Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Low Fat, Low Cal Coffee Cake

"Pliskin" - "When the night comes"


* 12/03/2011 Batik, Viale Umbria, 64 - Milano
* 14/03/2011 Le Trottoir, Milano, zona Darsena (Ex Dogana)
* 14/04/2011 Biblioteca di Viale Zara, MILANO

Download -> Pliskin - "Quando Arriva La Sera"

" Quando Arriva La Sera" è un album dei Pliskin.

To listen to the songs of "Pliskin" can :

1) download free mp3 from the internet by clicking this link.

2) to stream on

3) Request a copy of a CD by e-mail .

4) loan at any public library in Milan, in particular the Library of Viale Zara, 100.

I " Pliskin " is a band born in a summer night in 2006 in Milan.

"Never let the day go off without tearing a secret" (From When the night comes)

Pliskin cooperating in the project:

Angelo Pacific , with one of his paintings for the album cover.
Leonardo Furio , for photos.
Frank Abruzzese and Frequency Studio in Monza, for recording and mixing.
Valentina Generali for the press office.
Joseph Bianci , for the logo on this site.

And many other people I met along the life, to thank them all there are on this page, but it certainly left their mark on our bodies and in our hearts.

"There are many rooms in this life,
That is like water of a river
apparently always the same in a different
yet at every moment."
(From: There are many rooms)

Download -> Pliskin - When the night comes

------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---


Pliskin - "The Disenchantment" On Air on Rock'n'roll Radio - The DJ Ariel - 0:15 engraving

The songs of Pliskin on RAI Radio Uno - Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Review 8 June 2010 on www.oblò.it:
Read the review on 8 June 2010 www.oblò.it by Mariapia Fuschino "

breakfastjumpers.blogspot.com on June 2, 2010 Review: Read the review
written on breakfastjumpers.blogspot.com June 2, 2010 "Interview with

" Pliskin "Valentina Iuzzolino WakeUp on March
Read the Interview by Valentina on Iuzzolino WakeUp ->" Pliskin: The Disenchantment of reality and the dream never forgotten "

Review of" When the night comes "at: History of Music

on Review:
die Zeit Geist



interviewing "Pliskin" on Radio Parallele Illusions:

India-Italy and not only

http://www.saltinaria.it/ recensioni/cdpromodemo/5771-pliskin-quando-arriva-la-sera-cd.html

Stories of a Minute

The Pasture indigestible

http://www.npmagazine.it/style/46-style/1420 -Pliskin-when-get-out-the-evening-The album-desordio-of-band-Milan-10d-track-of-indie-rock-italiano.html

http://www.megamodo .com/200940924-quando-arriva-la-sera-il-nuovo-album-dei-pliskin /

> Camillo Fasulo's Blog: "Pliskin" a beautiful new Italian reality to be discovered ... and listen

Marco Messina

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do Gas Station Bathrooms Have Condoms


... so I expected that The news came at the end ... I have
informed that the current plant manager will be transferred to day in Kentucky, and I will have the honor of "managing" the Venezuelan plant ...
YUPPIIIiii ... . . .
Oh well ... do not expect to jump for joy, the place is what it is, the Venezuelans are what they are ... and I also tried not to disprove ...
'm trying to think, to understand that in reactions
I fear, excitement, sadness, satisfaction, curiosity, loneliness, pride, trust, distrust, ...
We talked a lot about myself and Clare, we reassured each other. The program is proceeding on schedule, 3 / 4 years abroad to try to make a mess that allows you to find decent work in Italy and then fall into line. At the professional level they're giving me a big vote of confidence (although perhaps a bit 'forced by the situation) and the risk of burning is ... but I'm not too worried about work, which decomposed to a minimum is also made of small things, address and resolve. Of course they are very concerned about the environment. But I'll keep my eyes open and if someone gives me a look up there, eyes open will be four.
There is still no official news from the high ranks of Cesena, but already meeting will be Monday for the transfer of power ... the transfer of my head will be quick, it should start already in December ...

For now, I meditate on change, which in reality is not changing ... and I dozed off
'night ...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Verticalblind Headrail

A trip well organized 3

Against all odds we find a place in the grand hotel Cumana, a tavern at 3 stars ... but with that Francisco was too expensive. "Ok, but has room for all four!", "Yes but it costs" average pole falls noche "(" half a million "that would be more or less 70 € for 4 persons)", "Ok, however, that alternatives have ?, "" Let's go look for other places "...

Ok (in everything Francisco's aunt and sister had offered us hospitality ... but my aunt has a house as small as about his sister (who turned out to be 3) will meet tomorrow for the first time ... it's a long story ... soon we get there).

21.30 ... back on the waterfront where there are hotels that seem to be the upstream hilton mario ... now we understand the type of cars that pass that is not monitored by surveillance within our reach, but the average pole ... We also find another hotel, inconspicuous sign, we will get you through a narrow path between two boundary walls 5 meters high ... We opened a gate, Hola pana! (Hello Friend) ... ... ... hours is a good hotel with many small cells diligently cars parked in front of each door ... is not the place for us. Supervision very cordial and friendly with Francisco and the girl in the car in front of us, a little 'more curious when we me and Nabil, who knows who will have thought. Back to

GrandHotel, but France is not convinced yet, despite that we have proposed with Nabil smezzare in different proportions ... We have so much pain that the vigilante of the hotel, sitting just outside the door, call us and prompts us to go to a street in the center of Cumana, where there are lots of choices, all in a row.

obey thanking the little muchacho's attachment to work, and resume the search at 22. The last row of 4 hotels in a room, costa di meno e ci permette di non andare a disturbare i parenti di F. sparsi per Cumaná… e poi di fronte c’é una pizzería abastanza allettante…

Ci fiondiamo dentro per dare i nomi e tutto il resto e il portiere si fionda ad accoglierci…solo che lui, come molti venezuelani, soffre di quella malattia che porta il battito cardiaco a rallentare e rallentare e r a l l e n t a r e e r a l l e t a r e ... inducendo lo stesso ritmo a tutte le altre azioni corporee… a volte anche mentali…

Riusciamo a prendere possesso della camera, io e Nabil stanza con due letti a castello, e io sono felicissimo. Per ottenere un materasso comodo, ma davvero comodo, scopro, la mattina dopo, di aver dormito esattamente nel centro di un tifone... nel flusso dell’aria condizionata accesa di notte… Ma sono sopravvissuto (anche se la mattina avevo, perdónate la licenza poetica, dei batoliti nel naso e negli occhi… … buongiorno!!...)

Scendiamo di corsa anelando la pizza, ma ovviamente la pizzería é chiusa… ci dicono di andare piú avanti di un paio di isolati lungo la strada, l’altra pizzería rimane aperta un po’ di piú… Noi allora, benedicendo la sveltezza del portiere, riusciamo ad arrivare all’altra pizzería, che pare essere il punto da cui é partita l’epidemia della malattia di cui vi parlavo prima. Alle 23.30 circa riusciamo ad ottenere our only mega pizza (yes, the pizzaeria was closing, a better pizza that great American tradition ... 4 small). I ask Francisco what it had been obliged to wear, and he responde: "Everything" ... and I bless the American tradition ...

We walk to the hotel for dinner, because the pizza we have kindly shut the door, when we discover that the hotel is closed and the concierge can not see anyone, we do not have phone numbers, and there are no telephones ... The blessings are wasted tonight ...

wait, we scream, we find there some cars waiting to enter the garage, say they have a reservation but even the car park is closed ... wait, scream, and begin to manngiare pizza ... proporcionalmente nervousness grows with the drought ... good pizza with "everything" ... when you check the goalie who apologizes saying that he had not heard (mortacci) Meanwhile, the outside ... I feel that there are other people who should come ... he made a surprised face (the whole hotel is full), I tell him that the reservation, the face becomes startled terrified, embarrassed, smiling ... the door closes the door behind us and fall within the sly ... I do not think we were the only ones to bless this evening ...

Tip: do not book hotels in Venezuela, Cumana ... or at least to the final conquest

bed, his stomach full of coca cola ... and all mixed with the air conditioning shot waiting for me a good rest ...

the morning we wake up and there quietly arrange for go to sea. But before we go to meet the sisters Francisco. The breakfast is a tradition not just wake up here, I still hear "everything" that I back up and caffettino there would be nothing wrong.

Then, the biological dad of F. is a conservative ... and following the tradition has spread to Venezuela a bit 'of children with different women. F., once grown up, he realized that beyond the grievances, maintaining contact with people is a good thing (of course, about the grievances, you can not suffer from the lack of a parent ... and therein lies the skill of the remaining parent, or the low sensitivity of the subject ...) then in 24 years decided to meet these sisters who were lucky enough to have the father present (occasionally) at home with them so far.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How Much Is A Blue Bandana Worht?

A trip well organized 2

... Then

Francisco also has an aunt and sisters in Cumana ... maybe give us a hand ... (the story of her aunt and sister was not very clear ... then turns to its complication later in the trip ...) Meanwhile I

I trawled the park guide. Prmettere seems fine. There are dozens of beaches, you can reach all with spears, but desperate times, we expect a full house and spears could be packed, one is thrown in one of the beaches along the road as Playa Colorada, or ARAP .. In short we have several escape routes. The guide also tells of other small towns ... like Santa Fe, where there is a hostel for young backpackers ... (I think that's cool ... then I explain that if you go to Santa Fe you're lucky if you come out in their underwear ... it's easy to be robbed or more ...)

the list of things to do at the back there is writing a letter to the lonely planet through prayer to quickly review advice on accommodation for viaggiaatori DIY here in Venezuela ...

Ques'anno there were several bridges, and this is the last until the Christmas holidays. This time (October 12) celebrating Christopher Columbus (¡?!) .. nonstante here all the statues depicting cristoforino be torn down by vandals with the mockery of the authorities but have not the slightest intention of putting them back in place. Colombo has not yet officially demonized as a figure ... but soon Simon Bolivar prendereá also its place. On Saturday comes and we are ready.
Antonio at noon and let us run the first stage is the home of Nabil, to change it and eat something before leaving. About two o'clock, we meet Francisco and the girl who is already the second third beer ... a house load of empty bottles of beer (to save on cash will buy a bit) and set off. In this country every type of celebration, rest, holiday, evening, and divided by the number of beers that are drunk ...

We start off with a delay (to reach Cumana cmq it takes at least 5 hours) and after a quarter of '... now we are already shut down the beer did affect Francisco and the girl .. but happy for them to buy two beers and two for me and Nabil

... The journey is long but enjoyable. We walk the streets not too shabby (except for a stretch suicide of 10 km with whole pieces of the road caved to the rains) running through green pastures and timeless villages, where young people sit on benches on either side of the road at the speed bumps (the Himalayas are not marked in the middle of the road needed to have no demographic breakdowns in these villages that nascnon along the way) to see the cars that are likely to fall over ... good job ... (since Nabil told me with tears in his eyes that even in his country there is such an activity ... the children take a big stone, put it in a plastic bag big enough disguise it and place it in the street ... quiet and happy on the driver notices the envelope ... thinks, "is an envelope ... and passes over them unaware of having to replace, if things go well, oil pan and more ... another beautiful job ... ps if you go in Morocco warned ...)

After four or five well-planned stops (in which incredibly was done in turn to pee, never two at a time) and two refueling stops (during which obvious, you can not do pee ...) we arrive at the destination at 21.00 ... ... ... Cumana find where to sleep?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What Happens If You Try 2 Have A Kid With Herpes

A well-organized a trip

The idea was to leave for three days and go down south to the state Amazonia ... Anthony had suggested we get to Puerto Ayacucho, sleep there and Sunday morning looking for some activities on the shore of the High Orinoco.

Puerto Ayacucho is a pretty little town recently. It rises on the right bank of the Orinoco in so far as the river forms the boundary between Venezuela and Colombia. The fact is that only in the last fifty years have built the road coming from the north to the deep south. Even today, the road ends there, and there are only trees and forests. The guide says that even large tracts of the mountain range to the south of Venezuela have never been visited in the world ... I did not think there are still unexplored areas ...

We were quite excited ... only can go rafting on the river in the engine, in Puerto Ayacucho there la possibilitá di mangiare carne di tapiro e di altri animali inusuali. Il problema é che come tutti i fin de semana largo, i ponti, i venezuelani escono dalle loro case e si riversano nelle poche pensioni disponibili in questi luoghi, turistici, ma neanche tanto. Andiamo a cercare tra le conoscenze di Antonio e su internet se c’é qualcuno che ci puó ospitare…ma niente.

Secondo problema, per arrivare a puerto Ayacucho servono 10 ore almeno, di macchina… niente male. E partire a mezzogiorno con la prospettiva di dover attraversare l’Orinoco su una chiatta di notte non è il massimo… Piano piano il progetto amazonia sfumava senza riserve…

Allora ci buttiamo sull’occidente, Nabil ... and I go to see the Choir, colonial town, a former second capital of Venezuela Caracas, Sunday and let's see a desert area with a lot of high sand dunes (from Google Earth really looks pristine desert) and then we throw ourselves on the Peninsula, I do not remember the name, where there are expanses of cactus, surfing beaches and a lighthouse with a left to reach off-road track ...

If you add that to the handful Francisco with his girlfriend ... he was a choir and says, "a nice town, an hour and a half and go home ..." and then "the desert? Okay you've seen in Europe to force the desert ... " and I "... ...", And he said "ah, in Europe there are deserts?" And I again: ".... .... "
program changed again, hopefully for the last time as they are 8 pm the previous day ... So is decided. We go to the National Park Mochima. Eastern Venezuela, the national park islands "pristine" along the road to Cumana.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bloating Liver Failure

There are three seconds of the trip that takes me every morning in the office alone are worth a breath of pure oxygen, a sigh, and when they are just lucky, a moment of quiet amazement.
To get to the office before I get out of Caracas, then I touches a large stretch of the highway curves is favoring the hillside of the mountains, still deep green, surrounding Caracas, and finally the descent into the valley of Tuy, where there Charallave.
In the central section is a curve, one from which you can see one after another, all the mountains that frame a long narrow valley that extends for miles. And these mountains lead the eye to the horizon, when the clouds permit, far away and with incredible nuances. Sometimes the clouds are hiding the tops of mountains, sometimes forming a white bed in the valley and then you see only these geometric forms suspended in midair, sometimes still in the clouds cover part Only the top down into the bottom of the valley, and then you create some amazing pictures.
Sometimes you do not see anything ... with rain or mist the valley disappears ...
Perhaps most valuable to make this view is the fact that the beaks always have to stay focused on driving, then the tens of highway curves are all darn the same, and I can not stop anywhere along the way to make a photos or enjoy the view for a few minutes.
Whenever a surprise turn around and have this flash of the valley that runs away ... I did not look, do not try, but she appears ... About

appearances ... Today while I ate I got a craving and irrational gravidanziale fried pumpkin flower. I imagined the Alicetta with mozzarella cheese melted around, the scent of pumpkin and crispy batter and lasts around ... I was almost hallucinating ... I'm just fruit ...

Good night!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can You Use A Headset With Dj Hero

three seconds ... it's raining. ..

almost ends the second week of return quiggiù ... and I'm almost taking up the habit in these places and these faces. The homemade holiday has been a mixed blessing ... indeed, sooner rather delight and then cross. The Second Coming is different, I already know what to expect ... there is no longer the surprise with which cushions all the problems of the day. Then he pulls a heavy air in the workshop ... maybe it is the lack of the surprise, oppure è proprio che l'aria è pesante, c'è qualcosa sotto... e io lo scoprirò! Tie'

Siamo in piena stagione delle piogge. Ogni giorno, nonostante durante la giornata splenda un sole che ti brucia la pelata, verso le 6 (ora fatidica del previsto ritorno a casa) si copre tutto e si scatena l'inferno. Nel tratto di autostrada che faccio per tornare a casa l'acqua ha un'altezza fissa di 10 cm... e corre e scorre tra le macchine senza paura. Ora, finche andavo in giro con il carroarmato di Antonio (un Ford SportTrack 4.7 litri 4x4 benzina, una manna per il benzinaio) tutto a posto... ma ora che mi ritrovo con la cugina sconcia del vecchio Piddu della famiglia Cosatti (una splendida Uno 1.3 litri, una mannaia per il benzinaio (There I have to explain, with Ford at the gas station we passed once every two days and it takes 70 liters of gasoline, now with the one I pass out every two days, the tank carries 25 liters, more or less, but the attendant just break the balls, that what we do not pay even half buy coffee)) ... I said, the One is tuttaun'altra history. When I drive I hear the water splashing under their feet, pushing through the windscreen and the radio plays the song of the nudge (you remember them? "Glu glu glu glu glu glu ...")
not mean to be vulgar, I am in Chicago every night and shoulders remain in position Hunchback of Notre Dame for the voltage (in addition to drive hugging the steering wheel, hoping to see the road) ...
For all forutna not happen every day ... at times the problem of seeing the road is not the place, all was still for tea ', waiting for firefighters to remove fallen trees along the road ... with a machete ... one, not two ... A

A team of firefighters ... A machete

took me 2 hours to get home ...

cmq little reflection on the news that I started to "groom" (but not too much ...) dating back to September 8. On the one hand there is a certain Barak in front of a large audience of a college in Washington comes up with a rather stodgy speech: "To succeed you need to study." On the other hand there's the echoes of applause Red Carpet (red even more for the presence of the ties of the director and the subject) of Venice has reserved guest / subject / icon of the documentary by Oliver Stone ... Our President Chavez. What in the two-week European trip he visited Belarus and Iran and Russia and Spain and Italy precisely. In order, to Ahmadinejad in Iran promises promises 20,000 barrels of oil per day in exchange for 800 million dollars per year and some "gem" on uranium enrichment in Russia Putin discussed with his friend (who has many friends Putin) against the nickname "axis of evil" anti-iperialista (we speak of American Empire), 4.4 billion dollars to buy weapons (anti-aircraft missiles, rifles, etc.) and 92 (Ninety-two) tanks for the expenditure of $ 2.2 billion (the latter provided by Russian banks) in exchange for the exclusive use of some of the possible oil deposits in the Orinoco River (now politically recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent republics ), arrives in Italy, where local sources speak of a Venezuelan phone call an hour don the Prime Minister has not been confirmed in Italy, he participated in the Venice festival as the guest of Oliver Stone (the documentary is presented featuring the Venezuelan revolution chairman) receives applause from the audience (some newspapers have noted that the public was cheering the same a few days after the documentary would have applauded riguardanti gli scontri seguiti alle elezioni in Iran), ricorda l'amicizia con i presidenti Napolitano e Berlusconi e entusiasma i presenti con un "porto l'Italia nel cuore". Infine conclude il viaggio in Spagna, anche qui accolto come un buon ospite da Zapatero e come un nuovo amico, dopo aver messo da parte i vecchi rancori, da re Juan Carlos. In questa occasione il presidente C. tira fuori uno scoop, al largo dlle coste nord-occidentali del paese un consorzio Eni-Repsol (50-50) ha scoperto uno dei più grandi giacimenti di gas al mondo. Grandi applausi. La PDVSA, compagnia petrolifera statale entrerà automaticamente nel consorzio con una quota del 35%. A Repsol ed Eni toccherà il 32.5% cadauna. Applausi (?!?).
Il viaggio di Chavez ends here. We hope that the kids have absorbed something from the speech Barack ...

now all below deck ... you go to bed! Goodnight

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hindware Sanitary Fittings

el temblor

nearly stayed in Italy ...

arrive at baggage check-in counter and tipino looks at me and he says, "How many bags?", And I, "two!", And he, "oh well, it begins to give me my passport and then we'll see, you're in stand by "... and then I think, "sorry but if you see me for a little light red on the face?" but instead I ask only explanation ... Answer: "The flight is full, waiting lists and then close look" (she seemed to stand out of a nightclub, which depending on the entry list or not ...)

after a deep breath and began to look around me to explain my situation, trying to make logical sense what is not ... sell more tickets for seats on the plane actually present only on the basis of statistical considerations ... alright ... almost always ... here .. we were just out that "almost"

cmq in the end the place is and tipino adds, "ok parts, but you know there is a possibility that your bags arrive tomorrow, sometimes people do not take the baggage of overbooking , then I say, "in the charming town of Caracas, you know how many chances I have to see me get the luggage on the day after my arrival ?"... and then he comes out with the usual phrase soft / sad / pathetic / annoying ... "eh lo so, ma io non c'entro niente, sai, io gli sparerei a quelli che causano queste situazioni, che poi ci vado io di mezzo"

e va bene... allora stai meglio tu!

cmq partiamo, io e i miei bagagli, arrivati in orario e tutti interi (tutti e tre noi) dopo aver dormito troppo, anche succosamente sull'aereo, tra un film e uno snack. (parentesi filmica, sono riuscito a vedere "Ricatto d'amore" con Sandra Bullock e "Generazione mille euro" di un certo Venier, davvero davvero carini tutti e due, il primo più del secondo, classica commediola italiana, cmq piacevole)
Arrivo a Caracas e chi incontro? per la seconda volta (delle due) un terremoto accompagna la mia venuta. Questa volta un 7mo grado but rather violent murderess (only 14 wounded). Meanwhile smi 9 floors are done on foot with a suitcase and found the coat and a bedside lamp in the room unsteadily picture ... Fortunately, for now nothing

Today I went back to work after a Sunday spent in the name of full immersion in the fifth series of Lost ... I have seen 9 episodes ... Come back from work today I met the rain ... but not normal rain ... the PPIIOOGGGGIIAA .... honestly I never, absolutely never seen in my life so much water falling from the sky ... we were all lined up to 30km per hour, close neighbors to see the lights of the car in front to get a guide (I never wanted to be the first in line this time) and no one exceeded, never happened before ...
very cool to see that the highway for about twenty miles, without interruption, machinery walked in about ten feet of water ... cmq come home I unlined barattoletto Parmesan and pesto ... four home-made and now I'm ready for a nap ... more than ready ... have a dream ...

good waking up to you across the globe

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Parts Of The Body Do You Get Hiv Rash


A bit of news from here (different font ...)

Colombia and Its Neighbours

bazookas and bases

Aug 6th 2009

Venezuela's media crackdown

Switched off

Aug 6th 2009 of an audience, Chiara came as all the turmoil and hurricanes bring new interests, or she has always forbidden to express myself freely on the internet, or I wrote every day until now, only that the government has censored me ... Maybe all this put together, the important thing is that I am here again. With, as always, billions of things to tell and not a shred of hope in being able to tell all ...

The period is rather passed gnawing. A week before the arrival of Clare I took the initiative and have involved the other 3 sfamigliati Italian workers to go all overboard. The company has succeeded in half ... in the sense that we were able to go to sea, but 2 out of 4 (The Venezuelan make a bad effect, and the distance from home amplifies it). Consider that to go to sea I woke up at 4 in the morning at 5.45 I took Nabil (last troops arrived in the Italian, born in Casablanca with his wife and daughter waiting for him at Cesena) to Charallave and we headed Choroni. At 9 am we were on the beach. And in the 3 hour drive the show. Pretty much the way up to Maracay autopista is a quiet hour in which you can eat in a 120 km Oretta. Then start climbing the mountain that separates from the coast Maracay. And here comes the good, because you find yourself on a road that passes through dense vegetation, bamboo canes that make the road a cathedral, ferns that if they take advantage moisture to grow everywhere, a green color too intense ... More than once, with Nabil we observed that even if we had not reached the sea, the road itself was worth the trip up there ... The funniest part was the drive along the road, despite both traveled by bus each day from dozens of holidaymakers for a day, at different points in satin satin makes you walk to the rock to avoid a close look at the streams that flow down to valley. The first time did not seem much danger (this weekend we go back and tell you ...) ... yes you have to play the horn before turning on winding, sometimes you're stuck bus by making ploy to make the curves too tight per loro... ma non mi sembrava più pericolosa delle strade normali che abbiamo sulle Alpi...

Lungo la strada si attraversano due fiumiciattoli che la strada ha aggredito nel letto, e dove c'è acqua ci sono i bambini che giocano in mutande schizzandosi mentre i genitori riposano in macchina qualche metro più in là...

Alla fine si arriva in un pueblo che nulla ha da invidiare alle ricostruzioni hollywoodiane dei paesini messicani tutti colorati... e inizia la bolgia...

I pescatori che ti avvicinano offrendoti dei passaggi in lancia fino alle spiaggette inaccessibili in macchina... e in quattro e quattro otto, ci siamo fatti `pescare da un omuncolo che ci offriva un passaggio per Chuao... una spiaggia a 15 minuti di barca da Puerto Colombia (The pueblo before) full of camping tent, small shacks all organized to offer a modest price, comida ... Pescetto on a plate with vegetables and salad for 40 Bol ... good enough and, more importantly, we are still alive ...
But our salvation was the cool box, essential tool to survive the heat spiaggesca ... as can be done without a bulky heavy boxes full of ice and (in our case and succhetti Zup, but in most cases) of Whiskey and Vodka to transport you to kill your heels all the time because it slams on the legs?

Seriously ... it's very comfortable, but the end is just one of many things that are copied here by the Americans, se ne diventa dipendenti e, infine, fanatici... Come le banche con 7 bancomat per il prelievo, come i poliziotti in bicicletta, i fuoristrada enormi con i vetri oscurati e il cambio automatico, le bevande extrazuccherate da bere rigorosamente con il ghiaccio...

Ci hanno detto diverse volte che il modo per far finire una festa che si protrae a lungo nella notte senza fa arrabbiare le persone che vi partecipano è dire semplicemente che "il ghiaccio è finito"... nessuno qui berrebbe mai una birra o un trajo senza ghiaccio...
Per ora vi lascio, mi vado a fare una CocaCola on the rocks...

Ciao belli!!!

My Toshiba Notebooks Mouse Wont Move How Do I Fix


devo ringraziare l'olio della frizione della macchina che, finendo chissà dove attraverso quale buco, ha bloccato la frizione lasciandomi per strada abbastanza vicino all'officina da essere lesto ricuperato dal buon Antonio... ho perso la lezione di spagnolo ma sono stato riaccompagnato a casa alle 7.20 precise precise... e lì mi si aperto un mondo... posso fare un sacco di cose stasera!!!! Ho cominciato chiamando casa prima delle solite 3 del mattino (così oggi festeggia anche mamma andando a dormire prima...) poi conto un po' quanti soldi mi rimangono, cerco di caricare un po' di foto sul web, e cerco quanto ci costerà (se mi lasciano un sabato libero) arrivare un fine settimana alle Los Roques... Intanto ho scoperto che nel mese di agosto dovrò sostituire non solo il palnt manager siòre essiòri, bensì anche il resp production (of course only talking about signatures and approvals in the second case ... but there was no talk of increasing ... damn!)
Then I'm missing 16 pages of "The fate of the hunter" by Wilbur Smith. .. I drank 500 pages in a week ... To tell the truth I never bet on a bolivar Wil, but since it was lent a book to read the story I felt bad on the back cover and pretend to have read it ... m obviously will not, in the literature involved ... but I must say that Wil is great because it builds Paraculo lòibro as if it were a movie, fast in the narrative, a bit 'obvious, very exciting and above all lacks the characterizations of the characters and situations ... a bit 'flat ... did not last long, I was amused ... okay ...
Now I leave I'm going to collect photos ... Tomorrow we go on site and I'll have to do other work ... I do not know if I told you ... but one of the main activities of this first period was to create a photographic record of all equipment Trevi present here in Venezuela ... a thousand pieces all over ... scattered around the shipyards of course ... and tomorrow I have to Guareña / Guatire ...
Hello everyone! and good awakening

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Long Syphilis Takes

Big party tonight ...

First good news ... I'm alive and kicking ...
Second good news ... kicking less ...

Then the work week has gone pretty well. Saturday there was the first meeting between 22 and foremen in charge of security trevi in \u200b\u200bour workshop. Finally, the course of "electrical safety of construction site" has seen the light ("progress", despite being only 5 letters, is a big word ... let's say that given the llivello local technical knowledge was a smattering of concepts of electrical engineering. cmq .. but a good job). In short, I experienced my English as a presenter of a part of the course. It seemed to me to return to college ... the night before me are repeated in the morning I was not upset but I had half the guts sizzle ... Interestingly feeling.

Then there was the Dave concert in Lucca ... and stories of Fabio Chiara Valeria and Federica (Maximum wait for him for a while 'after which I call and I keep it on the phone half an hour) as there has been ... I could hear a piece and it came back the desire to play ... and perhaps you might make a new matt buying a small guitar to strum this part very carefully ...

twenty days and then comes Claire, and I have already started fantstico about where we could go somewhere to the sea ...

And then this morning I took courage and I went for a walk sull'Avila, the mountain that gives me good morning every morning, still dark and sleepy. Quietly, at 10, I arrived by car to the point where, believe me, hundreds of people start the "Walk". I expected a lot less people, but it bothered me that much ... the path to Sabas Nieves is 2km and a half, 960m from the start, the refreshment of 1380 (an opening in a wall through which they sell ice with lemon or tamarind made in plastic cups of coffee). .. I refreshed a world ... I made an incredible effort in my casual clothes (jeans and polo shirts with walking shoes) and sometimes I thought I would give in before (but always starts as the industry "will" was distracted ... I've screwed a lot of times ... but noticed it immediately and called friends, the field "curse of the big invescicato", "calf murderess" "Quadriceps crampon" and "were beautiful days when c'avevi breath" and together they forced me to stop ...)
But in the end I did it ... the view is beautiful from up, the day was not the best (as far as sight, mucho calor!) but the sky and the temperature were exceptional. In short, the

scoglionaggine last week seems to put down for a while '... I feel it just around the corner, but I think to be able to hold off ...
I'm downloading the pictures ... soon the load ... so stay tuned!
Hello beautiful!
and good week!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Telecaster Or Epiphone


all out light gray, low clouds envelop everything. The sound of rain is very strong and even manages to cover the cars take to the streets on Sunday. This strong trailer charging me so much. Aquieta relaxes me and this desire I have inside. It irritates me too much thinking to be restrained in coming, to know, fear and anxiety. I do not like having to stay home for fear of meeting a malintezionato. I'm home all right, I rest, I read, I am to do. But I do it mostly because the che è lì fuori mi mette a disagio. Probabilmente il più è suggestione... Intanto la pioggia continua a scendere a pulire ad ammorbidire la terra... L'Avila, il monte dietro casa, diventa sempre più verde, più carico di colore. E a me sembra una magia vedere questi cambiamenti di colore così repentini ed evidenti.
Prima mentre leggevo ho sentito urletti giocosi di bambini. Ho appoggiato il libro e mi sono affacciato alla finestra. Seguivo il rumore per cercarne la sorgente e ho trovato due splendidi pappagalli verdi e arancioni che bighellonavano di fronte al mio palazzo... bellissimi e rumorosissimi...mi fa strano vederli così in mezzo ai palazzi. Poi è arrivata la pioggia e anche loro avranno avuto bisogno di riparo.
Venerdì, after a night of rain, I went to work and are usually passed to the front of the landfill in Caracas. This place is incredibly large populated by many people that go, I think, to recover the recoverable or look for something to eat, to huge machines, which bathe the land in order to limit the dust and move across garbage heaps, and finally by vultures. They do think that one of the more useful, the business of the future ... recycling (ok, yes they do in their own way ... and then eat anywhere scacazzano creating other crap ... but at least you agree ...) So the reason why I speak of the landfill on Friday morning were all in line for ground or perched on poles della luce tutti con le ali spiegate verso la stessa direzione, come in adorazione... Il mio cervello di mattina non funziona al massimo, quindi solo a metà della strada (lunga, molto lunga) che costeggia la discarica sono arrivato a capire che si stavano asciugando le ali... E' una cosa scema ma mi ha lasciato colpito un sacco, forse perchè non ho mai pensato che gli uccelli si asciugassero dall'acqua della pioggia, o forse perchè erano stranissimi tutti in una posizione stranissima...
Vi lascio che inizio a gonfiare il canotto per andare a messa...
Buon inizio settimana!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Beautiful Sympathy Sayings

rain a fall but that does ...

Nelle due foto sotto ci sono 15 piccole differenze...

Write the correct answer on this blog ...
The correct solutions will be entitled to a free ride on a jeep ... (Not on the photo ...)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Opaque Panty Hose For Non Shaving Women

search and find I'm

.. probably yes ... are in the car .. of course the radiation does not work well ... I look outside and as happens to many people, talking to himself ... the problem is that then I say aloud the questions I ask myself ... if you know a good doctor to ask him for a consultation away ...!!!

the work goes quite well ... my pants a little 'less ... the weight had reached before the start of the killing made my thighs horse ... And my jeans were so subtle as not to break while I was in Rome ... rather decided to assign all here ... aided by the warm and treks in the workshop, are fitted with air vents in each pant ... d'oh!

I decided to propose a new scientific law which proposes the inverse relationship between the intensity with which you feel certain emotions between two people, and the distance that separates them ... only with this new theory would explain the amplification with which I feel certain things ... I just have to put up a couple of formulas ...
while the political crisis exploded in Honduras, which is closer than you think, this morning arrested the president, and by lunchtime the Venezuelan president threatens to attack ... a new cat to skin ... Meanwhile

Allevi sound ... and takes me away ...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Severin Bread Maker Recepies


Armed Forces Day here in Venezuela ...
and I take this opportunity to laze ... I'm about to finish "History" by Elsa Morante and I have "the fate of the hunter" by Wilbur Smith is waiting for me ... I do not have never given a lot of confidence in Smith ... but a book is loaned, and at least an idea I have to make me ... woke up at eight this morning, a clear call, breakfast in passing and rushing in runs that I have suggested, really good (next time I carry the camera, with fully charged battery I show it to you ...) is basically an old farm house near here, adapted from the national oil company in the showroom of art ... around the garden is spectacular with mango trees, reeds and spatifillum shows, all with a spectacular garden architecture ... So after 2 hours of reading in the park I came home for a shower ... and very little room ... The only thing a bit ' sad part is that I do not know what to do ... I only get around by stress, are a little 'curious about the center of the city that I have not ever seen ..
but in general I'm fine at home to rest ...
then maybe we will run away if we see a filmettino to the movies ... bah? A huge
salutone, see you on the weekend!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pokemon Silver Pikachu Locations

The Armed Forces Day

Settimanella picevole not too ... nothing special ... the excitement is over? (I do not think ...) I'll be a bit 'tired? (May be ...) nobody's perfect and it is to struggle with inconsistencies




(I've been good ... with a rare poem listing initial rhyme YYYY)
begin to have much trouble waking up in the morning ... Today, the two clocks have failed in their duty ... at 5:55 I opened my eyes and I catafottuto in the car to get to work with "only" 7 minutes late ... in the end I can not complain ...

Last Saturday dinner in a loooong Carnaiola ... very cool, a huge space full, and again, full of bottles of wine ... a large square bar counter where people would enter a forty dominates the entrance ... forty people and the surround ... Still beyond me how they do it to be among the first consumers of spirits in the world (do not know the official statistics ...). Basically if you walk into a bar you can not compratre a glass of whiskey or vodka, but the whole bottle you will be put aside with your name on your return and reopen the premises. For purists of whiskey are the assassins here ... also take bottles of 20/30 years and then drink the watered-down whiskey (strange word ... I had never written before ... watered down (and this is the second)). In short order the meat in a restaurant, a fillet of beef, they take a piece of which you can take a dozen or so slices do you see first and then start to cook it on a plate with the coals below. And the best part is bringing a slice at a time so you always have the warm flesh ... seems silly ... but how many times you take a barbecue and arrivals last piece that has become a sole shoes? I'm starting to become too demanding ... eh eh eh

Poi per chi vuole qui sotto c'è un articolo piuttosto interessantedal Corriere o la Repubblica del 16 giugno... fatemi sapere che ne pensate...

Buon fine settimana a tutti!

La «cattiva madre» che divide l'America

Ayelet Waldman, autrice del bestseller «Bad Mother»:«I figli lasciati ai margini sono più felici e indipendenti»Dal Our correspondent Alessandra Farkas

Ayelet Waldman and Michael ChabonNEW YORK - "If the mother is the one who loves their children more than anything else in the world, then I'm not a good mother. I love my husband more than my children, accessories for me. " It took this phrase, written in 2005 in an editorial in The New York Times, Ayelet Waldman to transform the most hated mom in America. But instead of being intimidated by the insults of TV reporters and Web threats, the 44 year old author, lawyer and wife of the famous - and beautiful - novelist Michael Chabon is back at work to further his argument, heretical in America post-feminist. The result is 'Bad Mother' The bestseller that has split the country into two. While the Huffington Post calls it "a must for every mother on the planet," Elle is for "literary terrorism." CHILDREN MORE HAPPY - "I think that mothers should tell the truth, especially when it hurts - in the author tells Corriere . com -. The world is constantly trying to make us feel bad mothers. They failed: most of us live with this hidden sense of guilt and inadequacy and everlasting. " Peggy Orenstein novelist Meg Wolitzer, and have praised the chapter in which Waldman says that children are raised knowing that marginal "more happy, independent, healthy and longevity of the mama's boy, over-protected and spoiled." "My four children do not have it with me for what I say - he says - because they are incredibly safe. The parents of their friends are all going through a divorce while they know that Mom and Dad will stay together forever and that makes them calm and happy. " In the field of sex education, his strategy is simple: "I put a cosmetic bag filled with multicolored prophylactic in their bathroom, to get used to the idea, when it's time." FEMINISM - The part of the book that has outraged more readers of the site is MyBaby.com stating "I could survive the loss of a child, but to my husband." Yet critics of the New York Times Susan Dominus has moved to the chapter where Waldman recalls the day of Yom Kippur, when the entire front of the synagogue, he read a letter of Atonement dedicated to his son, had an abortion after discovering he was a carrier of genetic defects. "The begged forgiveness - he says - to be a mother so poor that they can not accept an imperfect child." Thousands of women and feminists who have had a similar experience the compassion they have written to thank her. "But many feminists accuse me of having used the word child instead of fetus," she points out. And feminism, according to the author, has made the job infinitely more difficult as a mother. "Our multi-tasking has reached frantic levels. We have to be perfect in everything, while model to be defined, fathers present at the game or just the birthday of his son. " Betrayed the promises of a more fair-minded women would generate a smoldering resentment. With disastrous consequences also on the sex life of coppia.SESSO and cups - "The man uses sex to relax after a day of stress and hard work. For us women the opposite is true. If after 8 hours in the office then we must also take over the housework, is the end of eros. " Conclusion: "The sex life of a woman is related to the aid of her husband at home. There is nothing more sexy for a wife with children of a man who passes the vacuum cleaner. " Even if the library "Bad Mother" is selling like hotcakes, the Waldman is one of the few writers to have been abused women during the popular show The View and booed the Oprah Winfrey Show. As will be implemented his theories in old Europe? "The English and the French applaud unreservedly blowing smoke rings into the air, shaking their Gallic shoulders and wondering why we Americans torture us so needlessly. In Italy I can not imagine a mother that you love someone, including God, the more the child. " After spending the last two summers in Tuscany, Italy, the author describes as "a country now without children, that is crazy when we see one." "Walking in a Italian way with a baby in her arms is like carrying a huge wedding cake. Everyone wants to taste it. " June 16, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Will A Hydrofoil Help On 200 Hp Motor

bah ...

then ... 27 the morning I'm in Rome ... August ... was not really obvious ...
and 12 it starts again ... of September ... This might expect ...

Another nice thing is that I find Chiara on August 1 and returned to Italy with me ... certainly will not enjoy the best time (in fact, my top 3 to 23 August will be on holiday leaving me the pleasure to act as a "representative" of the establishment during his absence) but in this way is held in September to work for free ... so if you have not yet found a job ... take the chance! or may be too late ...

then thank the Italian night owls ... Lollo Turin in the person of ... that although they lived in the same time Italian company has decided to let me immense relaxing evening in Homemade ... The

post information that is interrupted only by adding itself to me 'Bum-PC IN SHOP!! so no internet daily for a few days ... but do not worry that you always think of UNPO and perhaps' more ...

good friday everyone!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sample Of Ceo Speech For Coach

So what time shall we meet?

A little 'thing or spot start for this week ... I began to ignore the alarm ... and this could be a problem. This morning, after hearing the two alarms ringing merrily I thought well ideare un sogno in cui facevo esperimenti che erano cadenzati dal suono tipico di un allarme di laboratorio Nokia... Ad ogni modo considero un grande passo per l'umanità 36 giorni di alzate in orario... dovreste esserne tutti orgogliosi...
Altra cosetta... ho aggiunto un po' di
foto dello scorso finesettmana ... c'è il solito splendido club paradisiaco... e un buon più discreto centro commerciale, nella cui costruzione ha lavorato la Trevi, proprio qui sotto casa mia... c'è il negozio delle Geox (1200BsF qualsiasi paio... ?!?!?!?!?!?!?) delle Merrel, della Nike/Adidas/Timberland/Swatch/Quicksilver/NortheFace ...tutta roba a portata delle tasche locali... come l'AppleStore dove un MacBookPro (I do not know what it costs in Italy) you pull it back with 18000BsF ... As a car ...
Then something is not beautiful but he is probably in the game ... I have seen out the first dog live ... sballottolato away by a passing car in the middle ... and I can not even blame the driver who was traveling about 100 km / h on the highway without the full protections of houses left and right with the garbage, fresh fresh for the hungry dogs, scattered everywhere ... Here is also believed that there is a certain awareness of suicide by dogs ... I do not know what to rely on this theory ... prob a little, but it is strange ... cmq in general in Italy I always saw dogs getting ready to the road showed at least a little ' fear ... hesitation (unless of course they were in the middle of the road by mistake ...)
But here the roads are busy a lot, there's so much space to the right and left ... at some point see the dog begins to run into the street despite the cars passing by ... is probably bullshit but I've got second thoughts throughout the day ... Yesterday
Ora vo' a nanna...
statemi bene!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Making A Mounted Headboard


Ciao a tutti...
la settimana volge al termine... manca solo domani e poi un giorno di riposo finalmente...
a dire la verità questi sette giorni mi sono abbastanza volati, mi starò mica abituando?!?
Intanto sono stanchissimo, stasera neanche la solita cena di fine settimana con Andrea.
Elemento moooolto di spicco della settimana è stato un film che mi ha passato il buon Lollo, Garden state di Zach Graff (uno degli attori di Scrubs)... ma proprio bello... mi ha lasciato un bel sorriso sereno prima di andare a dormire (The soundtrack is very special, it is said that they did choose his friends). If you can find it watch it because I did just to be positive of the day ... and if you see him let me know what you think ...
I think tonight I close here because I am ... ... yawwn a rag.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Inivitation Wording For 3 Year Olds

fin de semana

less calm despite these first two days of the week were less heavy ... and since I do not think that I rest more, it could also be me getting used to this racket ... last Saturday just got back from work I went for a walk in the park here in front house ... and it was a surprise announcement ... nela sense that I had described as a huge park, relaxing and full of greenery. So true, the only detail was that those who told me about it enjoys from 5 to 7 in the morning. The park is enormous, and not for the physical but the mental dimension that causes, it seems the Central Park in New York. Enter and you begin to forget the car out, just lots of birds and green. Now the only problem is that on Saturday afternoon in the park maybe only you were missing ... chock full of people ... not that there was more space ... but they were all in there ... inside the park there is also a kind of zoo, a little 'sad because their cages are small, but when begin to see toucans, parrots and never seen before, a harpy eagle (impressive, is as big as a person with a face that has everything except a bird) is a little 'effect on that ... and I still miss the lake of monkeys and an anaconda ...
Yes, because the park opens at 4:30 in the morning it takes to go running and closes at 5:30 in the afternoon ... and not very friendly in hunting ... I will bring a referee with a whistle in my ears and do not stop blowing until you go ...
Sunday I had a nice tour of qurtiere, 3 hours walking around the shops closed ... ... open only at noon. And to not give up a lunch with Andrea in a pocket English, I sent him shoping. Guess
I found in a square? half bronze bust of BP ... I have no words ... In the usual wine restaurant
Castillo de Molina, Chileno ... surprisingly good ... but good ... then tortilla potato omelette with spinach and shrimp (try at home because much detail) octopus stewed, fried green peppers and served in the salt, and arroz con marizco (it was not easy paella ?)... all delicious

short, the substance is that after two days of work returning home at 8.30, today I felt like cooking (although I do not know when I'll eat because I still have peas in the freezer for three serrimane ago) and I'm doing the peppers ... I at least outside those vegetables that I buy preclude knowing che al 70% non le cucinerò mai... a queste è andata bene... compiranno il proprio destino...

E domani Valencia, viaggetto nell'centro ovest del paese, sveglia alle 4 e partenza alle 5...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kate Kates Playground Hardcore

the peppers ...

Ecco le
!!! e causa mal di testa non aggiungo altro...
buon inizio settimana a tutti!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Emt Accelerated Course

Photos ...

Allora mi ci metto... andrò nel boschetto della mia fantasia dove, vicino al capretto dai piedi di balsa, trovero il frutto puffo... vi terrò al corrente... Questa sera sarò breve... non perchè non abbia da raccontare o foto da pubbblicare... ma perchè is fin de semana, I worked in the shop, visited a construction site, changed cars again, made 2 hours of English class and finally a quiet pizza ... have a rag with the arugula and prosciutto ... I promise that very soon will come the photos ... ... Today I saw a beautiful landscape ...
Happy Saturday to all!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Full Length Jewelry Armoire

Contacts - Press Office Photo and Video

Download -> Pliskin - When the night comes

to communicate with "Pliskin" you can write to the following email addresses:

Press Office: press.pliskin @ gmail. com
Valentina Generali val_generali@tiscali.it

Live Booking & Contact: @ gmail.com pierpaolo.lauriola

----- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------


Pliskin - "The Disenchantment" On Air on Rock'n'roll Radio - The DJ Ariel - 0:15 engraving

The songs of Pliskin on RAI Radio One - Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Review 8 June 2010 on www.oblò.it:
Read the review on 8 June 2010 www.oblò.it by Mariapia Fuschino "

Review June 2 2010 on breakfastjumpers.blogspot.com:
breakfastjumpers.blogspot.com Read the review written on June 2, 2010 "Interview with

" Pliskin "Valentina Iuzzolino WakeUp on
of March 2010 Read the interview on Valentina Iuzzolino WakeUp -> "Pliskin: The Disenchantment of reality and the dream never forgotten"

Review of "When the night comes" at: Music History Review in

die Zeit Geist


http: / / www.manfredonia.net/2/5/0/12453

interviewing "Pliskin" on Radio Parallele Illusions:
http://iltrampolino.blogspot.com/2009/10/26-ottobre-2009- 2-point-of-il.html

India-Italy and not only

http: / / www.saltinaria.it/recensioni/cdpromodemo/5771-pliskin-quando-arriva-la-sera-cd.html

Stories of a Minute
http://storiedi1minuto.splinder.com/post/21962180/ There + are + many + rooms

The Pasture indigestible

http://www.npmagazine.it/ style/46-style/1420-pliskin-quando-arriva-la-sera-esce-lalbum-desordio-della-band-milanese-10d-tracce-di-indie-rock-italiano.html


> Camillo Fasulo's Blog: Pliskin "a beautiful new Italian reality to be discovered ... and listen

Marco Messina

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Build A Porch For Trailer

Pictures Leonardo Furio - February 12th, 2011 Concerto Black Hole

"It will be seen in the past few films, will be the ontheroad wild beauty of life, in short I do not know why, but the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling with a rock band has always fascinated me ... Reportage of the evening at the Leonardo Furio MILF Canegrate

Photos of Live at Bar Magenta Pliskin May 14, 2010

Pliskin live @ BlackHole
http://www.leonardofurio.com/default.asp?f=2009% 20 -%% 20Pliskin 20live% 20BlackHole & year = 2009

photos "Pliskin" to BluseHouse 04/07/2009

photos "Pliskin" Leonardo Furio CPM 03/03/2009 ... Tests for Live

Click the "Pliskin" Leonardo Furio, preparing the album "When the night comes" the studio by RS on 09/02/2009 Music

(All the videos on the channel
http://www.youtube.com/pliskinspace )

Medion Webcam Md85081

lyrics of "When The Night Comes"


is hell I propina
What more does not make me feel good.
I bought a new pair of wings

... It is not easy

see you still here ... It is not easy
you still here

is a disenchantment
This state of affairs is a disenchantment

This was delle cose

Mi scuoti fino a farmi sanguinare
di tanto in tanto sorridi
mentre scivolo...

... E non è facile
Vederti ancora qui
... E non è facile
Averti ancora quì

È un disincanto
Questo stato delle cose
È un disincanto
Questo stato delle cose

Scivolo In Fondo Al Tuo Oceano

Il mio desiderio per te questa sera
è un fuoco tra le labbra,
tra le labbra del cielo.

Giocherò con le follie dei tuoi tanti umori.
Privilegiando la tua natura.

E Danzeremo sotto le stelle
nei fragments of light.
and hide behind
small silences,
and still find new
new spaces to tell us.
Another time we re-see,
we meet again.

Why are there so many stories that can not die,
slipping into the bottom of your ocean.

A sun inside the moon,
I think the best definition of you.

'll play with the follies of your many moods.
prioritizing your nature.

and dance under the stars in the fragments of light.
and hide behind
small silences,
and still find new
new spaces to tell us.
Another time we re-see,
we meet again.

Why are there so many stories that can not die,
slipping into the bottom of your ocean.

When the night comes

Never let the day go away without

wrest a secret.

When the night comes shining red and

So when the night comes

will simply be a secret silent

lights dangling off the premises ...

Of neon lights sway

off the premises.

I hope that the fire
hard over the flame,
before disappearing in the dust of

When the night comes shining red and

So when the night comes

will simply be a secret silent

lights dangling off the premises ...

Of neon lights sway

off the premises.

and watching the rest of the paintings on the wall and the rest to look

those bodies on the wall ... and the dawn will come ...
... and the dawn will come ...
... and the dawn will come ...
... and the dawn will come ... A New Morning

Cara you know that tomorrow will rain

and our pale sun
will be a thing of the past.

Cara know,
What new words is not easy to say When the habit

consumes us and the wind snapped the words.

In this sad and mad nostalgia,
that takes me away ... away.
In this sad and mad nostalgia,
that takes me away ... away.

Cara know,
that tomorrow morning there will come a new
and there will be other distances,
and new paths to follow.

Cara know,
What new words is not easy to say When the habit

consumes you and the wind steals the words.

In this sad and mad nostalgia,
that takes me away ... away. In this
sad and mad nostalgia,
that takes me away ... away.

When you have stripped your life,
When you gave your best,
When you turn off the music,
When you sit down one last drink.

In this sad and mad nostalgia.

There are many rooms

Before coming here I expected.
In each room where I was.

I left you a gift in the best of me,
also tore off the skin. There are many rooms

There are many colors

love Did you know?
love Did you know?

Before arriving here, I walked
along the streets of this city.
through the traffic lights and shop windows as
Heavy Christmas. There are many rooms

There are many colors

love Did you know?
love Did you know?

Before coming here I saw a man
cross the square.
I bought a new black dress
behind which I hid myself. There are many rooms

There are many colors

love Did you know?
love Did you know? There are many rooms

There are many colors

love Did you know?
love Did you know?

We soiled soul. In this city.
We have worn our intimacy,
Fino a svuotare il nostro letto.

Ci siamo sporcati l'anima.
Orfano dei miei sogni,
Avrei voluto prendere a morsi i mobili della mia stanza.

Ci sono tante stanze in questa vita,
che è come l'acqua di un fiume,
sempre apparentemente la stessa in un punto,
eppure, in ogni istante diversa.

Leccandoci La Pelle

È una giostra che non si ferma più
E ti porta via da quell’oscurità che temi

Questo è il gioco:
Prendere a pugni questa vita
Per sentirsi più vivi.

Ci siamo bagnati l’anima,
Abbiamo messo del miele
licking our wounds on the skin,

We wet the soul,
We put honey
licking our wounds on the skin,

And every story houses in if
skyscrapers that rise and sudden collapse.

This is the game:
this life to feel more alive.

We wet the soul,
We put honey
licking our wounds on the skin,

We wet the soul,
We put honey
licking our wounds on the skin,

The Day Goes Away

you inside me as I observe your eyes


when the sun heats the skin and consumes us

gently but it's just a memory that will

if I close my eyes and look

while the night comes
Which leads me away from here

far away from you

you're inside me
are part of me you're inside me

are part of me

The Sweetness

and sweetness clings to the heart
is like a vine, envelops you.

with you, soft and impalpable the need to rejoice.

That's when I need it sometimes escapes
That's when I sometimes it is not needed here

and sweetness sometimes escapes
Hidden in the crevices of your care.
Not the right time to talk to you, Rome is all that

And I feel his heart pounding, my hands
in your mouth.

We lose again, in a new dawn. Burning
early or plan, our dreams, yet


Scortecci my silence
suitable time
nell'indomabile vacuum that bleaching

hopes bursting
lost in amazement
are invading the

vibrates on me

I cry and I can stand

thins as the moon on warm night

hopes bursting
lost in amazement
remain intrusive otherness

vibrates on me

... is a memory that consumes the soul soft

... is a long wait that can not stop

what once was a temple of us


Our flesh turns
and enlivens the soul

and then you arrive

timidly, and then you come softly

Meanwhile breath with you

Blue is the sky. Of

powder is made
and the earth, my presence

and then you come

timidly, and then you come softly

Meanwhile breath with you

lyrics and music stored in CA . AE from "Lauriola Peter Paul"