the border. And it 'right next to Amsterdam to find someone interested in him. This time the interview is successful, the pay and 'good but now the problem is' the distance, almost 300 km. She and Xavier have to share. He will return just for the weekend. The company allows him to work from Monday through Thursday, allowing the weekend long. So he began to commute.

After two months and here is the turning point. A small company is looking for a programmer Django python / plone. He first knows that not many to compete for that spot. So it just depends on him. With that job closer to her she could finally no longer be forced to travel for hours. But Xavier and 'a boy in the leg, and that place gets you with ease.

Now would be nice to say that this is' the end of history. Xavier and his girlfriend together again, both working close to home.

Months passed. Xavier does not take a lot of salary, but at least he has a contract indefinitely, leave, sickness, 13th, 14th, pension and mutual. Xavier if riding a bicycle, he received a refund for those miles along. But time and 'always a bad thing. The city cold almost all year round. The locals are hospitable if you are a foreigner, but the hospitality 'is up to the threshold of their homes. A little 'less if you give the impression of living there. English is spoken all, it 's true, but to socialize and' Flemish required.

Two years have passed, and now Xavier begins to have doubts. The days begin to be always the same. The holidays are few, and those few that have are spent per tornare in Italia. Gli amici pochi e quasi tutti Italiani, per lo più persone conosciuti in qualche corso di lingua organizzato dalle università locali. Inoltre la società non sembra passare un buon momento, i progetti sono pochi e vengono svolti con poco entusiasmo. I pagamenti arrivano a volte con una settimana o due di ritardo senza preavviso.

Confessa che Gent non e’ il posto migliore per cercare lavoro nel Settore IT, magari dentro di se c’e’ anche un timido desiderio di emigrare nuovamente. Se ora gli si chiede di tornare in Italia, lui convinto ti risponde di sì. Adora la sua terra, guidare la sua moto tra le montagne o andare a fare un po’ di snowboard sugli Appennini. Attività in Belgium can no longer play. Meanwhile, look for work again, what he dislikes most, the bored, the Gent now living as the most boring cities, and in fact 'that he first knows that it has grown fat and lazy.

But research and 'hard, maybe something will come out one day, you just have to see how they go in the future.

Save Good luck, I wish you a world of good, for you have migrated to the computer love.


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