Friday, February 25, 2011

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Sabato a tutto Naiadi con la pallanuoto

PESCARA - It closes the first round of the series B men's water polo. It closes with Saturday devoted entirely to Naiadi. At 17 starts against the Simply Sports Anzio, is staged at 19.30 against the bustier Tirrena. Both fights very hard for Pescara, indeed real big match.
Simply Sports Trivia for the new coach Donald Gammell, this week took over from Brane Zovko. The Simply hosts the Anzio, the second of the league, just one point ahead of ours. Absent safe Provenzano for a shoulder problem, the rest should be interesting to evaluate the reaction of the boys after gleaned just one point in the last three races. The bustier
if he sees the Tirrena, which is level on points with the Simply and then aim at a high-ranking tournament. A still thinks that perhaps the packet, and strong recoveries Bellaspiga Digiesi, but recovering from an unexpected setback in Ancona.
GAMES AND REFEREES: 16:15 Rome Rome 2007-RN. A. Referee Callegari. 17:00 Libertas RN-RN Perugia Naples. Referee F. Romolini. 17:00 Simply Water Polo Sport-Anzio. Referee R. Green. 17:30
Pol Acilia Sport N-Sail Ancona. Referee B. Navarra. 18:30 bustier-Pol Tirrena
Referee B. D'Alessio.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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A year in London. My impressions.

Monday, 'Feb. 22, 2010, at 13:30. A young couple hopefuls gets on an Alitalia flight. The flights' to Rome Fiumicino, towards Heathrow, London.

After one year, here are my impressions:
  1. London and 'dear! However you want to put, there is no 'way to save senza rimetterci qualcosa in cambio.
  2. Le case sono brutte! Per riuscire ad ottenere una casa semi decente, bisogna far fronte ad una spesa non inferiore ai 600£ mensili.
  3. I trasporti sono fantastici. A qualunque ora, ovunque sei, c'e' sempre un modo per tornare a casa. Eccezion fatta per il giorno di Natale.
  4. Il venerdi' alle 18, tu bevi birra. Se hai un minimo di vita sociale, non potrai non sottrarti a questo triste destino.
  5. Il venerdi' a mezzanotte sono tutti ubriachi. La citta' si riempie di pedoni sonnambuli che barcollano speranzosi di rientrare nei propri alloggi.
  6. I soldi girano e tutti are willing to spend to be able to have more '. Capitalism has its own logic here.
  7. If you ask for a raise will be 'given. If you do not ask, will come '.
  8. Life 'hectic, but only' cause you have so many things you can do.
  9. friendships and 'easy. A little 'less in the Italian manner. Here, people come and go, and who lives as a stranger in a strange land, and the tendency 'to socialize with people who are passing through.
  10. The British are friendly, in spite of those who want them with the smell under her nose. I'm really outgoing person ... sometimes too!
  11. The British people are clean. Different speech for children living away from home on their own behalf. At 18, the sense of responsibility 'is not' so 'strong and mom and dad' not going to check the house.
  12. The British love to know how to cook and eat. We are the ones that are always looking Italian Italian food abroad.
  13. The British love to eat at any time. Here, a restaurant at 5 pm and not just 'open, but there are people who are having lunch inside.
  14. The Inglese breakfast and 'I do not tolerate anything in the office. The smell of ketchup in the early morning while I drink tea and not 'eligible.
  15. The English drink the, non solo alle 5. Io mi sono abituato a bere dalle 5 alle 6 tazze di the' con latte al giorno.
  16. La macchina e' qualcosa che conviene usare solo per lunghi viaggi. Da che sono qui sono stato in macchina una decina di volte con il capo, ed ho sempre beccato traffico, pure alle 11 di sera.
  17. Le macchine si fermano alle strisce pedonali. Per contro, la citta' non e' invasa di strisce pedonali in ogni angolo di strada. Invece sei costretto il piu' delle volte ad attraversare solo nei punti in cui c'e' il semaforo.
  18. Se attraversi mentre e' scattato il rosso, le macchine non aspettano che finisci di attraversare, ma eccellerano facendo rombare i motori.
  19. La guida a sinistra mette a rischio la tua vita da pedone con il senso della guida a destra. Nonostante le segnaletiche a terra che ti suggeriscono dove guardare, continuerai a sbagliare fino a quando non saprai piu' dove guardare.
  20. Gli inglesi ti chiedono sempre il passaporto, solo perche' non sanno cosa sia una carta di identita'.
  21. Non esiste fare la fila per pagare le bollette. I soldi vengono scalati automaticamente sul tuo conto oppure andando direttamento sul sito a pagare con la carta.
  22. La carta di debito inglese ti consente di fare operazioni on-line come una normale carta di credito. Il costo di utilizzo il piu' delle volte e' pari a zero, o comunque inferiore ad una normale carta di credito.
  23. Le banche non ti levano i soldi sul tuo conto. Per avere un conto base e' semplice, loro ti danno la carta, e tu ci metti i soldi dentro. Chiaro e lineare come fossero sotto il materrasso.
  24. Il sistema pensionistico inglese non vale nulla. Puoi essere stato spazzino o dirigente di una banca. Una volta pensionato, ti beccherai la stessa cifra.
  25. Essere pensionato significa o affittare i tuoi appartamenti, o lavorare dietro i banchi di un supermercato.
  26. Si puo' andare in pensione dai 50 anni in su.
  27. Esistono schemi pensionistici privati o managed by the company 'that you take.
  28. If a company 'takes you, just confirm by e-mail. Once done they'll send the contract with such envelope with postage to return the contract signed by you. In Rome I have to be taken for at least three times to visit.
  29. The mail arrives after one day.
  30. There is no consulting work. You work where you have taken, and you move them around in order to save time and money.
  31. The companies' have no tendency to fail. There 'was the crisis in 2008, but it' s already gone 'for a while.
  32. There 'tendency to go in layoffs, then mobilizes' and then looking for another job.
  33. In 45 years you can look for another job without being considered too old.
  34. There are two types of contracts: permanent and contract (or freelancer).
  35. If you are a freelancer, take a lot of money and you are not forced to shift from clerical work.
  36. The offices are great places to work and computer mice are not to throw in some narrow place.
  37. Faxes are not acceptable. Do you prefer an email or a letter to post.
  38. Internet Explorer 6 is not 'more' a problem.
  39. All offices currently have installed the latest versions of Windows.
  40. Everyone knows what a PDF file.
  41. Everyone knows surf the Internet. It should not be in keeping with their mentality 'that does not tolerate 8px font.
  42. There are cars double parked.
  43. The machines have to find parking without having to invent. The sidewalks is not 'a valid parking for any period of time.
  44. If you go by car into London on weekdays you have to pay. That's why 's so many taxis.
  45. There are teenagers who go to around with scooters and minicar.
  46. Many go around by bicycle. And risk their lives.
  47. There are folding bicycles, you can bring into the tube.
  48. There are many teenagers, and sometimes even more 'youth, complete with a can of beer in his hand that afternoon to roam around the city'.
  49. Children who are under 18 years are not allowed inside the pub, even with the parent, not even to use the bathroom.
  50. Here the degree is not 'essential. After high school, you can 'choose some course of profession that allows you to enter the world of work.
  51. There are many universities' and, although expensive, does not mean you have to pay now, but you can also choose to borrow from the state.
  52. not always raining in London! In Rome, it rains a lot more '. There are very cloudy days. But there are days with blue skies and a sun tan in the summer.
  53. Summer in London and 'fantastic. The sun sets after 9, not 'the sultry heat of Rome, but you can shoot comfortably and with short sleeves and' most often good weather.
  54. The girls go round neckline with a micro skirt in any season.
  55. Any girl, good or bad, goes around dressed as described above.
  56. Even the guys go around with short sleeves.
  57. There are immigrants, and no one tells you to go home.
  58. When people get off the bus, sometimes like to thank the driver.
  59. You can go shopping at night. Each street has its own shop open 24 hours a day.
  60. You can find numerous options in the various supermarkets so as not to regret Italy. I also find there the mortadella.
  61. There Lidl in London. And it 's convenient, even in London.
  62. There is only one Decathlon in London. In Rome, I can count almeno 10 nel raggio di 2km.
  63. La carne e' fantastica e il pesce pure. Se mangi il loro agnello capirai cosa intendo.
  64. Non convenie mai fare gli squilletti con il cellulare. Se risponde la segreteria, paghi.
  65. Londra conta piu' di 10 milioni di utenze di traffico mobile, e a volte un sms ti arriva dopo 30 minuti.
  66. Internet e' ovunque. Dalle coperture wifi della BT, dove tu puoi accedere se hai un regolare contratto telefonico, al 3G dove puoi accedere con il tuo cellulare.
  67. Qui tutti hanno un iPhone.
  68. Conviene piu' farsi un contratto con i vari mobile network (O2, Orange, Three, ecc...), piuttosto che stare a ricaricare ogni volta il tuo credito.
  69. Esistono delle librerie a Londra fornitissime di ogni genere. I manuali tecnici non sono costosi.
  70. Il digitale esiste, ma i canali TV trasmettono film e telefilm che non risalgono agli anni 50. Raramente mi imbatto nelle televendite.
  71. I canali BBC (escluso BBC World) non hanno pubblicita'. I soldi gli arrivano perche' paghi il canone.
  72. Se ci sono articoli che riportano notizie non attendibili i quotidiani, quelli seri, pubblicano le smentite con tanto di scuse.
  73. L'unica volta che si e' parlato del Papa, e' stato quando aveva consentito l'uso del preservativo.
  74. Qui la mafia non esiste.
  75. Gli inglese credono che la mafia italiana sia stile Al Capone e Lucky Luciano.
  76. Gli inglesi o amano la regina, o non la amano. Discorso diverso per i partiti, e' plausibile cambiare idea.
  77. Ahime' tutti conoscono Berlusconi con il suo Bunga Bunga.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Pallanuoto serie B, la Simply cambia allenatore

Simply Sports, changing

Hip to Simply Sport. The Pescara, engaged in series B water polo at the end of a period not happy, change.
Changing technical guidance and greet Braneslav Zovko, who has to leave for personal reasons and Pescara to which the company led by Luciano Di Renzo gives the most sincere good luck for the continuation of its future activity.
Everything happens
the eve of the home against a strong opponent of the tournament: the elderly.
After an afternoon meeting, the company has decided to leave the bench to Mr. Donald Gammell.


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Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Pallanuoto serie B, che giornataccia!

PESCARA - A day to say the least, unfortunate for the " Our "representatives in the series B water polo. Ko, badly, and the Simply is the bustier.
La partita più ostica ce l’aveva la Simply in trasferta contro la Tirrena, ma il risultato di 9-5 è davvero pesante per una squadra ambiziosa come quella pescarese, che è stata in gara per soli due tempi: 1-1, 2-1, 4-1, 2-2, i parziali. Senza Provenzano infortunato, ma con Mammarella recuperato, il team di Zovko ha sofferto oltremodo quando Mazzi è uscito per somma falli al terzo periodo.
Negli ultimi tre match, appena un punto racimolato dalla Simply Sport.
TIRRENA: Ricci, Gargiulo 3, Zanella 1, Mina 1, Cardaccio 1, De Rosa 1, Garicozzi, Castello, Colaiacono, Zonta, Oliviero, Pagliarini 2, Tombolelli. All. Accorsi.
SIMPLY SPORT. N. Petaccia, Di Ferdinando, De Ioris, Collini, Cianfrone, Stritof 3, Mazzi 1, Riccitelli, Di Giovanni, D'Aloisio, Mammarella, J. Petaccia, Gobbi 1. Herds Zovko. It
white bustier well, to defeat Ancona 9-8. It was not an insurmountable obstacle on paper, yet the team of Franco Di Fulvio has not held up to the absenteeism of the various Digiesi, and Ruscito Bellaspiga and so has lost important points. Casini always very good (4 goals), then Orlando (2) Di Fulvio and Jordan (1).
RESULTS. PN-2007 Anzio Roma 9-9; RN RN Roma-Perugia Libertas 12-7; Sailing Ancona-Pol Bustier 9-8; Tirreno-Pescara Simlply 9-5; RN Napoli-Pol Acilia Sport 11-9.
STANDINGS. 2007 22 Rome, Anzio 17, Simply Sports and Tirrena 16, 14 bustier, RN Rome, Ancona and Rimini Naples Sailing 9, Acilia 4, Libertas Perugia 0.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Ci si rituffa in acqua con la pallanuoto


Resumes Series B men's water polo after a week of waiting. Simply the last two rounds - which remains the vicecapolista with the elderly - has racked up a loss in the big match with Roma in 2007 and a crazy derby draw with the bustier.
Now a business, not simply because the team coached by Brane Zovko going to Civitavecchia to address the Tirrena. Transfer is not simple for several reasons, primarily related to good organic rankings in Lazio which has three points less of Pescara.
But other reasons are mostly related to the general conditions of Simply that, while it recovers full service Mammarella Gobbi and half the other loses Provenzano for a shoulder injury.
"It 's a season that is taking a turn with respect to certain injuries - he plays the position the captain Cianfrone - so you just have to look forward and not feeling sorry for himself. We knew that the month of February would be important, so giochiamocelo best we can. "
You play tomorrow - Saturday - 16.30, Callini arbitrator.

Women In B, the second day and the second trip for the young Simply Arnaldo Castelli. Defeat the first to Perugia on Sunday another difficult match at Ancona. This relatively
the senior team.
But this week it's happened in the big match of the Under 15 championship, where they beat biancazzurri Still 6-5, and then consolidated its leadership.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Cost of living in London. Average cost for a young professional

Londra non è una città a buon mercato e quando si decide di migrare verso il Regno Unito, la più grande spesa sarà senza ombra di dubbio la sistemazione.

Molti si trasferiscono per una paga migliore, altri per uno stile di vita più desiderabile, pochi per entrambi i motivi. Alla fine della giornata, dobbiamo essere molto chiari sul perché ci muoviamo in primo luogo. Ancora più importante, diversi luoghi, potranno soddisfare le nostre esigenze in ogni fase della nostra vita. Vediamo allora quanto costa vivere a Londra.

Alloggio: a partire da £300 al mese.

Ho letto da qualche parte che è comune pagare fino ad un terzo del proprio stipendio sul proprio alloggio. In realtà dipende soprattutto dall'individuo. I fattori di solito includono size (usually in terms of number of bedrooms), the proximity to the City and the basic amenities and the area (some are more exclusive than others). For a one bedroom apartment in the area, you must be willing to pay the rent of only £ 1200, and excluding electricity and other services. Conversely, if you divide a room and decide to live a little 'outside the village, perhaps already' from zone 2, the price could fluctuate around £ 400 including all utilities (electricity, council tax, internet, and so on. ..). If you decide to take an apartment, the rent could only come and cost at least £ 500, clearly distancing of many from the central area.

Fees: from £ 250.

After the rent, Council Tax and probably 'the biggest expense. In case you decide to share a room or an apartment with other people, you'll always find accommodation that combines all kinds of bills with the rent of the room. If not for their own apartment

  • Council tax: £ 130;
  • Electricity ': £ 50;
  • Water: £ 35;
  • TV license: £ 11;
  • Telephone & Internet: £ 30.
Transport: about £ 100 per month.

With the recent increase in subway and bus fares, is definitely not the best time to purchase a Travelcard, especially for those who are doing regular commuting. Depending on the type of trip, you can 'spend approximately £ 4 per day if you travel only in zone 1. However for clarity I reproduce below some prices:
  • single bus journey: £ 1 (with an Oyster) or 2 pounds
  • day Zone 1-2 Travelcard: £ 5.40
  • Area 1-2 weekly travelcard: £ 25.80
  • Area 1-2 monthly travelcard: £ 99.10
* (These prices are from the late 2010's, there may be an increase of 10% on current prices. Council then refer to Transport for London for more information.)

expenditure of food items: about 150 pounds

If you can make a good household, is not that expensive to feed themselves in London. Surely you will spend at least £ 5 per day. However, if the kitchen is not exactly the favorite place at home, here's an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat are the prices for eating out :
  • A meal from the supermarket: £ 2 - £ 3;
  • any fast-food: £ 4 - £ 7;
  • A pub lunch: £ 8-15;
  • restaurant meals: more 'than £ 15.
As for alcoholic beverages:
  • wine at the supermarket: £ 5;
  • A six-pack of beer: £ 5-6;
  • A pint at the pub: £ 3.50;
Entertainment: about 60 pounds per month

As for entertainment, museums and art galleries have free admission except for the performance of transactions or events that occur within them for a short period.

  • Museums and Art Galleries: Free;
  • Concerts: £ 15-30;
  • cinema tickets: £ 5 - £ 15.
Conclusion: 700 pounds may be enough?

I can assure you with certainty that a boy may 'well be able to live in London with just £ 700 per month. From personal experience, I can tell you that we have managed to survive me and my mate with only £ 1150 per month at first. Surely

and 'hard to get used to making sacrifices, I for one have had way to experience it, fully upsetting my lifestyle.
But once you get a better job, which will allow you 'earn more', you will feel the difference with a pleasant surprise.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Acqua & Sapone-Asti 1-2

SOAP & WATER MARINA ASTI CSA-1 - 2 (1-0 pts) Acqua & Sapone
: Sferrella, Nei, Forghieri, Ze Renato, Mazoni, Davi, Ferreira, Leite, Baiocchi, Vendrame, Mauri, Zarate All.Lamers
ASTI: Scarparo, Patan, Lima, Zanella, Licciardi, Modica, Cavinato, Corsini, Dias, Cinnamon, Honda, Casalone Herds Tabbi
Referees: Luigi Lemon (Avellino), Mario Yakut (Nocera Inferiore) CHRONO: Rosario La Cerra (Battipaglia)
SCORERS: 6'50''Vendrame (AC) of the pt, 17'40''Cavinato (AS), 19'55''Corsini (AS) of St.
EXPELLED: Scarparo (AS ) 15'44''to the last man foul pt
Booked: Ze Renato (AC), Dias (AS), Licciardi (AS)
synthesis. Match absurd, but true. Acqua & Sapone can Pardo in about ten seconds left literally giving away the ball at auction using the port discovery. Acqua & Sapone-Asti 1-2, a fair result for the Angolans as they approached the race, but for unexplained trends. Masters home ahead after 6 'with Ze Renato, Asti and then only so much nervousness. In the first half Forghieri and friends are not using a superiority for expulsion of goalkeeper Scarparo. A 2 'reaches the end of the guests with Cavinato on measures to be movement. Hence the Acqua & Sapone throws pointless attack, 10 "from the closing Vendrame does not control, Corsini pulls the door empty (Zarate was in offensive position) and mark. Beffa, yet another.
CHRONICLE THE FIRST TIME. 6 'vantage point: diagram of a free-kick Vendrame, Ze Renato puts her foot and is the 1-0. 8 ', mega-brawl on the field and between the benches after a clash of game-Dias Forghieri. 11 ', close to doubling Leite, mulls an easy chance in front of Scarparo. 16 ', Scarparo touches the ball with their hands out of the area, direct expulsion. 16 ', the development of punishment, perhaps a touch of hand on the goal line to Dias.
CHRONICLE THE SECOND TIME. 2 ', Dias did not find the door after you have passed all, incredible!. 2 'Cavinato blatantly wrong with the door unguarded. Siege Asti. 14 ', error by Ferreira, part of the counterattack of Asti, Cavinato committed Xuxa in a miracle. One of the many parades Zarate, especially in the second half. 18 ', the 1-1 comes with Cavinato dell'Asti deserved from the center of the area, after an action set Lanyards by goalkeeper motion. 19 ', Acqua & Sapone forward, and engages Casalone Forghieri pulls in a detour with his feet. 19 '50 ", it is almost, almost done, but the Acqua & Sapone try to close in the attack, but it hurts, and from a control Vendrame wrong, Corsini and it pulls away from the goal into an empty net, 1 -2 mocking.
STATEMENTS. Mr. Lamers The time is really destroyed, "There are defeats that make me angry and defeats that make me angry. Well, this made me angry. After the victory last week, I expected a different attitude on the pitch, but I saw a team subdued, nervous and reckless. I tried to fix something with the time-out, but did not succeed. I'll have to talk at length with the guys, all these lost points - given that its overall Asti deserved - they are serious for a team like ours that has to think of escape. "

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Friday, February 11, 2011

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Soccer 5, tomorrow Acqua & Sapone-Asti

training to complete, finally
comes the surprise-Asti

NEWS. Recent workouts have melted doubts on recovery of Sanna and Ferreira.
Both have disposed of the ailments, even if they are not the top match in tomorrow's (Saturday, 16 hours, referees Lemon, Yakut and La Cerra, free admission) against the Asti.
in fair condition and well Forghieri Ze Renato, so the coach will decide Lamers only in accordance with its needs and who can not deploy those tactics.
Asti, training newly promoted Serie A revelation, has in its ranks former Bessa.
Finally, a happy news on the fringes of sport: the pivot and the Angolan Rafael Sanna his beautiful Marcela are just tie the wedding at the town of Città Sant'Angelo.
What to say, congratulations!

the protagonist. They waited for a long time, but eventually the transfer from Brazil - where he played until the month of December in the league of Parana - has arrived!
And finally the mysterious object-Davi has been seen at work and was immediately transformed into the prince. Oh yes, because Zemuner Davì Trindade, 26 years from Londrina, played two games with the shirt Acqua & Sapone and helped give the team a new identity Lamers.
Esordio nientemeno che contro la Marca, una gara eccezionale persa solo per mera casualità, e una prestazione-super di Davì.
Sabato scorso trasferta da brividi a Roma contro la Lazio, incontro dal pronostico chiuso… e invece ecco materializzarsi il successo dell’Acqua & Sapone, che così ha fatto perdere anche l’imbattibilità interna alla formazione vice-capolista.
Il tutto, con una doppiettà di Davì.
Ma chi è Zemuner Trindade Davì? Il tecnico dell’Acqua & Sapone non lo ha preso a caso, anzi, attraverso alcuni suoi giocatori è andato praticamente a colpo sicuro. Uomini come Marcelo Vendrame e Wagner Leite had got to know the Davì in Terni, where the boy had recently tried, but then, due to problems of membership, had decided to return to Brazil. So
Vendrame Leite's and spoke of an element that can play as a defender from the side of a player from the elongated body and large capacity of the cursor.
Davì you find it all over the field, and this also confuses the enemy tactics.
Marcos Mathias Lamers: "Davì is a type of token key, because it is humble and at the same time technical, it is also very versatile and has an enviable athletic freshness. I'm not surprised, I knew that thanks to him we could achieve improvements, but not loaded with too many responsibilities. Davì alone can not be decisive, the whole team that is finding a good position to form after a Christmas season full of problems. Among which we put too many accidents, that a team like ours weigh like rocks. "
Zemuner Davì Trindade, for its part, does not have much confidence in the Italian, but he lets slip a few statements: "A Città Sant'Angelo I'm settled in well, because I already knew some team-mate. I went immediately into the game mechanics of the mystery, Lamers is a coach that I admire very much. My two goals for Lazio? I'm not surprised, because in my career a few goals, especially from long range, I have always done. "

Paul Sinibaldi - Press Acqua & Sapone

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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cones here the Giocosport for children Water polo

starts again Giocosport Coni
Over four thousand students involved

The cones are aware of the increasing sedentary lifestyle and eating habits at risk, especially common among younger people. And that is why the cones aims to assist national institutions in the dissemination of culture and motor sports and active lifestyles.
Here - offering the world at school, the training sector for excellence, proposals for wide dissemination and enhancement of motor activity since the early years of school - was born the so-called Giocosport.
Identidficare fun-motor activity and Giocosport as an opportunity to develop good posture, good traction and gain general active lifestyles and habits correct food: these are the objectives that the cones aims.
Giocosport is sharing these days, is in its fifth year, has a duration of three months so the final test of activities and a growing number of accessions. During this time teachers will work together in physical education in primary schools and employees of reference that the cones will send the various sites.
Numbers: 13 primary schools in the province of Pescara by the CONI, 104 classes, 2,100 pupils, 10 primary schools in addition by the regional cones, 94 classes and 2,000 pupils, then the total comes to more than 4,000 students affected Giocosport the 2011 edition.

Paolo Sinibaldi – Ufficio stampa Coni c.p. Pescara

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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B female starts Sunday!

Mesi di allenamento alle spalle, ora finalmente si comincia. Lo start della serie B femminile di pallanuoto è vicino, domenica c’è la prima e c’è anche una squadra di pallanuoto pescarese che vi partecipa. Purtroppo è l’unica, l’unica pescarese ma anche l’unica abruzzese, a testimonianza che questa gloriosa disciplina deve ancora crescere molto in regione, a parte il fulcro caratterizzato dalla città adriatica.
Solo la Simply Sport, quindi, ai nastri di partenza, Simply che è già in piena attività anche nella serie B maschile.
L’allenatore delle donne è un pescarese di 28 anni, Arnaldo Castelli, tornato alla base dopo la parentesi positiva di Tolentino in A2: “Uno dei problemi è proprio questo. In Abruzzo è difficile anche trovare chi ci faccia da sparring partner negli allenamenti, quindi il nostro punto di riferimento è costituito in questo momento dalle Marche che ha anche le squadre più forti che partecipano alla serie B. Ci stiamo preparando da mesi, ogni tanto una puntata a Ancona per test amichevoli, e adesso… tanta voglia di giocare le partite dove ci sono i punti veri in palio!”.
La Simply Sport is newly promoted in lower division, was set up a training program where a young man with long-term, possibly a good impression: "Let's say the odds that we would see half of the group, but is always water to give the verdicts. Since the staff at my disposal consists of young, over the first team we have taken to the Under 15 championship, which we are currently conducting. "
The first match is away to Perugia, the season ends May 29. No relegation, but the first two go to the playoffs, Sailing Swimming Ancona (neo-relegated) and idori Fermo (rinforzatissima with elements similar) would be favored. Then Simply Sports, Libertas Perugia, Moie, Modena and Parma Northeastern other contenders.
think, the most experienced player of Simply is the 22 year old Cristina Di Berardino: for her, also a past with the A2 in Osimo.
STAFF AND STAFF. Mattioni Cristina (goalkeeper), Cristina Di Berardino (captain), Giulia Di Battista, Federico Travaglini, Silvia Mattioni, Chiara Farina, Alessandro Pirri, Francesca Bajocco, Antea Prosperi, Sonia Of Rocini, Marcella Di Giovanni, Scilla Di Marco, Chiara Ranalli, Luna Di Claudio, Sara Scurti, Federica De Vincentiis, Noemi Invernizzi. Elisa of Antaeus, Chiara Leone Francesca Colletta, Chiara Gaspari, Syria Scotto.
coach: Arnaldo Castelli. First team manager guide: Antonella Cilli. Executive escort under 15: Anthony Prosperi.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dixit Game Of Strategy Solution

Simply Sport - Bustier 7-7 [naiads swimming pescara]

8 Dpo Cervical Mucus Brownish

Simply Sport - Bustier 7-7 [naiads swimming pescara]

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Difference Between Hunter Wellies


Rear Suspension Mount Polaris

Living in London. How to find the best place?

London is different in every aspect and every area hides itself something special.

When asked in London where we can move, they will all be very protective of their east, west, north or south of origin, and many would never take into account to move to one of these border crossings.

bytes and all the area and 'further divided into areas of trend and urban areas, places where you can 'find a home at a good price, and others where you have to remove some' places to live in more 'peaceful and less urban.

So if you're looking for the best place to live in London, first choose the area where you want to transfer according to your preferences.

If you like the hustle and bustle, the lights and night life, and certainly the heart of London 'the place for you. In fact, the West End and 'shopping area, theaters, restaurants and trendy nightclubs. Obviously having a house here and 'nothing short of incredible, in fact, is one of the more expensive in the world to live. It is not 'less than the West London. In fact, Notting Hill is known for its bohemian lifestyle, but its prices are no different. So it would be better to try something that can be more 'affordable, in other areas of London.

For example, East London, or better known as the East End, is becoming one of the trendiest areas in which to live, places like Shoreditch, Hoxton and Bethnal Green have shaken their image as poor places, attracting all kinds of artists and rock stars.

a separate area 'the North London and the atmosphere is fresh and creative, even though prices tend to be a bit' more 'higher than those of East London in this period, because of the approach of the London Olympics in 2012 and then the openings of many construction sites in almost all the East End

Definitely for the young South London is the best place due to the ethnic mix that is urban. Definitely not 'seen as the place more' safe in London, but it 's true that prices are not high and there are a lot of locations with rehabilitation programs, while others have already begun to shine. Wandsworth, Clapham and Borough as areas are becoming more and more 'demands and house prices reflect this trend.

Remember that the Internet is a great resource when you are looking for a place to live but, ultimately, that good is 'if you do not explore a bit'?