Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do Gas Station Bathrooms Have Condoms


... so I expected that The news came at the end ... I have
informed that the current plant manager will be transferred to day in Kentucky, and I will have the honor of "managing" the Venezuelan plant ...
YUPPIIIiii ... . . .
Oh well ... do not expect to jump for joy, the place is what it is, the Venezuelans are what they are ... and I also tried not to disprove ...
'm trying to think, to understand that in reactions
I fear, excitement, sadness, satisfaction, curiosity, loneliness, pride, trust, distrust, ...
We talked a lot about myself and Clare, we reassured each other. The program is proceeding on schedule, 3 / 4 years abroad to try to make a mess that allows you to find decent work in Italy and then fall into line. At the professional level they're giving me a big vote of confidence (although perhaps a bit 'forced by the situation) and the risk of burning is ... but I'm not too worried about work, which decomposed to a minimum is also made of small things, address and resolve. Of course they are very concerned about the environment. But I'll keep my eyes open and if someone gives me a look up there, eyes open will be four.
There is still no official news from the high ranks of Cesena, but already meeting will be Monday for the transfer of power ... the transfer of my head will be quick, it should start already in December ...

For now, I meditate on change, which in reality is not changing ... and I dozed off
'night ...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Verticalblind Headrail

A trip well organized 3

Against all odds we find a place in the grand hotel Cumana, a tavern at 3 stars ... but with that Francisco was too expensive. "Ok, but has room for all four!", "Yes but it costs" average pole falls noche "(" half a million "that would be more or less 70 € for 4 persons)", "Ok, however, that alternatives have ?, "" Let's go look for other places "...

Ok (in everything Francisco's aunt and sister had offered us hospitality ... but my aunt has a house as small as about his sister (who turned out to be 3) will meet tomorrow for the first time ... it's a long story ... soon we get there).

21.30 ... back on the waterfront where there are hotels that seem to be the upstream hilton mario ... now we understand the type of cars that pass that is not monitored by surveillance within our reach, but the average pole ... We also find another hotel, inconspicuous sign, we will get you through a narrow path between two boundary walls 5 meters high ... We opened a gate, Hola pana! (Hello Friend) ... ... ... hours is a good hotel with many small cells diligently cars parked in front of each door ... is not the place for us. Supervision very cordial and friendly with Francisco and the girl in the car in front of us, a little 'more curious when we me and Nabil, who knows who will have thought. Back to

GrandHotel, but France is not convinced yet, despite that we have proposed with Nabil smezzare in different proportions ... We have so much pain that the vigilante of the hotel, sitting just outside the door, call us and prompts us to go to a street in the center of Cumana, where there are lots of choices, all in a row.

obey thanking the little muchacho's attachment to work, and resume the search at 22. The last row of 4 hotels in a room, costa di meno e ci permette di non andare a disturbare i parenti di F. sparsi per Cumaná… e poi di fronte c’é una pizzería abastanza allettante…

Ci fiondiamo dentro per dare i nomi e tutto il resto e il portiere si fionda ad accoglierci…solo che lui, come molti venezuelani, soffre di quella malattia che porta il battito cardiaco a rallentare e rallentare e r a l l e n t a r e e r a l l e t a r e ... inducendo lo stesso ritmo a tutte le altre azioni corporee… a volte anche mentali…

Riusciamo a prendere possesso della camera, io e Nabil stanza con due letti a castello, e io sono felicissimo. Per ottenere un materasso comodo, ma davvero comodo, scopro, la mattina dopo, di aver dormito esattamente nel centro di un tifone... nel flusso dell’aria condizionata accesa di notte… Ma sono sopravvissuto (anche se la mattina avevo, perdónate la licenza poetica, dei batoliti nel naso e negli occhi… … buongiorno!!...)

Scendiamo di corsa anelando la pizza, ma ovviamente la pizzería é chiusa… ci dicono di andare piú avanti di un paio di isolati lungo la strada, l’altra pizzería rimane aperta un po’ di piú… Noi allora, benedicendo la sveltezza del portiere, riusciamo ad arrivare all’altra pizzería, che pare essere il punto da cui é partita l’epidemia della malattia di cui vi parlavo prima. Alle 23.30 circa riusciamo ad ottenere our only mega pizza (yes, the pizzaeria was closing, a better pizza that great American tradition ... 4 small). I ask Francisco what it had been obliged to wear, and he responde: "Everything" ... and I bless the American tradition ...

We walk to the hotel for dinner, because the pizza we have kindly shut the door, when we discover that the hotel is closed and the concierge can not see anyone, we do not have phone numbers, and there are no telephones ... The blessings are wasted tonight ...

wait, we scream, we find there some cars waiting to enter the garage, say they have a reservation but even the car park is closed ... wait, scream, and begin to manngiare pizza ... proporcionalmente nervousness grows with the drought ... good pizza with "everything" ... when you check the goalie who apologizes saying that he had not heard (mortacci) Meanwhile, the outside ... I feel that there are other people who should come ... he made a surprised face (the whole hotel is full), I tell him that the reservation, the face becomes startled terrified, embarrassed, smiling ... the door closes the door behind us and fall within the sly ... I do not think we were the only ones to bless this evening ...

Tip: do not book hotels in Venezuela, Cumana ... or at least to the final conquest

bed, his stomach full of coca cola ... and all mixed with the air conditioning shot waiting for me a good rest ...

the morning we wake up and there quietly arrange for go to sea. But before we go to meet the sisters Francisco. The breakfast is a tradition not just wake up here, I still hear "everything" that I back up and caffettino there would be nothing wrong.

Then, the biological dad of F. is a conservative ... and following the tradition has spread to Venezuela a bit 'of children with different women. F., once grown up, he realized that beyond the grievances, maintaining contact with people is a good thing (of course, about the grievances, you can not suffer from the lack of a parent ... and therein lies the skill of the remaining parent, or the low sensitivity of the subject ...) then in 24 years decided to meet these sisters who were lucky enough to have the father present (occasionally) at home with them so far.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How Much Is A Blue Bandana Worht?

A trip well organized 2

... Then

Francisco also has an aunt and sisters in Cumana ... maybe give us a hand ... (the story of her aunt and sister was not very clear ... then turns to its complication later in the trip ...) Meanwhile I

I trawled the park guide. Prmettere seems fine. There are dozens of beaches, you can reach all with spears, but desperate times, we expect a full house and spears could be packed, one is thrown in one of the beaches along the road as Playa Colorada, or ARAP .. In short we have several escape routes. The guide also tells of other small towns ... like Santa Fe, where there is a hostel for young backpackers ... (I think that's cool ... then I explain that if you go to Santa Fe you're lucky if you come out in their underwear ... it's easy to be robbed or more ...)

the list of things to do at the back there is writing a letter to the lonely planet through prayer to quickly review advice on accommodation for viaggiaatori DIY here in Venezuela ...

Ques'anno there were several bridges, and this is the last until the Christmas holidays. This time (October 12) celebrating Christopher Columbus (¡?!) .. nonstante here all the statues depicting cristoforino be torn down by vandals with the mockery of the authorities but have not the slightest intention of putting them back in place. Colombo has not yet officially demonized as a figure ... but soon Simon Bolivar prendereá also its place. On Saturday comes and we are ready.
Antonio at noon and let us run the first stage is the home of Nabil, to change it and eat something before leaving. About two o'clock, we meet Francisco and the girl who is already the second third beer ... a house load of empty bottles of beer (to save on cash will buy a bit) and set off. In this country every type of celebration, rest, holiday, evening, and divided by the number of beers that are drunk ...

We start off with a delay (to reach Cumana cmq it takes at least 5 hours) and after a quarter of '... now we are already shut down the beer did affect Francisco and the girl .. but happy for them to buy two beers and two for me and Nabil

... The journey is long but enjoyable. We walk the streets not too shabby (except for a stretch suicide of 10 km with whole pieces of the road caved to the rains) running through green pastures and timeless villages, where young people sit on benches on either side of the road at the speed bumps (the Himalayas are not marked in the middle of the road needed to have no demographic breakdowns in these villages that nascnon along the way) to see the cars that are likely to fall over ... good job ... (since Nabil told me with tears in his eyes that even in his country there is such an activity ... the children take a big stone, put it in a plastic bag big enough disguise it and place it in the street ... quiet and happy on the driver notices the envelope ... thinks, "is an envelope ... and passes over them unaware of having to replace, if things go well, oil pan and more ... another beautiful job ... ps if you go in Morocco warned ...)

After four or five well-planned stops (in which incredibly was done in turn to pee, never two at a time) and two refueling stops (during which obvious, you can not do pee ...) we arrive at the destination at 21.00 ... ... ... Cumana find where to sleep?