Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Spray Paint A Bike

Learn English in London's Independent

Wherever you decide to emigrate, the obstacle most 'big,' to mingle with the natives of the place.

The reasons can be manifold. Why 'transferred a few weeks ago and still find it hard to settle,' cause the locals probably have no reason to socialize with you, or more 'common,' cause you do not speak English.

In these cases there is a risk che, superato il trauma di ritrovarsi in un ambiente sconosciuto, magari ci si ritrova a socializzare solo con persone che parlano la nostra lingua. Questo problema non e' affatto da sottovalutare, perche' puo' condurre ad una reciproca esclusione ed ad un totale disinteresse nel voler conoscere persone originarie del posto.

Per evitare di incamparre in questo errore, che devo dire essere molto comune, la miglior cosa e' cercare qualcosa che possa essere utile ed al tempo stesso divertente.

Perche' imparare una lingua e' veramente dura, e allora perche' non cercare qualcosa che in qualche modo possa essere istruttiva, economica se lo si desidera, e magari capace di creare l'opportunita' che vi aprira' port in the world of work?

For this reason I will not say 'anything new signal' this social network, almost as famous as Facebook: , which aims to facilitate the meeting of groups of people at various locations world.

E 'as another way to meet people with common interests to yours, with the addition of a passion that will spur' to speak English to know people who do your own work and meet them in a of these meetup in the most 'unlikely.

If then the object of the meetup was the passion from Web Design to Software Engineering, it turns to talk about complicated things even at great rilassati dentro un pub davanti ad un bel boccale di birra.

Inoltre, se avete un contatto Linkedin , potrebbe essere l'arma vincente qualora stesse cercando un lavoro.

E voi, perche' non usate i MeetUp quando siete all'estero?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mandingo Womens Opinions

Location. A creative entrepreneur around the world

Lui si chiama Luca Panzarella ed è un imprenditore creativo esperto di UX, che gli piace viaggiare e scoprire qual è la differenza tra lui ed il resto del mondo.

Raccontaci la tua storia.

Sono nato a Palermo e a 22 anni mi sono trasferito a Roma dove ho cominciato a fare il web designer freelance. Rome was not the right town for my profession, but then I did not. So within a couple of years, with the burst of events and barcamp, I started to move back and forth between Milan, Bologna and Florence. I am someone who gets bored quickly, that's why after four years, two masters and forty projects behind I wanted to change radically. So I moved to London for six months. London is only for those working in the IT industry. Thousands of professional growth opportunities and more. It makes you strong and secure. Fair point I wanted to live in San Francisco and still have customers in London and Italian.

What is a creative entrepreneur?

Get the stubbornness and the whims of a creative advertising. Then take the analytical capacity and investment of an entrepreneur. Here you get a creative entrepreneur.

Tell us about your blog.

Every Monday at / blog speak to all people who want to change because I think the thing that most I have experienced in recent years. I have lived in four cities, houses and constantly changing customers. They are the perfect precarious, though perhaps not very representative:)

managing your frequent travels? Basically

la mia vita lavorativa non cambia. Continuo a lavorare per l’Italia e per Londra ma scelgo io il posto da dove lavoro. Il più grosso problema è gestire gli incontri e le scadenze. Lavorando con un fuso orario molto diverso rischi praticamente ogni giorno di ritardare le consegne. Se arriva un’urgenza durante la mattina italiana, mentre dall’altro lato dormi beato sotto le coperte, è un bel problema.

Come mai hai scelto proprio San Francisco?

Lavoro prevalentemente da casa, potevo quindi vivere potenzialmente ovunque nel mondo. Londra è divertente, ma il clima invernale mi rende triste. Lo so, è un mio limite :) ma se posso cerco di vivere in città con a lovely climate. When my current partner I was involved in a project that started from there, I did not think twice: the American dream, great weather, happy people and the dollar exchange rate very convenient. How could I say no?

How have you moved for a visa?

tourist visa for three months, the easiest thing to ask. But you can easily stay up to six months or more and with a tourist visa with the business, provided that he proves to have a relationship in Italy: a company, a contract, their own homes.

What are the chances of changing the type of visa?

beginning quando facevo incontri di business ero molto preoccupato per il visto turistico, non sapevo mai se e come prendere il discorso. Ma l’informalità americana è spesso spiazzante, così una volta mi sono trovato ad un colloquio di lavoro che ha dell’incredibile (ho raccontato l’esperienza qui ). Non solo il datore di lavoro mi disse di una divisione della loro azienda che si occupava di gestire le pratiche per convertire il visto (o nel peggiore dei casi una volta tornato a casa mi avrebbero richiamato stavolta con un visto lavorativo), ma ho pure assistito a un’asta al rialzo per la mia paga oraria. In pratica mi consigliava di chiedere di più rispetto a quanto gli avevo appena detto. E mi disse anche il perché:

"people who work for me to be happy. And the more you pay, the more you'll be pleased. "

not bat an eyelid.

What advice would you give to those who follow in your footsteps?

Giving advice is very hard because they move to a new city is a unique experience every time. That is simply trying to tell me what happens. It is then up to the reader to make a decision. Let me give an example: When I moved to London all advised me not to go. It was the period of the crisis, I would not find work. But it was very easy. I'm beginning to believe that the will personale è superiore a qualsiasi consiglio, forse persino alla realtà stessa. Se vuoi veramente che una cosa accada, accadrà.

Che giudizio daresti a San Francisco rispetto a Londra?

Sono due città completamente diverse. Se penso a Londra penso alle agenzie web, alla velocità e la potenza della città. San Francisco è invece la mecca delle startup, un posto dove vanno i visionari che vogliono cambiare il mondo. La città è piccola, comoda, ma anche meno veloce e divertente di Londra.

Torneresti in Italia?

Torno in Italia tutte le volte per una bella vacanza e, credo, farò so for a long time. I know that many will disagree, but I see Italians plaintive, little concrete and used to work around problems rather than deal with them. In this regard there is a fantastic book by Antonio Pascale entitled "Here we have to do something," I advise everyone to read it. Once discovered they can build a life in a thousand different cultures, a culture such as the Italian always reject me like a spring, unless you get tired of traveling.

If and when that day comes will give you a happy new interview:)

thank Luca remembering to follow his blog about .

dream of being location independent?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

M Jak Milosc 802 Odcinek Online

Moving to Brussels as a programmer.

Andima After the interview on his life abroad programs, again following an interview where he explains step by step how to emigrate to Belgium.

where you can find some tips to find work in Brussels?

searching the web I'm sure you will find thousands of pages on the subject, probably many of them will be in English, some will take several years, others less so. Surely the comparison between more than one source helps to clarify ideas. Council to place your CV on:

E 'possible to find work in Brussels, speaking only English?

E 'possible. In general at the European Commission and at all companies that do consulting or in any way relate to it, English is often the only language. Even among Belgian companies could find work only with English but lack of other languages \u200b\u200bshould be bypassed by a curriculum of a certain level. However, not speaking French or Nederland definitely been putting aside most of the jobs on the market from this point of view, waiting, patience and commitment are the key words to use.

How are the wages in Brussels?

generally not very high because of very high taxation. They do however except the salaries of the European Commission and the chance to get the special status of taxation, corporate social responsibility.

Where can I find some tips to look for accommodation in Brussels?

Finding a place to stay and 'a top priority' in the moment in which begins an adventure abroad. The alternatives are generally the same as every other city ': rent a room in a shared apartment with other people or rent a flat (furnished or not).
Anyway I suggest you take a look To:

How can I get around the city?

The best and 'see
site transport of Brussels per avere informazioni esatte su come arrivare in orario senza perdersi.
Un consiglio, comprate sempre una mappa dettagliata della citta', di quelle con libretto contenente un indice delle strade, vi servira' sistematicamente.

Per qualunque domanda, non esitate a contattare Andima su

Friday, January 14, 2011

Leap Year Year Of Pregnancy

job as a programmer

Forse per caso a Bruxelles e’ il nome del suo blog. Lui si chiama Antonio alias Andima, e questa la sua storia.

Chi e' Andima?

28enne italiano, nato in Germania ma cresciuto in Campania, ora vive in Belgio ma viene in verità da Dublino insieme alla sua dolce metà di Madrid. Insomma nato già italiano all'estero, poi è tornato ad esserlo con il tempo per ristabilire o soltanto identificare gli equilibri necessari, un po' come il "Creato io creo, è l'unico equilibrio, è l'unica giustizia" di Paul Eluard. Beh, le cose son sempre un po' complicate, si sa, l'importante è provarci e sorridere... insieme.
(Ecco, se volevate una descrizione veloce, potete anche fermarvi qui).

Insomma, chi sei?

Sono un ragazzo del sud Italia nato in Germania da genitori italiani all'epoca emigrated for different reasons. I could not get next to nothing about German culture, because after three years the family decided to return to Italy, in a village on the Cilento coast, where they are then grown.
In life I did a little 'all over to pay for the first installment of the motor and then the college expenses: the clerk in a grocery store to the transporter of dairy products, by the click (photographer / animator) to the cashier to the mask (dress Mickey, from Tweety, to take photos with children), and cultivate my passion for writing and drawing. Convinced that all that art would have given me a brilliant career, unemployment, decided to devote myself to one of my other passions, computers.
Anni dopo ho conseguito prima la Laurea triennale e poi la specialistica in Informatica all'Università di Salerno.

Motivo per cui hai lasciato l'Italia?

Dopo 10 mesi di contratto presso il laboratorio universitario dove avevo lavorato ai miei progetti di tesi, decisi che era tempo di cambiare. L'idea di provarci a Roma o Milano, come la maggior parte dei miei amici laureati, non mi allettava, cosi' ho iniziato a studiare (di nuovo) durante gli ultimi mesi di contratto che avevo presso l'Università, ottenendo due certificazioni Java Sun (Sun Java Programmer e Sun Business Component Developer), perché avevo già in mente di andare all'estero e temevo che da neolaureato il mio cv would not be too convincing. I decided to go to Dublin where I had been for two weeks during a course in English, because I liked the city (a capital city not too big, English-speaking, friendly people) and especially because at that time the major computer companies had the its European headquarters in Ireland (Google, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Dell, etc..) and I had a better chance of challenging work experience.

Reason why you left Dublin?

After a year and a half in Ireland began a major crisis to hit multiple areas and was working at the company began having financial problems. At the same time My girlfriend (aka Dublin) was about to leave Ireland with Paris in mind. While the layoffs began in the company and several Irish manager (my former colleagues) tried to get me in other companies in which they had in turn been made recently, she was able to divert to another European capital, which is closer to Dublin as size and equally challenging: Brussels. I wanted to stay more years in Ireland and job opportunities were not lacking despite the crisis, but a series of coincidences and the desire to discover new vistas have the upper hand to take me to Belgium. So I did not leave Dublin to Brussels the second best in the grounds of the former city are similar to some characteristics, diversissime per altre, non esiste un peggio o un meglio universale ma soltanto un equilibrio che soddisfi i propri compromessi personali, per questo si può stare bene a Roma, a Londra come a Stoccolma. E non escludo di tornare a Dublino in futuro.

Conoscevi gia' il francese?

No, non lo conoscevo. Inviavo cv e lettera di presentazione in inglese. Questo ovviamente preclude molte porte, la maggioranza delle offerte spesso cita esplicitamente la conoscenza di almeno una delle due lingue (se non entrambe), ma spesso applicavo ugualmente perché non avevo nulla da perdere, sapevo che l'inglese lo avrebbero capito e magari di fronte ad un profilo adeguato per una posizione aperta avrebbero comunque provato to call me. Try not harmful, in fact.

All calls are conducted in English and if anyone had asked me if I had wanted to learn French, the answer was always the same: of course, as soon as I had moved to Belgium I would have enrolled in an evening course in French language. For

talks idem. All in English and I continued to work at least the first year in English without any problems, then slowly I started parlicchiare a little French and now I work using both languages.

Do you feel you have chosen the right path now living in Brussels?

Brussels is not 'a capital of fashion, as might be London, Barcelona or Amsterdam, but it contains a myriad of little surprises that make the stay in Belgium is certainly interesting. Learning a new language, French is certainly an exciting challenge, although there are many foreigners who continue to live in the Belgian capital by using only the English, often not perfectly. After the Irish experience then, I learned a lot about how to act in the face of different cultures and habits, and understand that there are things strange or wrong, they're just different approaches to the same problem or methodologies emerged from different cultural and historical contexts. And this helps. Brussels is definitely an international city, hosting the headquarters of the European Commission, NATO and many national and regional authorities foreign countries: the mix is \u200b\u200bat home and the diversity that results is certainly an asset to the city and for those who live there. I'm glad to have arrived in Brussels and I will stay there much longer.

Tornesti ever in Italy?

For the moment no, not by the government, of some habits or who knows what other complaints, but simply because they live elsewhere, having found a good balance because of my work and personal satisfaction. Probably will never go back to Italy because my girlfriend is a foreigner, because after having lived 24 years is right to spend more time elsewhere and to discover new worlds, because basically we are less and less foreign especially in Europe, where globalization and European laws make it more welcoming each country in terms of products available, ease of communication costs for slaughter and flight connections. However this question will always remain a question mark ghost, there in some time in the future waiting to be answered.

and you think 'can be found working in IT abroad from Italy?

I found a job in Brussels from Dublin, loading and applying the CV (in English, although maybe the deals were in French or Dutch) for the different deals every night (every damn night for a month) was looking for, if I was looking directly concerned sul sito web dell'azienda (e non tramite monster) per le posizioni aperte o per i contatti ed inviavo il cv sempre con una lettera di presentazione spesso modificata in base all'azienda/posizione in questione.
Ho ricevuto una decina di chiamate in un mese, qualcuna quasi una chiacchierata altre quasi un colloquio telefonico (sempre rigorosamente in inglese, se chiedevano del francese dicevo che lo avrei imparato una volta in Belgio), tre delle quali hanno deciso di andare avanti (altre mentirono, non facendosi più sentire, scoraggia un po' ma capita). Alla fine due aziende pagarono volo Dublino-Bruxelles, feci un colloquio nelle loro rispettive sedi e scelsi una delle due.
Arrivai a Bruxelles con già un lavoro, grande comodità, sure. In short, persistence, smarts and a little 'luck, I think this is the formula to be applied.

I believe that the same experience could be repeated with changing Dublin Italy.

Andima Thanks. Follow his fantastic blog here:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Get The Combination For A Casehard

Brussels to London looking for work and home by Italian agencies.

If you have decided to try the experience of living in London do not ever ask the agencies for a fee.

These are the reasons:
  1. pay someone to find work (through agencies or private) and 'illegal.
  2. The services offered are the same that you could find a job by contacting the center, Reed, Adecco, etc. ... without shedding a pound.
  3. Employers serious knowing they do not use agencies that do not follow the laws.
  4. pay to get a job means finding the other side an unscrupulous employer.
  5. Looking for a house and 'easy even without a strong knowledge of English.
  6. Why 'book a house before you even see it? A normal lease does not follow this procedure at all.
  7. Find a language school and 'as more' simple. In London there are hundreds, and the quality 'of service' by verifiable evidence that lessons are free.
These are the agencies to which I refer.

I'm sure there are others. As Stan? It 's very simple:
  1. They tell you that finding a job in London and' very easy, just subscribe to their site. Yet if you read my previous posts, and the feeling 'quite another.
  2. asks you to pay to find work. Then you will discover that the service despite not being entirely truthful, remember that you pay for this service in the UK and 'ILLEGAL.
  3. ask you to book the room before even seeing it. No rent houses or apartments every other day. In reality, 'It's hostels, and those that will be booked.
  4. will ensure the best English school at reasonable prices. Even so, they choose for you always to their advantage.
  5. Do you have any questions about this or that agency? Use of the Internet to seek feedback.
These agencies sometimes pear 'exploit the Internet to their advantage. So it 'very likely to find markers of positive feedback from them. Do not be fooled by those who say that you and 'had a wonderful adjectives billion using the feedback if he were angry that after yelling thieves!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Roulette Machines

Letter to those who dream of emigrating to London.

few hours ago I received the following mail:

"Hello Marco Stefano ...

I wanted to ask you something. I'm beginning to move from now on
two directions, one in Paris and London. I will start after the Epiphany
to send my resume and my portfolio around via e-mail to September because
I would try to move too though for now I have very little money aside.
My obstacle, psychological, is that here in Rome 1050 € Monthly
take them, but it is clear that I nn prospects Rome, and above all to me really
stew. I was here 30 years there may be enough, at the bottom of the world is so big.
I confess that part I'm also afraid to move, but I think it's normal
perhaps because I have to leave in alone. However I feel I want to do
also here because I get bored very well and I put on some of chiletto
too ... I would like to dispose of so it's good that I move.
If in these days will send you my CV and my portfolio both in pdf format, if you happen
opportunity using your knowledge from there, maybe you could give it to some
study architecture? Thank you very much. ..

Marco "

Hello Mark, a question on the fly, have you tried to move at your university ', asking the secretary if there are projects abroad?
also informed if there is' a professor who may refer you a destination for more 'specific. At a time chosen London or Paris, just' cause attracted by their prestige, but it turns out that there was a strong Enquiry Form your profile in other European countries.

There are also several PHD (doctorate research) abroad, try to look for one that might be for you. Try search on .

Unfortunately I do not know of any study of architecture here in London, not 'my field, but you could still try to look for one from Rome via the Internet.

control on the major search sites such as labor could be your chance 'abroad. For example, here is very . but there are also and

The language course and 'the greatest obstacle' great for anyone, but not all. Check as well and 'structured your resume, each country follows its own rules.

A suggestion, take a look at the various templates that you can download here:

About a month, if you can September 1, could make a difference here in London for several reasons.

The climate may still be mild, but believe me the winter comes quickly here and the days fly easily, if he meets the job search, the comfort 'to turn this city' without pecking the rain could materially and morally be less stressful.

addition, if you, like everyone else, try to look for a transitional work for a living.

For example, I estimate that an average of £ 700 a month is enough to live here. From May

London is filled with tourists, then the vacancies in the various pubs increased to the peak in August, because students go home and then release a lot of places "golden", or the fantastic part-time. While in London in September became repopulated, and thus competition in the search for one of these jobs I have to say that could be ruthless.

different story for the professions more 'specific and not related to food. The months are just unwrapped in December and perhaps in August. But trust me, once opened that door, it will also come satisfaction.

regard to emigrate, be prepared to lose pounds in abundance, stress will be 'high and there are moments of discouragement. But even discover that you are not alone and that there are many people like you who try with all their might to realized.

And then there's me here, so at least a beer you can 'get together.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wallmart Marshmellow Shooter

What 'the capital of the United Kingdom? Coming soon to 2011

If you were to ask what is 'the capital of the UK, surely the answer' London. But London 'a city'? That 's all to see.


I'm back to you, with best wishes for a Happy New Year. Unfortunately I have not found more 'how to write since November 1st me and my partner we decided to move in a more' remote inoltre ho ricevuto solo da un paio di settimane internet, quindi non vi dico che delusione quando il 22 dicembre, giorno in cui me l’hanno attivata, ho provato a connettermi con Skype per chiamare in Italia. Ricorderete che fu proprio in quella data che Skype ando’ giu’.

Detto cio’, passiamo al post del giorno, se non dell’anno.

Per chi vive qui a Londra da mesi come me, risultera’ un concetto ormai banale. Ma per chi di voi avesse in mente di di venire a vivere dalle parti del vostro informatico migratore, potrebbe faticare e non poco nel sapere distinguere tra distretti e regioni.

Infatti dire di Londra una citta’ e un concetto del tutto erratto. Attualmente il concetto London's capital is to be referred to the Greater London or the region (county) and not the city itself, so much so that all government institutions (starting from coronation of the king in Westminster Abbey) are located in the City of Westminster . So

Greater London is divided into 33 districts, 32 boroughs and the City:

1. City of London (or City)

2. City of Westminster

3. Kensington and Chelsea

4. Hammersmith and Fulham

5. Wandsworth

6. Lambeth

7. Southwark

8. Tower Hamlets

9. Hackney

10. Islington

11. Camden

12. Brent

13. Ealing

14. Hounslow

15. Richmond upon Thames

16. Kingston upon Thames

17. Merton

18. Sutton

19. Croydon

20. Bromley

21. Lewisham

22. Greenwich

23. Bexley

24. Havering

25. Barking and Dagenham

26. Redbridge

27. Newham

28. Waltham Forest

29. Haringey

30. Enfield

31. Barnet

32. Harrow

33. Hillingdon